Ruby's KR Hero Idea Room!

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Ruby's KR Hero Idea Room!

by Ruby_Hex » Fri Mar 18, 2016 8:57 pm

Just a disclaimer, I have transferred some of the topics that were originally on this post, to separate posts. So, if you're wondering what all of the seemingly irrelevant comments are, that's why. :mrgreen:

Name: Kyron the Half-Drake
Gender: Male
HP: 500
Armor: Low
Melee damage: 40-50
Ranged damage: 10-15 (Slow attack rate)
Heal rate: 42
Respawn: 15 seconds
Speed: about as fast as Ashbite
Appearance: Much like a Saurian but larger, with red scales, long white horns and a pair of wings on his back. In his hand he wields a large sword that has a fiery aura around its blade.
Quotes: (As for his voice, think Benedict Cumberbatch if he was gargling nails.)
“I am fire I am death!” “I am the lord of Dragon-fire!” “Well...THIEF?” “Just BURN!” Upon death: YAAAaaargh!

Origin: A great warrior of an ancient empire, Kyron served as an elite guard to his cruel king. Unlike most of his fellow meat-headed warriors, Kyron had an affinity to magic, namely Pyromancy. With this skill, however, came intelligence, and he saw evil in his king. Eventually, Kyron slew his king and escaped from his home city, feeling that his purpose in life had been fulfilled, he began to feel useless and empty...Until his travels led him to Aredhel where he joined the Elven forces and fought against the twilight elves for a ruler that he could once again trust!

Ignus Striker: Kyron has a 40% / 50% / 60% chance to ignite enemies on each attack. (Including ranged attacks)

Inferno Breath: Kyron breath's a blast of fire upon enemies dealing 120 / 150 / 180 damage and sets enemies on fire for 5 / 8 /10 seconds in an AoE.

Burning Overload: Kyron casts a spell on an enemy which sets them on fire for 12 seconds, if the enemy dies then they explode, dealing 3x/4x/5x the enemies total health within an AoE.

Final Strike: Upon death, Kyrons fiery soul lunges out from within his body and performs one last strike, dealing 750 true damage / 850 true damage / Insta-killing the strongest nearby enemy.

Hero spell: Blazing Chariot: Kyron calls down a large dragon made of golden fire that dive-bombs the selected area, the dragon detonates upon impact dealing 350-425 true damage in an AoE and sets enemies caught within the blast on fire for 6 / 8 / 10 seconds.

Name: Auream the Golden Fleece
Gender: Male
HP: 420
Armor: None
Melee Damage: 30-40
Ranged Damage: N/A
Heal Rate: 45
Respawn: 13 seconds
Speed: About as fast as Dante
Appearance: Aureams body is much like a Warg, with black fur and a golden wool coat with glowing red eyes, sharp teeth and golden rams horns.
Quotes: (His voice sorta' sounds like God from Monty Python and the Holy grail but a bit deeper.)
"I see... The end! “Fair trade.” “I have my ways.” “Your time is up!” Upon death: “Baaaah!”

Origin: Once a humble sheep, Auream had a fairly normal life, until the Twilight elves invaded his homeland and slaughtered his flock, with Auream being the last survivor. Auream wandered the land, searching for anything that could give him hope. However, one faithful day, he met a powerful wizard-like entity who agreed to give him the power he would need in order to fight back against the twilight elf nation, so long as he agreed to become the wizards “Avatar.” Auream accepted the entities offer and since then he has been the creature he is today.

Golden Flash: Auream surrounds himself in a bright golden glow that stuns all nearby enemies while also dealing 300 / 350 / 400 damage, distributed among enemies.

Golden Fleece: Aureams fleece generates extra gold for the player to spend, 150 every round / 200 every round / 250 every round

Shining Strike: Auream summons a circle of light that slows all enemies hit by, and makes all ally units caught within the light immune to damage.

