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Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:41 pm
by Manijure
So one of my friends asked me to take a personality test for a survey he is working on, and I thought it is a very comprehensive and cool test that reflects well on one's persona. Here's the link if you guys are interested:

It's not a long test (took me less than five minutes), and it categorizes who you are in five sections: Extroversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, Openness, and Neuroticism by percentages. Try it out; I think you'll like it!

Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 4:42 pm
by Manijure
As for my results:

Extroversion: 55%
Agreeableness: 70%
Conscientiousness: 62.5%
Openness: 87.5%
Neuroticism: 32.5%

Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:04 pm
by Magnus0
openness: 60%
conscientiousness: 70%
extraversion: 15%
agreebleness: 70%
neurotiscm: 40%

OMG all round numbers! I like round numbers.

Anyway, this is pretty accurate. I can speak for myself in a familiar situation, but I'm scared as hell to try new things or simply ask someone I don't know a question. I struggled signing up for this very forum because I didn't know what to expect. I like being on my own and rather help someone else to reach his or her goal than to stand in the spotlight myself. I'm not very competitive unless playing with my friends or family. So yeah, this test is pretty accurate.

Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:31 pm
by Juice Box
Do you know about MBTI? It's a lot like Big Five but way better and more detailed, in my opinion. Got really into studying it at one point. If you haven't seen it, you should go check it out.

Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 5:40 pm
by Manijure
Juice Box wrote:Do you know about MBTI? It's a lot like Big Five but way better and more detailed, in my opinion. Got really into studying it at one point. If you haven't seen it, you should go check it out.

I think I have heard about it before a while back, but I haven't looked into it. I'll explore it a bit.

Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 6:16 pm
by magicmetal03
My results

Openness: 60%
Conscientiousness: 50%
Extraversion: 22.5%
Agreeableness: 52.5%
Neuroticism: 57.5%

Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2016 8:38 pm
by The Kingmaker
Ding Ding DIng!

The only results that matter are in......

Experience: 77.5%
Conscientious: 72.5%
Extraversion: 47.5%
Agreeableness: 57.5%
Neuroticism: 75% (AWWWW YEAH)

EDIT: I just did the MBTI test and got Protagonist, so I should probably go and rally my armies for the righteous cause (even though that isn't really me)

Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 1:53 am
by Ninja
My results:

Openness: 80%
Conscientiousness: 70%
Extraversion: 45%
Agreeableness: 57.5%
Neuroticism: 15%


@Kingmaker: Is that "AWWWW YEAH" sarcastic? Neuroticism is not generally considered a good trait. ;)

Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 2:18 am
by Manijure
The Kingmaker wrote:Ding Ding DIng!

The only results that matter are in......

Experience: 77.5%
Conscientious: 72.5%
Extraversion: 47.5%
Agreeableness: 57.5%
Neuroticism: 75% (AWWWW YEAH)

EDIT: I just did the MBTI test and got Protagonist, so I should probably go and rally my armies for the righteous cause (even though that isn't really me)

Which website did you take the MBTI test? The main page for MBTI requires you to pay $49.95 for a test, and there's noooo way I'm lightening my bank account for that.

Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 2:27 am
by Zonoro13
Openness: 67.5%
Conscientiousness: 20%
Extraversion: 25%
Agreeableness: 30%
Neuroticism: 60%

Seems about right. I hate people quite often

Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 5:49 am
by The Kingmaker
@Ninja: yep, sarcasm, I'm pretty self-deprecating

@Manijure: I googled MBTI test free and several option came up

Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 8:24 am
by FeedDaKingdom
Openness: 47.5%
Conscientiousness: 67.5%
Extraversion: 7.5%
Agreeableness: 37.5%
Neuroticism: 72.5%


Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 9:10 am
by Juice Box
Openness: 60%
Conscentiousness: 80%
Extraversion: 88.5%
Agreeableness: 20% (Whoa!!)
Neuroticism: 30%

So basically I'm a hyperactive control freak? Not exactly right, haha :b .

Anyways, the MBTI equivalent of this (because I've studied everything related to MBTI :b ) is the ENTJ, the commandeering, take-control and demand-results type. I visited a type practitioner once and my actual type is ENFP (bouncy, overly energetic types who love people and get lost in their own thoughts) but with highly developed Te (a cognitive function used by ENTJ's, responsible for their commandeering nature). I already expected inaccurate results since, based on research and personal experience, online tests are usually an unreliable way of determining a person's true type. Oftentimes, if you want to determine your real type, you'd need to consult a type practitioner or take a large number of tests a large number of times. But this was cool, anyway, definitely a nice try :b .

