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Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 2:00 am
by Dark Slayer Larry
Hi, am Dark Slayer Larry, but you can just call me Larry. Am very creative and a good person, my main is creating new campaigns with new enemies, here is is my 1st mini-campaign, somewhat of Aliens.

1st Map, Lazarer Outsides.
!General, we heard a crash outside our castle! Its very rare on this times after the Twilight Elves were defeated. It was detected nearby our loyal garden, it shouldn´t be what do we think? Lets see!

The map has 2 entrances and 1 exit, however it will only start with 1 entrance, and at wave 4, it will appear a Shamuran Shockwing and start to shock the trees, letting another path of creeps pass.
It has 14 strategic points, however there are less in the another entrance, making controling both sides be harder.
It has 15 waves.
Strategies: Baburian Giants and Firegourds matter are the biggest problem here, especially if they come from the another side, this will make a deathzone, were they never stop healing and damaging, the main of this is controling main entrance and putting a few high level towers at the final, finishing or killing the another side enemies.

Terrain Features
An Alien Ship will drop at 3, 5,8,9, 12 and 14 wave, it will crash, dealing 300 true damage, and then it will drop 4 Shamurans Shockwings and 1 Firegourd Matter if it is after 10th wave, if not, it will drop 2 more Shamurans.

Enemies (Normal difficulty only)
Starting enemies: Gnoll Gnawers, gnolls and Gnoll Blighters

Shamuran Shockwing (Wave 3)
Mutated humans that belong to their masters, uses dangerous Alien electric Dual blades.

HP: 300
Attack: 16-27
Armor: Low (15%)
Speed: Medium
Abilities: Will launch its Dual Blades frontaly in a unit range, it will travel and come back, dealing 25-37 damage each hit, can hit multiple units, 8 seconds cooldwon.
Life Cost: 1

Dark somewhat seeing dragons with a lightning dual blades.
Strategy: This is the first and more often Alien you will see, as you may think, they can decimate low level reinforcements and barracks, making that unusefull against them, however if you pick them with a very well upgraded mage towers, you can kill them easily. However be cautionous if you use low level militia, repeat, even one can decimate a entire barrack
Baburian Giant (Wave 7)
A giant mass form of deformed goo that will crush any unit on its way, from a sure range

HP: 1500
Attack: 40-62
Magical Armor: Medium
Speed: Slow-medium
Abilities: Sometimes will throw a poison goo from its mouth, wich will create a misterious, but dangerous puddle, wich will heal unvertebrated enemies (Shamurans, Firegourds, Scatter Shotters and another Baburians Giants)and damage proggresively barracks units, heroes and reinforcements, it will drop too another one on death. It stays for 5 seconds. (13 seconds cooldown) (Acts like Godieth pool) (Has something like the 1 1/2 of the golden longbows range, its a bit inaccurate)
Life Cost: 3

A giant goo, it has a face like a squid, where it shots the goo, it doesn´t have legs.
Strategy: One of the most dangerous and annoying enemies of this mini-campaign, why? Additionaly of having high health AND having MAGICAL armor, it can spit a goo from a long distance to a random location (must be in range) creating dangerous pools wich will kill your units if you dont micro-manage them, killing them, if it were units fighting, it will be more dangerous, since it will heal them proggresively as long they stay at the pool, the most effective strategy is to put closely a Bladeslingers barracks, that would kill him easily without much diffuclty.

Firegourd Matter (Wave 10)
Mutated old flamecasters, equiped with a extreme conditional flame cannon.

HP: 650
Attack: 23-30
Magical Armor: Low
Speed: Slow-Medium
Abilities: Ranged attack, will create a small flame pool wich will progresivetily damage and kill units, it deals 15 damage each 1/2 second, stays for 5 seconds. (Very small AoE, that will kill the unit if it stands ON it.
Life Lost: 1

Something like orange soldiers with a corrosive fluid and a single flamecannon on their right hand.
Strategy: Almost equal to the Goblin Bomber of the original, but these are proggresive and more relisent, making a lot of barracks inefficient if they are in range, you should adopt the same thing than Gnoll Blighters, however consider that have higher attack and come very often protected by Shamurans Shockwings, so by emergency you should reserve a lightning bolt.

2nd map: The Forgotten Mine
We recently got a message from the miners, they saw a rare activity at the bottom of the mine, the most probable is that are aliens, and the most probable thing is that they are using our crystals to power up their armies, so be warny
The crystals of this cave are very spiky, so it should appear some enemies with Crystal equipment

There are 3 entrances, 2 from up and 1 from the left, and 2 defense points, bottom left and right, there are 13 strategic points, with 2 scouts camps, one at the middle and 1 at the left entrance.
It has 14 waves
Strategies: Infantry will die very easily by the new enemies, and by its full dispersion is reccomended to use circles and an AoE tower, these should help with most of the things.
Coming enemies: Shamurans, Baburians, Firegourds, razorboars and screeching bats.
New enemies: Stalamite Stalkers and Swordsprite tripods

New enemies (Normal only):

Stalamite Stalker (Wave 5)
Antique aliens that lived in this zone, now infused with crystal weaponary.