Gold Wisp: Auream can summon 2 / 3 / 4 gold wisp's that have 210 / 260 / 310 health each, they cannot attack but are good for stalling enemies, once a wisp is killed it will re-spawn in 30 / 25 / 20 seconds

Hero spell: Precious Aura: Auream cast's a spell on an enemy that deals 15 / 20 / 30 damage every second, upon death the enemy will explode and all enemies caught in the explosion have a 10% / 15% / 20% chance to become cursed by the spell as well, and so on until the spell has finally been dispersed.

Name: Zariba the Hive Mother
Gender: Female
HP: 375
Armor: Medium
Melee Damage: 45 – 60
Ranged Damage: N/A
Heal Rate: 45
Respawn: 12 seconds
Speed: Slightly faster than Dante
Appearance: Zariba's lower half is like that of a large beetle and coming from where the beetles neck would be, is a human-like torso with large shoulder-pads and a beetles head. Her entire body is covered in a thick, dark blue carapace and in her hand she holds a double-bladed spear.
Quotes: ( Zariba sounds a lot like Zagara from Starcraft.)
“Zariba speaks!” “I am the guardian of the hive!” “Hive-mind!” “I'm still the queen!” Upon death: “I...will return"

Origin: Zariba is the Queen of a hive of ancient, bug-like creature's who existed on the planet before being hunted to near extinction by the combined power of the Ogre, Gnoll and Twilight-elf forces, who saw Zariba's race as a possible threat. Being the most powerful of her species, she was the last to survive and sealed herself away in a cocoon, deep underground. Only recently has Zariba been re-awakened and since then, she has joined the Elven forces, only because she wishes to exact her revenge upon those who shattered her empire, and re-colonize her species with her offspring.

Beetle Mines: Every 15 seconds Zariba spawns and egg which she throws into the ground, lasting for 10 seconds each before dying. If an enemy steps on the egg within this time-frame then a beetle will hop out and grab the enemies face, damaging it for 20 / 25 / 30 damage per-second with a 4 / 5 / 6 second time-limit (Plus tower damage). If the enemy dies while the Beetle is on it's face then two more beetles will hop out of it's body and land in a random spot on the ground, continuing the process.

Cobweb Bomb: Zariba can throw a net made of green-ish cobwebs at enemies, slowing them down to 75% / 50% / 25% of their original speed.

Infectious Spit: Zariba shoots a green sphere of liquid from her mouth, at her enemies, slowing them down to 50% of their original speed so long as the are within the puddle of acid, while also poisoning them for 4 / 5 / 6 seconds after they escape the puddle. If they die within the puddle then a beetle-mine has a 30% / 40% / 50% chance of hopping out of the enemies body and landing in the ground.

Parasitic Abduction: Zariba grabs a nearby enemy, so long as they are slightly far away from her. After she does this, she cocoons the enemy in webbing and stands on top of it for a maximum of 9 seconds, and every 3 seconds she generates one more beetle-mine inside the cocoon. Once those nine seconds are up OR she has been damaged by an enemy, she will hop off of the cocoon and several Beetle-mines will hop out, corresponding to the amount of seconds she had to lay eggs in it. The egg-sack's base amount of beetles is 1 / 2 / 3 plus the amount of beetles generated during the time-frame.

Hero spell: Wrath of the Hive: A large mass of greenish webs will appear along side 3 / 4 / 5 Beetle-mines in the selected area, slowing all enemies to 40% / 30% / 20% of their original speed, as well as the beetle-mines which act as I have already described, earlier.

Name: Zol'zag the Goblin Technomancer
Gender: Male
HP: 340
Melee Damage: 10-30 (Slow)
Ranged Damage: 40-65 (Fast)
Heal Rate: 40
Respawn: 11
Speed: About as fast as Sir. Gerald Lightseeker
Appearance: I imagined him to sorta look like this: I also figured he would have mechanical gauntlets that are hooked up to a contraption on his back. P.S. I did not draw this!
Quotes: (He has a fairly zany, excited and sadistic voice. He almost sounds like a cross between a goblin and a Snake if it could talk.)
"Beater and Biter!" "Down, down to goblin town!" "Boom BOOM BOOM!" "Murderers and Elf-friends!" Upon death: "Just a fixer upper..."

