Ironhide CAP Project

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Forest/Plain preliminary

Sheep (Normal)
Chicken (Normal/Ground)
Hare/Kangaroo (Fighting)
Shrew (Normal/Poison)
Magpie (Dark/Flying)
Black Widow (Bug/Dark)
Hobbit (Fairy/Ground)
Badger (Ground)
Prairie Dog (Ground/Psychic)
Pronghorn (Fighting/Steel)
Total votes : 27

Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by Magnus0 » Sat Dec 17, 2016 7:43 pm

RaZoR LeAf wrote:Okay so it looks like the poll has stalled on votes and we have four options to work with:

Scorpion (Ground/Poison)
Snake (Ground)
Albatross (Flying)
Hermit Crab (Bug)

We can always reuse the other ideas later if we need to.

My idea for the Hermit crab was based on Burmy and Wormadam. The first form would be the Hermit crab without it's shell. Very soft and basic, not particularly strong. Then you level it up and evolve it in a certain area (the six we decided on) and it's shell is made up of, or something from that biome.

Plains - Grass type, bundles of leaves, branches and flowers
Mountains - Ice type, a shell carved out of ice with snow on it.
Wastes - Fire type, shell made of hardened lava with veins of still molten stuff glowing through.
Desert - Ground type, a ball of tumbleweed?
Jungle - Poison type, maybe a hollowed out parasyte egg?
Caves - Rock type, a rocky shell with crystals on it. Maybe Psychic instead?
Ocean - If you're out surfing on an entirely water route, then Water type, traditional shell with an anonome on top.

It could have a move called "Shell Shock" that changes its type based on its shell (rather than giving them six different level up moves".

I see the snake as being very fast with lots of priority attacks, but not much in terms of defence.

Scorpion, small pincers big stinger. Not great at attacking but good defences and lots of poison or paralysis attacks.

Albatross, attack attack attack.

I actually prefer it if the hermit crab would have a set typing once it´s evolved. That way, we can give the six separate evolutions six separate movepools, and possibly six separate stat distributions.

If the hermit crab can just change type at will, it will have the same problem as orricorio, a shitty and nonsensical movepool. For example, the psychic orricorio cannot learn psychic or psyshock, because it wouldn´t make sense that the other types of orricorio can learn those moves. But it doesn't make sense that the psychic orricorio can't learn psychic or psyshock either. with separate evolutions and separate movepools, we can avoid this movepool problem.

I like your idea of the snake, but aside from accelerock and quick attack/extremespeed and possibly shadow sneak, there aren´t many priority moves it can learn. Maaaybe ice shard too. I mean, Donhphan gets it somehow, and the flying snake thingies from Bayonetta 2 should ice shards (which is totally not relevant at all). I actually had a pretty wild idea for the snake's design which would lend it access to moves like mach punch and bullet punch, among others: A fist like crown that fits on its head, which the snake can also put on its tail to punch things. It's basically the quake puncher concept morphed with the snake.

A design like that would give it acces to a lot of punching moves, priority moves, trapping moves (bind, wrap, sand tomb) and even headbutting moves like headbutt, head smash and iron head (because of the solid crown on its head).

Your vision of the scorpion is pretty much the same as my vision of the forest spider. Maybe they could have a connection? Either a rivalry or a correlation.
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by AerisDraco » Sat Dec 17, 2016 7:52 pm

I'm pretty sure RaZoR meant for it to be set on evolution. Either way, that's what I was thinking as well. However, I don't want 6 different movepolls. One evolution, with multiple forms and very slightly different movepools.
Building on the snake, what if it had a flattened tail for slapping the ground, and perhaps a kind of frill with bent edges. The frill could be curled in front of the snake's face, and it can then use more headbutting moves.
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by AerisDraco » Wed Dec 21, 2016 10:04 pm

Any ideas to finish up the Desert?
We just need two single-evolution pokemon, and one 3-stage bug.
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by RaZoR LeAf » Wed Dec 21, 2016 10:53 pm

AerisDraco wrote:Any ideas to finish up the Desert?
We just need two single-evolution pokemon, and one 3-stage bug.


Sand Worm
Dung Beetle

A termite would be cool. It could evolve like the dragonfly to the third stage in the Capitol, into a termite queen. But get this. Only females can get to the third stage. Likewise only the male dragonfly can get to the third stage. The opposite genders can only become second stages.
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by AerisDraco » Thu Dec 22, 2016 1:12 am

Hmm, that sounds pretty cool for the Bug. Bug/Ground then?
Though I personally think the Forest would be more appropriate.