HP: 375
Attack: 7-11 (Attacks 3 times each second)
Armor: None
Speed: Fast
Abilities: Ranged attack, super fast fire rate and has a 15% critical chance on each hit to deal 100% more damage.
Lives Lost: 1

Yellow aliens, somewhat seeing like Shamurans, but it has 2 hand cannons with a lot of crystals in each one
Strategy: Dont be fooled by its appearance, they can triture all low level barracks, making them even more powerfull than harassers on unarmored foes, try to upgrade to something high fast before they wreck your defenses, and dont use low defense heroes, will be killed very fast.

Swordsprite tripods (Wave 8):
Crystal machines, unknowly they can move and attack normally, even that it hasn´t a core, they like mostly to fight against alone units.

HP: 775
Attack: 40-60
Magical armor: High
Speed: Medium
Abilities: Telekinesis (9 second cooldown): With its hand implemented with gravitacional force, they will attract the nearbiest unit/hero to them, engaging fight with them, cannot do this if it is fighting.
Tripods made with crystals, and a blue energy on its center, and a red bandada on its head.
Lifes Lost: 2

Strategy: Try to have all your barracks protected by another towers, if not it can kill individualy your barrack units, try to put a Weirdwood to deal some CC to it, and make your towers finish it, and remember that beign a strong enemy they come somewhat often, so be on your mind how dangerous can be to low lvl players.

3rd Map: The APM (Alien Production Mines):
We eliminated and removed the Aliens from the valious mine zone, however thier base has not ended yet, lets finish them! Oh, and general, a warning, we detected a powerfull energy inside, so you should be very warny of big things
The map is somewhat looking like Darklight Depths with some Alien Tecnology, the map is the Same as Darklight Depths, however at wave 6 and 9 will appear some holografical bridges, what will act and be in the same place as climbing places.
It has 10 strategic points, and it has 2 magic blossoms because the Aliens were experimenting with this rare magic flowers
It has 17 waves + 1 boss wave
Strategies: The big enemies will be a big deal on this level, since they come in pretty big numbers, a golden longbow can kill them, however the number of creatures that appear are very often, a Bladeslinger barracks should remove the small enemies and stall the big ones, a Wild Magus is pretty effective, especially with Vaporizate.

Enemies (Normal only):
Starting enemies: All Alien enemies except Baburian Giant and Fungus Braders
New enemies: Behemoth, Annilathor and the boss, Shieldbearer Portalizer

Behemoth (Wave 4):
Elite giant enemies, their legs thoughness make them faster and deadlier
Important, I have 2 ideas of this creature, so it wil be shown with a parenthesis
HP: 1300 (1450)
Attack: 30-45 (25-40) Attacks at the same rate as an enemy is at melee.
Armor: Low (Medium)
Speed: Med-high (Somewhat like a bit less of a harasser)- (Medium- Fast when enraged)
Abilties: Ranged Attack (Ranged attack, after beign at below 40% health will activate and soak its orange stimulants, increasing its attack speed and speed by 50%)
Its like a big Marine Soldier with like Raptor green legs, and a big gun, however the 2nd version has a tubular stimulants with something orange liquid, that will dissapear when it soaks it.
Lifes Lost: 3 (3)
Strategy: 1st Idea: This monster isn´t much a novedate, however its above average speed for a giant makes it very though, as it comes more and VERY often at the final of the level, Golden Longbows are pretty nice against them, as its instakill should rest all the another enemies about it.

Annilathor (Wave 8):
Big monsters with mortal guns, however their core reduces their speed systems.

HP: 3000
Attack: 70-150
Armor: Medium
Speed: Low (Something lke a Juggernaut, may a bit more)
Abilities: Ranged attack, when it dies, creates a small, unmovable orb wich has a death aura (25 DPS) it has a short range, lasts for 13 seconds, inmune to most instakills (Except Vindicator and Shrine of Elyne)
Lifes Lost: 5
A robot with 4 legs and 2 deadly cannon guns, with an eye that is its core, its something ovalated the form.
Strategies: You can see this enemy annoying at the start, but its very, very slow, so you´ll have a lot of time to kill it before it wrecks your defenses, a Wild Magus or an Archdruid should use this benefically, as the Wild Magus will deal A LOT of damage against it because its very slow, and Archdruid can kill the Meatshields around it with Sylvan Curse, if an Annilathor is almost to the final, you should use Thunderbolt or a damaging skill.