Origin: Zolzag is a typical Goblin with a knack for inventions that will often end up exploding or seriously burning you in some way or another. As a young boy, his clan was owned by a group of Twilight elves who used the Goblins as slaves and servants, until all at once, Zolzags camp was raided by a pack of Orcs who wiped out the Twilight elves and stole the Goblins away. The Goblins looked up to the Orcs as their saviors and thus, the Orc-Goblin alliance began to form. Zolzag, however, saw that the Orcs were no better than their previous captors and that the other Goblins were blinded to the Orcs true nature. After many years of living away from the rest of the Goblin society, he had amassed a wealth of knowledge for mechanics and developed his own weapon systems which he used to escape his Orcish overlords and eventually join with the only race he knew he could find peace with, the woodland elves of Aredhel!

Tesla guantlet.01: Zol'zag discharges a blast of electricity from his guantlet that deals 150-175 / 175-200 / 200-225 damage to one enemy, while also dealing 30 damage every second for 4 / 5 / 6 seconds. If the enemy dies with that time-frame, it explodes dealing 350 damage in an AoE around him.

Gnarr Bombs: Zol'zag throws 1 / 2 / 3 Gnarr bombs that look sorta like they have a sharks face. Each bomb rattles around on the ground until an enemy steps on the bomb and causes all Gnarr bombs within the vicinity to explode, dealing 300-350 damage in an AoE around each bomb, setting the ground ablaze for 4 / 5 / 6 seconds.

D.I.S.-Charger: Zol'zag releases a electric blast in an AoE around his body. When he does this, up to 4 / 5 / 6 enemies will be stunned for 2 / 3 / 4 seconds. If the enemy dies while they are stunned then they will explode, dealing 90-100 damage in an AoE.

Spitt-Fyre gun: Every time Zol'zag uses his ranged attack (firing a pistol on his gauntlet) he has a 10% / 20% / 30% chance to shoot a blast of fire instead, hitting multiple enemies in front of him, dealing 90-110 damage to all enemies caught with in the fire while also igniting them for 3 / 4 / 5 seconds.

Hero spell: M.A.W.P: Zol'zag calls down his greatest invention, the Mobile, Air-born, Weapons, Platform or "M.A.W.P." for short. The M.A.W.P. looks like a large, four-winged plane with an exterior made from a bunch of plates of rusty, redish metal. (You know the Orks from Warhammer 40k? Kinda like that.) The M.A.W.P. has several cannons at its base and when summoned, the M.A.W.P. will hover over the selected target for 4 / 5 / 6 seconds, attacking any enemy that comes it's way with an onslaught of mortar shells, each dealing 80-100 / 90-110 / 100-120 damage each in an AoE.

Name: Baeros the Godly Child
Gender: Female
HP: 330
Melee damage: 55 - 65
Ranged damage N/A
Respawn: 14 seconds
Speed: About as fast as Arivan
Appearance: Baeros is clad in sleek gold-colored plate mail with a leather skirt and golden tiara-lookin' thing. Her misty white hair is fairly long as well as being quite full. She also has a red cape, double-bladed spear and pale skin. (Side note: Her spear has red blades.)
"The river will run red." "A red son arises." "By my hand will you fall!" "I bring forth judgment!" Upon death: "I shall linger..."
Origin: Baeros was the physical form of the demigod, Baelossi, and the tool with which Baelossi used to interact with the physical world. However, one day the greater gods deemed that Baelossi had committed unforgivable crimes and cast her out, when in reality, the evil brother of Baelossi (named "Galionn") had framed her. Because of Baelossi having a good-hearted and selfless nature, her last wish was that Baeros could live on as a separate entity from Baelossi, and so, her wish was granted and Baeros continued her life in the mortal realm. Many years later, she was recruited by the Elven forces as their own divine weapon.