If you guys don't mind, here's a link to the MBTI equivalents of the types you received. Do take note that the site I'm linking is unreliable in nature--it's a very general, mass-consumption site that doesn't actually go into detail about what your type is or how your type thinks, just gives you the gist of what it's like. But if you're new to all this psychological stuff, it's still atleast a good place to start:

Magnus0: INFJ (the "wisdom" type, often has a very overarching and united way of viewing things, is one of the only two types seen to have a direct correlation to heightened intellect)

Magicmetal03: INxx (can be INFJ, INFP, INTJ or INTP).

Kingmaker: xNFJ (either ENFJ or INFJ, has the unique ability to possess enhanced empathy, most xNFJ's can literally mimic ["copy-paste"] other people's emotions into their own).

Ninja: xNFJ (see Kingmaker's).

[@Ninja and Kingmaker, take that with a grain of salt, since both of you could also be xNxJ's.]

Zonoro: INTP (know-it-all type, thoughts often deep yet scattered and occupy a big portion of time, has increased awareness of conceptual matters but is highly disorganized and incapable regarding real-life situations)

FDK: IxTJ (there's a mega-gap here, but you're either INTJ or ISTJ. Extremely efficient, cold, has difficulty empathising, highly capable problem-solvers, workers and leaders).

I'd like to point out how the vast majority of us are N (Intuitive) types. Intuitives are very rare, as they occupy only 20%-25% of the world's population, the rest being Sensors. N types are the very conceptual, thoughts-based people of the world, the kind of people that normally score high in IQ tests. Introverted Intuitives are often viewed as the "outcasts" or nerds or geeks or whatever, the kind of people who "don't fit in" with the norm. Not really their fault, since only a quarter of the world is like them. Lucky for us Extroverted Intuitives, though, our outgoing, people-loving nature allows us to atleast balance out our Intuitive status and still be able to relate with people. Good for us :b .

Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 11:34 am
by magicmetal03
I got INFP as a result when I took the test.

Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:18 pm
by warbot1000
magicmetal03 wrote:I got INFP as a result when I took the test.


Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:50 pm
by Manijure
I got INFJ-T (T for turbulent instead of assertive regarding identity).

Introverted: 59%
Intuitive: 67%
Feeling: 84%
Judging: 54%
Turbulent: 61%


Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 12:59 pm
by Juice Box
Manijure wrote:I got INFJ-T (T for turbulent instead of assertive regarding identity).

Introverted: 59%
Intuitive: 67%
Feeling: 84%
Judging: 54%
Turbulent: 61%


Oops! Sorry, forgot to put your link in. Anyways, yup, your results in Big Five correlate with an xNFJ. Fitting :b .

Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 2:19 pm
by tmn loveblue
Openness: 47,5% (Low)
Conscientious: 77,5% (High)
Extraversion: 25% (Low)
Agreeableness: 70% (Moderate)
Neuroticism: 47,5% (Moderate)

The first trait I find accurate and inaccurate at the same time. I believe I think very fluidly, but I am also quite practical. The second, third and fourth is quite true, but Extraversion is a little low. I do enjoy hanging out with people I know and trust, and such times give me great pleasure. Generally, this test is well made, the questions are short and to the point, making it easy to answer accurately.

#Juice Box, MBTI is quite inaccurate for me. Partly because I choose answers differently each time I test, and partly because the questions are usually quite vague and difficult to answer. The definitions are not easy to understand and sometimes do not match with the traits of real people, for example, I am very introverted, I good at intellectual patterns and sucks at utilizing my 5 senses, I am very much reliant on my logical thoughts, and I am my observant than decisive. That makes me INTP. But I do not totally fit in the definition of INTP found in many popular MBTI sites. I only fit in one, in A Little Bit of Personality. Although, not completely still.

Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 3:13 pm
by Ninja
Juice Box wrote:Ninja: xNFJ (see Kingmaker's).

That seems pretty accurate, though I think that I can fill in that blank myself with an "I", because I know that I'm not extroverted.

Re: Big Five Personality Test

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2016 3:26 pm
by Big Bad Bug
Openness: 77.5% :mrgreen:
Conscientiousness: 87.5% :hero:
Extraversion: 60% :o
Agreeableness: 37.5% :twisted:
Neuroticism: 77.5% :(

I prefer to fancy myself as an INTJ like the 16 Personalities test claims. :)