I'll add a poll.
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by Magnus0 » Thu Dec 22, 2016 6:42 am

Some more idea's for the forest:

Ground type boar
Poison/dragon emerald dragon
Ice/flying kingfisher

Evolution for Parasect
Evolution for Tropius
Evolution for Stantler
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by RaZoR LeAf » Thu Dec 22, 2016 9:31 am

Magnus0 wrote:Some more idea's for the forest:

Ground type boar
Poison/dragon emerald dragon
Ice/flying kingfisher

Evolution for Parasect
Evolution for Tropius
Evolution for Stantler

I'm glad you brought that up. Are we including old Pokemon too? Obviously they should be a side thought away from the originals we're making but they would help pad the Dex out. Maybe instead of evolutions we could have Linerian Forms like in SunMoon?
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by Magnus0 » Thu Dec 22, 2016 3:01 pm

RaZoR LeAf wrote:
Magnus0 wrote:Some more idea's for the forest:

Ground type boar
Poison/dragon emerald dragon
Ice/flying kingfisher

Evolution for Parasect
Evolution for Tropius
Evolution for Stantler

I'm glad you brought that up. Are we including old Pokemon too? Obviously they should be a side thought away from the originals we're making but they would help pad the Dex out. Maybe instead of evolutions we could have Linerian Forms like in SunMoon?

Personally, I prefer totally new evolutions, like how gen 2 and 4 made some really meh pokemon like seadra, yanma and dusclops actually usable in-game because of an awesome new evolution.

I like the concept of alolan forms, but the poor execution of most of them kept me from really getting into it. The most obvious example is alolan raticate. It's stats are even shittier than the normal form, so there's nothing that makes it better in some way. I can see why gamefreak didn't want to overwrite the original pokemon, but making the alolan forms even worse is not a good solution.
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by RaZoR LeAf » Thu Dec 22, 2016 3:21 pm

Magnus0 wrote:Personally, I prefer totally new evolutions, like how gen 2 and 4 made some really meh pokemon like seadra, yanma and dusclops actually usable in-game because of an awesome new evolution.

Usable in-game is debatable considering how many of the new evolutions were acquired through trading. If you're a solo player like myself, then they were just another unobtainable pokemon. Even now with GTS, I would have to rely on a traded pokemon that I cant rename.

I like the concept of alolan forms, but the poor execution of most of them kept me from really getting into it. The most obvious example is alolan raticate. It's stats are even shittier than the normal form, so there's nothing that makes it better in some way. I can see why gamefreak didn't want to overwrite the original pokemon, but making the alolan forms even worse is not a good solution.

They don't all have to be awesome all the time.
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by AerisDraco » Thu Dec 22, 2016 11:06 pm

Pokemon that could use an evolution or pre-evolution: (imo)
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by The Kingmaker » Fri Dec 23, 2016 7:53 am

I don't know what typing or stat manhandling could redeem him but the punching ladybug deserves better
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by RaZoR LeAf » Fri Dec 23, 2016 4:36 pm

I've made a list of Pokemon that would fit well into each biome. I've also though up a few Linerian forms which I've listed within each.

I've noticed that we're missing the Ocean/Water ways from the Dex too. Maybe it can be part of the full Dex rather than separated between games.

Recurring Pokemon

* Shroomish, Breloom
* Cherubi, Cherrim
* Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Victreebel
* Paras, Parasect
* Burmy, Wormadam, Mothim
* Deerling, Sawsbuck
* Honedge, Doublade, Aegislash
* Pawniard, Bisharp
* Togedemaru
* Mareep, Flaafy, Ampharos
* Ducklett, Swanna
* Azuril, Marill, Azumarill
* Growlithe, Arcanine
* Flabébé, Floette, Florges
* Cutiefly, Ribombee
* Stantler
* Zigzagoon, Linoone
* Girafarig

* ???
* ???

* Drifloon, Drifblim
* Absol
* Murkrow, Honchkrow
* Mienfoo, Mienshao
* Meditite, Medicham
* Abra, Kadabra, Alakazam
* Chingling, Chimecho
* Cubchoo, Beartic
* Swinub, Piloswine, Mammoswine
* Snover, Abomasnow
* Cryogonal
* Castform
* Minccino, Cinccino

* Rufflet (Ice/Fly) (Nests in the mountains so has developed heavier feathers to deal with the cold)
* ???

* Houndour, Houndoom
* Deino, Zweilous, Hydreigon
* Roggenrola, Boldore, Gigalith
* Aerodactyl
* Magby, Magmar, Magmortar
* Slugma, Magcargo
* Turtonator
* Duskull, Dusclops, Dusknoir
* Spiritomb
* Shinx, Luxio, Luxray
* Gothita, Gothorita, Gothitelle
* Inkay, Malamar

* Shellos (Psn/Grd) (Ingesting algae from poison pools has changed its type over time)
* Oddish (Grs/Fir) (Its seeds have to survive in the wastes so they burn any predators)