Piercing blade: On each attack, Baeros has a 30 / 40 / 50 percent chance to ignore armor.

Spear dance: Baeros spins in a circle, dealing 100-150 / 150-200 / 200-250 damage to all enemies hit by it with a 10% / 15% / 20% chance to insta-kill.

Godly Affliction: Baeros marks up to 2 / 3/ 4 enemies with a glowing red curse that multiplies the damage intake of enemies by 3, plus one more for each level of armor and / or magic resistance that they have. (For example: an enemy with low magic resistance and medium armor will take six times the amount of damage that they would normally take. Is that balanced?)

Deity Strike: Baeros shoots 2 / 3 / 4 red bolts from her spear dealing 200-300 / 300-400 / 400-500 true damage to each enemy that the bolt hits. Each bolt also has a 20 / 30 / 40 percent chance to insta-kill the enemy it hits. If the enemy dies from one of the bolts, then Baeros gets healed for 75% of the enemies total HP.

Hero Spell: Crimson Blaze: Baeros calls upon a blinding red light that hits your selected area. This light negates all magic resistance and armor of enemies caught within it, while also dealing 175 / 250 / 325 damage for every level of magic resistance AND armor that they have, while also dealing 300 damage no matter what.

Bonus enemy ideas! (The first one is based off of heroes of the storm...)

Name: Grave-Golem
HP: 1300
Armor: Low
Magic Resistance: Medium
Speed: Slow
Lives Taken: Four
Damage: 180-220
Special Abilities: Upon death, the Grave Golem will release an explosion that releases 5 skeletons, can summon 2 skeletons every 5 seconds.
Appearance: A large mass of stone and skeletons held together by old tree roots. It has two heads which are made from the skulls of large tusked creatures, it also has a skeletal right hand, skeletal feet and a large rib cage embedded in it's chest.
Description: Created by particularly powerful Necromancers, Grave-golem's are extremely dangerous and can be the source of entire villages being overrun.

Name: The Conkor (Is that too weird?)
HP: 1000 (Conkor) Plus 1500 for each force-field generator. (More about that later...)
Damage: 125 - 225 AoE, Ranged, Fire damage
Armor: Low (Conkor) None (Force-fields)
Magic Resistance: None (Conkor & Force-fields)
Speed: Slow
Lives taken: 20
Special Abilities: The Conkor is surrounded by four little "Force field generators" which look like small metal spheres that roll on the ground beside The Conkor. Each Generator has 1500 health, and when all of them are destroyed, you start drilling into the Conkors actual health pool. Also, The Conkor will occasionally shoot out a small drone from it's mouth, which will continue to walk towards the exit. (More about them below.)
Appearance: The Conkor is a large, snake-like construct that is composed out of several individual silver-y metal spheres that are covered in spikes and connect together to make the Conkor's body. At the end of the Conkor's tail is a large, drill-like spike and it's head looks like a large, silvery cube with three orange eyes (One on the top side, the other two on the left and right) and a maw that looks like a large slit in the lower half of the Conkor's face. The Conkors mouth also is somewhat jagged, imitating the appearance of teeth. The force-field that surrounds The Conkor is pale blue.

Name: Gear Drone
HP: 900
Armor: Low
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Slow
Lives taken: Two
Damage: 10-20 (Melee) 30-40 (Ranged)
Special abilities: Explodes on death, dealing 350-400 AoE damage
Appearance: Like a large, silvery metal circle with a gun-like turret at it's front, and four spider-like legs sprouting from it's underside. At it's top, there is a large gear that is half-revealed, coming from the drones body.

Suggestions on how to improve my hero's and enemies are always appreciated :D !
Last edited by Ruby_Hex on Thu May 12, 2016 11:54 pm, edited 29 times in total.
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Re: Rubies KR idea room!

by RZRider » Fri Mar 18, 2016 9:14 pm

Wow, that is alot of ideas ( good ones) at once!
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Re: Rubies KR idea room!

by Ruby_Hex » Fri Mar 18, 2016 9:25 pm

Yea, figured I'd put all the idea's in one big dump. Thanks though!
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Re: Rubies KR idea room!

by AerisDraco » Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:03 am

That is a lot.
I'm not the best person to review though.