Shieldbearer Portalizer (After final wave):
A giant robot with a very highly dangerous social issues, it almost broke the Originbook most friends, until someone passed it by 1 and enraged, feeling like know, it will just move his friends to you.
Will appear at the 1st chokepoint of the map, jumping like a ball and then transforming, will curlp up its shield after that.

HP: 8500
Attack: Inoffensive, but the explosion instakill every unit.
Magical Armor: Medium (It has high physical armor while its shield is curl up)
Speed: Something slower than an Annilathor, maybe equal to a Juggernaut
Abilities: Can curlp up a shield (each 14 seconds after its destroyed, it curls up when it gets to it) of 1350 HP, that will have physical armor, when its broke, it will create an enormous explosion around him that will instakill every unit (not enemies) on its range, can stand at the ground and open a portal that will summon random units (Any), proportionally. Example: It can summon 30 Gnolls, but it can only summon one Twilight Golem and something else as a meatshield, cannot summon a Golem at the almost end of the exit, and any unit at NEARLY of the exit
Lifes Lost: 20
Somethig like a Bomb Releper of Supreme Commander 2, however it has 2 hands and a Big core, where it will summon units.
Strategy: Bring some artrillery against this guy, as the units will act as a meatshield, additionally of ignoring its shield with the upgrade, IF it summons a Twilight Golem or an Heretic you should be very warny, as it will speed up and leak, additionaly some Alien Enemies will come so be VERY, VERY warny of big creatures.

Thanks for any feedback and suggestions, all are appreciated, and thanks to Sinque Productions for help me a little of balancing.
PD: Of course I need a map, Razor should help me, so isn´t soo much ended yet.

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 3:03 am
by Sinque Productions
Welcome to the forums!

I love this idea!

I will do a review of it soon.

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 7:45 pm
by Dark Slayer Larry
Added strategy section to 1st level enemies.

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 8:21 pm
by AerisDraco
Welcome to the Forums!

Also, Blade Furry :lol:

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Thu May 05, 2016 5:05 pm
by Dark Slayer Larry
Added the 2nd level, the forgotten mine, pls, I want some balance or feedback about this, in some days, I´ll make the last level, with a dangerous boss battle.

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 2:31 am
by Sinque Productions
Here are my change suggestions:
Shamuran Shockwing: Increase his health to 325 and decrease his damage 15- 25. I would also decrease his ability damage by half and increase the cool down to 16 seconds. At his current state, squads can rip through barrack units, rendering them useless. Yet they can be easily killed by other towers.

I would change it so Baburian Giant comes out on wave 10 and Firegourd Matter comes out on wave 7 (switch)

I would give Baburian Giant's ability a close-medium range, and he can't use it when fighting units. Maybe add a thing where a has 25% chance to miss because he is so clumsy :lol:

Firegourd Matter: Lose the ability and make him not ranged at all. Instead, he makes units go on fire. I would decrease his health to 600.

Overall, I love the enemies, but they make barracks absolutely useless in their current state. Barracks are meant to stall, and right now they can't because they will be instantly ranged killed. Even if they get in combat, the enemies will rip apart barrack units and keep going.

I will do a review of the second level soon (hopefully tomorrow).

P.S. You might able to get Razor to make a map for your levels.

P.P.S. I can't wait to see your boss level any mini campaigns in the future :D

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 2:51 am
by Dark Slayer Larry
Modified some units as request and SPOILERS, let you think what will come next, see ya! :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey: :yey:

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Fri May 06, 2016 9:01 pm
by Dark Slayer Larry
FINALLY, the final boss appeared, and 2 new big enemies, be prepeared to be teleported to your DOOM!

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2016 12:30 am
by Sinque Productions
Here is my review of The Forgotten Mine:
Stalamite Stalker: Maybe decrease its health to 325 or 300, as speed usually means weak. Otherwise, they should be in smallish numbers.

Swordsprite tripods: I LOVE this enemy and its stats. The only thing I would change is to make the lives lost go up to 3 (this is a strong unit, right) and to make the ability (telekinesis) work even if the unit is already fighting. Otherwise, the unit will go to the Swordsprite anyway.

I will do the boss battle tomorrow or later today.

P.S. You can ask Razor for a map by sending him a private message (go to his profile and click "send private message")

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2016 12:32 am
by AerisDraco
Speed doesn't necessarily mean low HP.

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2016 2:03 am
by Dark Slayer Larry
Sinque Productions wrote:Here is my review of The Forgotten Mine:
Stalamite Stalker: Maybe decrease its health to 325 or 300, as speed usually means weak. Otherwise, they should be in smallish numbers.

Swordsprite tripods: I LOVE this enemy and its stats. The only thing I would change is to make the lives lost go up to 3 (this is a strong unit, right) and to make the ability (telekinesis) work even if the unit is already fighting. Otherwise, the unit will go to the Swordsprite anyway.