It does seem cool though.

Also, welcome to the forums!
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Re: Rubies KR idea room!

by Ruby_Hex » Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:46 am

Aww, thanks! Yea, I know it's a lot. :/
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Re: Rubies KR idea room!

by RZRider » Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:48 am

Okay, are you a girl or boy? I know, off topic, but there is only one girl here right now( juice box)
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Re: Rubies KR idea room!

by Ruby_Hex » Sat Mar 19, 2016 12:57 am

Nah, I'm a dude. XD
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Re: Rubies KR idea room!

by AerisDraco » Sat Mar 19, 2016 1:02 am

If you want, I could split the topic with my magic mod powers... IDK *wiggles fingers dramatically* (PM if you want to continue this)

One thing I noted though, is that Auream's Golden Fleece is pretty OP. If a game takes about 15-20 minutes, that's around 1800-2400 gold just from the passive alone. That's more gold than some rounds in the Saurian levels, which are notoriously high bounty.
As for a suggestion, perhaps like more of a lump sum every such-and-such seconds; or perhaps something like he'll give you gold if you tap on him, and his wool regrows every *insert #* seconds, which would be cool and interactive.
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Re: Rubies KR idea room!

by Ninja » Sat Mar 19, 2016 1:03 am

RZRider wrote:Okay, are you a girl or boy? I know, off topic, but there is only one girl here right now( juice box)

Not entirely true. Pepe and ANeonChicken are both semi-active.
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Re: Ruby's KR idea room!

by Big Bad Bug » Sat Mar 19, 2016 4:44 pm

I'll go bit by bit to review everything. I also joined the forum with Fanfiction ideas, so we have something in common, Ruby Hex. ;)

First, Aldanc should be changed to Aldank because memes.

Redhelms are a good idea because they encourage high damage of any type: crowd control to kill all of the Redhelms immediately, or DPS to take out one at a time, removing the buff from everyone else. This sets up the opportunity for players to think about whether they want to go with crowd control or DPS depending on what other enemies appear. Clever. ;) My only complaint is that they're pretty tanky, so for the common enemy of this Elite Stage, they seem OP.

Redhats could use a better name in my opinion, but this is a minor gripe. I see that you're trying to keep a name theme going here, but ultimately, the enemies seem underwhelming when matched with these names, as they're too similar and too simple. Gnomish mages can already be found in the Gnome Garden on Unseelie Court, so for these enemies to have less abilities and be less original is somewhat disappointing to me. Instead of being healers, supporting their allies, make them tricksters, hindering their enemies, like they already did in the game. It fits the Gnome personality more and adds a far more original and befitting unit to their army.

The description says it all: they're an exact copy of Saurian Darters. Of course, we don't have any similar unit in Origins, but that's because nobody wanted one. Add something new to the enemy to make the levels more fun and challenging. Players who completed Frontiers already know how to fight this enemy, and those who haven't will then be bored fighting Saurian Darters because they pretty much already did in this campaign. If these enemies are pick pockets, give them an ability to steal gold from enemy troops, like teleporting behind melee troops and taking a gold bag from their pockets, and running off with it. Then, players would have to kill the enemy more urgently in order to get their gold back as well as not lose a life.

Red Riders aren't very threatening in my opinion. They're slower than Redcaps and have the same ability but weaker, since Redcaps regenerate lots of health over time, making them nearly invulnerable for a couple of seconds. If this was a big enemy, who moved slow, had an enmormous pool of HP. took tons of lives, and gave lots of gold, a healing skill would fit him better and seem really cool. We could finally get Mushrooms of all 4 basic enemy sizes, since this enemy could be the giant one.

Do Spikeshrooms explode, too? If so, how much damage do they do? This enemy seems a bit... pointless, in my opinion. Munchshrooms are so similar and barely less powerful to the point that Muncshrooms could be replaced by Spikeshrooms in any level and it wouldn't make a difference. Maybe you could spice it up by having it explode as soon as it comes into contact with troops, so that the extra health makes it harder to protect your soldiers from them. The explosion could release spikes in an AOE larger than normal mushrooms to also differentiate this enemy from the others.

Fungalmancers have so much potential! They seem cool-looking in my imagination, and their description is a little common but still interesting. I was thinking that they would behave like Necromancers or Sand Wraiths, summoning enemy troops to the battlefield, but instead, they just have an AOE attack. Surprisingly, no KR enemies have ever been mages with an AOE basic attack, but this foe still has so much more that it can do. Why not make it more powerful and summon Munchshrooms out of nowhere, making them unique from Fungus Breeders who have to use other mushrooms to create Muncshrooms.

Aldank is an amazing boss fight. Some of the enemies weren't what they should have been, but this boss fight is really, really cool. Though all of the new enemies have been Mushrooms and Gnomes in this campaign, a giant tree monster doesn't seem out of place in the Fae Forest. His ability is really interactive and threatening, but fair, since we don't just have our towers taken away immediately, we instead get a chance to save them. It's a punishing, intense mechanic that keeps the fight interesting and threatening. Great job! :mrgreen:
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Re: Rubies KR idea room!

by BigBadWolf » Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:24 pm

Wow...that's a lot of really good hero's...I really liked Zariba! Probably be cooler if you made her a bit more bee-like (maybee its just me)

BTW I liked ALL the enemies!

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Re: Rubies KR idea room!

by Ruby_Hex » Mon Mar 21, 2016 9:47 pm

BigBadWolf wrote:Wow...that's a lot of really good hero's...I really liked Zariba! Probably be cooler if you made her a bit more bee-like (maybee its just me)

BTW I liked ALL the enemies!

Thanks! Zariba was pretty fun to brainstorm idea's for and I think it payed off the most for her in the long run. Also, I'm keepng zariba the way she is. Sorry. :|
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Re: Rubies KR idea room! (New hero added and stuff!)

by Ruby_Hex » Thu Mar 24, 2016 6:42 pm

Okay, I overhauled some of the enemies from "Shower of Red" as per BBB's request. (Actually that was a while ago...)
I also added/completed a fourth hero: Zol'zag the Goblin Technomancer!

More critiques are always helpful!
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Re: Rubies KR idea room! (New hero added and stuff!)

by Ninja » Thu Mar 24, 2016 9:40 pm

Ruby_Hex wrote:More critiques are always helpful!

I know, but it's quite difficult to review this entire flood of new ideas at once. :lol:
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Re: Rubies KR idea room! (New hero added and stuff!)

by Ruby_Hex » Fri Mar 25, 2016 2:03 am

:cry: Yea, sorry

Update: I cleaned up some of my grammar mistakes in the "Hero section." I also added a description to the bonus enemy, "Grave-Golems." :)
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Re: Rubies KR idea room! (New enemy added and stuff!)

by Sinque Productions » Fri Apr 15, 2016 12:40 am

Two things I really like:
1. The campaign is in the center of the map (and no other is)
2. It's a little cheaper for IH to program in because a lot of textures are already in the game.
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Re: Rubies KR idea room! (New enemy added and stuff!)

by Ruby_Hex » Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:01 am

Thanks! I really like your signature BTW. Just had to say that...
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Re: Rubies KR idea room! (New enemy added and stuff!)

by Sinque Productions » Fri Apr 15, 2016 1:04 am

Ruby_Hex wrote:I really like your signature BTW. Just had to say that...

Thanks :D
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Re: Rubies KR idea room! (Basically the best thing...Ever?)

by Ruby_Hex » Sat Apr 30, 2016 4:47 am

And, I just completed a new Hero: Baeros the Godly child!
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