I will do the boss battle tomorrow or later today.

P.S. You can ask Razor for a map by sending him a private message (go to his profile and click "send private message")

Well, stalamite stalkers are somewhat like Harassers, however they are much deadlier with low level barracks, and of your comment, do you remember Xzzy? The super fast boss?
Well, I do not want to punish a lot the tripods, but they are much to lonekill out of range intesead of all targeting it, its too much punishment for a creature with 800 HP, I will not do it (Remember that here, barracks and heroes can be heavily punished, so its too much lives, but it can be, however not very problable)
I know, but I prefer to make him value my map first (and he said it), but yes, I´ll send a message to him

PD: Of the telekinesis, it wouldn´t work very well, since it will not fight it and it wouldn´t use it nicely, because it would recieve extra damage.

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2016 2:05 am
by Dark Slayer Larry
AerisDraco wrote:Speed doesn't necessarily mean low HP.

Yes, that´s true, doesn´t means exactlly, like Xyzzy (However these are something like Harassers)
And a question? How do you find my mini-campaign?

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2016 2:35 am
by Sinque Productions
Dark Slayer Larry wrote:
AerisDraco wrote:Speed doesn't necessarily mean low HP.

Yes, that´s true, doesn´t means exactlly, like Xyzzy (However these are something like Harassers)
And a question? How do you find my mini-campaign?

Yes but Xyzzy can be stalled easily because of his low damage. His is still lowish on health anyway (compared to the other bosses). Besides, he is a boss so it doesn't apply so much.

Looking at the fastest units in the game, the wulfs, sandhounds, and hyenas, they all have the lowest health, the highest being 45 HP. The conga hat simulator, TF2 has the scout, the fastest of the nine classes have the lowest health. Why? Because if an enemy is fast and high HP, he can't killed easily and will rush past your defenses. In the case of TF2, the scout is hard to hit, which is his armor/HP.

Also if the telekinesis for the tripods doesn't effect units that are already fighting, you might as well delete it because it does nothing.

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2016 2:46 am
by AerisDraco
Don't delete it; it seems unique.

What about the Bandersnatch, or the Golem when it first enters?

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2016 3:13 am
by Sinque Productions
AerisDraco wrote:Don't delete it; it seems unique.

What about the Bandersnatch, or the Golem when it first enters?

Bandersnatches are easy to stall and when they do they aren't that difficult.
But if you didn't notice, I said they should have low HP or come in small groups. This applies to Golems and Bandersnatches.
Also Golems don't go fast.

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2016 8:29 am
by Juice Box
Sinque wrote:Yes but Xyzzy can be stalled easily because of his low damage.

He has an instakill.

Sinque wrote:Looking at the fastest units in the game, the wulfs, sandhounds, and hyenas, they all have the lowest health, the highest being 45 HP.

- WInter Wulves
- Demon Hounds
- Bandersnatch
- Lycan
- Rocket Riders
- Poukai

Bandersnatches are actually one of the hardest to stall, too. Basically auto-AoE and rips apart all three Barracks in a few seconds,

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2016 9:25 am
by Chimto
Sinque Productions wrote:The conga hat simulator, TF2 has the scout, the fastest of the nine classes have the lowest health. Why? Because if an enemy is fast and high HP, he can't killed easily and will rush past your defenses. In the case of TF2, the scout is hard to hit, which is his armor/HP.

KR is a PvE game, not a PvP one. Enemies do not need to (and indeed must not) be balanced around each other.

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Sat May 07, 2016 1:18 pm
by Big Bad Bug
Actually, JB, Xyzzy's instakill was patched in one of the updates. He now deals his specified attack damage to soldiers and heroes, though his ground-pounding ability might as well be an AOE instakill anyways, so your point still stands. ;)

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2016 12:38 am
by Sinque Productions
Sinque wrote:
Juice Box wrote:Looking at the fastest units in the game, the wulfs, sandhounds, and hyenas, they all have the lowest health, the highest being 45 HP.

- WInter Wulves
- Demon Hounds
- Bandersnatch
- Lycan
- Rocket Riders
- Poukai

If you didn't see, I wrote they should either be weak, or come in small groups.

Re: Mini-Campaign: The Landing of Ulzor

PostPosted: Wed May 11, 2016 1:17 am
by Juice Box
Sinque Productions wrote:
Sinque wrote:
Juice Box wrote:Looking at the fastest units in the game, the wulfs, sandhounds, and hyenas, they all have the lowest health, the highest being 45 HP.

- WInter Wulves
- Demon Hounds
- Bandersnatch
- Lycan
- Rocket Riders
- Poukai

If you didn't see, I wrote they should either be weak, or come in small groups.

Well, then:
- WInter Wulves
- Demon Hounds
- Lycan
- Rocket Riders
- Poukai