* Cacnea, Cacturn
* Trapinch, Vibrava, Flygon
* Cubone, Marowak
* Sandshrew, Sandslash
* Hippopotas, Hippowdon
* Diglett, Dugtrio
* Sandile, Korock, Krookodile
* Dwebble, Crustle
* Maractus
* Numel, Camerupt
* Sandygast, Palossand
* Vullaby, Mandibuzz
* Skorupi, Drapion
* Heatmor
* Salandit, Salazzle
* Dunsparce
* Patrat, Watchog
* Gible, Gabite, Garchomp
* Helioptil, Heliolisk

* Tangela (Grs/Gst) (It's tumbleweed!)
* Octillery (Wtr/Rck) (Lives more on land than in water)

* Croagunk, Toxicroak
* Elgyem, Beheeyem
* Exeggcute, Exeggutor
* Formantis, Lurantis
* Budew, Roselia, Roserade
* Morelull, Shiinotic
* Nidoran, Nidorino, Nidoking
* Nidoran, Nidorina, Nidoqueen
* Seviper
* Mareanie, Toxapex
* Weedle, Kakuna, Beedrill
* Goomy, Sliggoo, Goodra
* Qwilfish
* Dewpider, Araquanid
* Zangoose
* Kecleon

* Scyther (Psn) (A more vicious hunter)
* ???

* Onix, Steelix
* Lavitar, Pupitar, Tyranitar
* Nosepass, Probopass
* Carbink
* Elekid, Electabuzz, Electrivire
* Joltik, Galvantula
* Aron, Lairon, Aggron
* Mawile
* Noibat, Noivern
* Ditto
* Woobat, Swoobat
* Drampa

* Staryu (Drk/Psy) (Evolved to live in the dark caves)
* Smoochum (Fgt/Psy) (Fights for survival)

* Horsea, Seadra, Kingdra
* Magikarp, Gyarados
* Feebas, Milotic
* Clauncher, Clawitzer
* Pyukumuku
* Jellicent, Frillish
* Corsola
* Carvanha, Sharpedo
* Bruxish
* Skrelp

* Baltoy (Grd/Wtr) (Feeds on deep sea coral)
* ???
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by Minuet » Fri Dec 23, 2016 5:59 pm

RaZoR LeAf wrote:I've noticed that we're missing the Ocean/Water ways from the Dex too. Maybe it can be part of the full Dex rather than separated between games.

True, even though it would work as equivalents, as there are the rivers in the west side and aquatic zone around Buccaneer's Den, if we want to change that into a surf-required zone instead of a boat ride.
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by RaZoR LeAf » Fri Dec 23, 2016 6:25 pm

Minuet wrote:
RaZoR LeAf wrote:I've noticed that we're missing the Ocean/Water ways from the Dex too. Maybe it can be part of the full Dex rather than separated between games.

True, even though it would work as equivalents, as there are the rivers in the west side and aquatic zone around Buccaneer's Den, if we want to change that into a surf-required zone instead of a boat ride.

I'm just a little concerned that the Desert area encompasses the beach, but most of what we have is a Ground or Bug type.
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by Minuet » Fri Dec 23, 2016 7:35 pm

RaZoR LeAf wrote:
Minuet wrote:
RaZoR LeAf wrote:I've noticed that we're missing the Ocean/Water ways from the Dex too. Maybe it can be part of the full Dex rather than separated between games.

True, even though it would work as equivalents, as there are the rivers in the west side and aquatic zone around Buccaneer's Den, if we want to change that into a surf-required zone instead of a boat ride.

I'm just a little concerned that the Desert area encompasses the beach, but most of what we have is a Ground or Bug type.

It does, but the Dunes of Despair on their own are a fairly huge, land-locked route and the beach isn't accessible from anywhere but Buccaneer's Den and the other town.
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by AerisDraco » Sat Dec 24, 2016 2:43 pm

I realize I haven't mentioned that, starting tomorrow, I'll be on vacation, and as such unable to update the GitHub page.
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by warbot1000 » Thu Dec 29, 2016 8:37 am

Just an idea but how about we do a ghost dragon?
Not in this area ofc. I was also thinking of some new moves
Ghost type:
PP 12
Power 60
Accuracy 100%
It also steals any changes affecting the targeted pokemon. So if I used it on a 1.5% special attack pokemon with a burn. The attacker would get the special attack boost and the burn.

flame embrace
PP 10
Power 80
Accuracy 100%
Burns off area effects. Things affected (Rain --> normal weather, leech seed, grassy terrain, sticky web, spikes and toxic spikes)
I'm aware that this is v.strong and want to tone it down just want suggestions on how to do that.

I also had the idea for a move which heals 75% of a pokemons health but reduces X stats as well although I am not sure which stats to lower

my ideas ... =15&t=4760
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by RaZoR LeAf » Thu Dec 29, 2016 12:05 pm

The Ghost move seems a bit odd, I can't picture many times people would want to use an attack that could give them poison or burns, unless they had an ability that benefited from it, like Poison Heal. The stat stealing part already exsists as Psyche Up.

Flame Embrace sounds a lot like Rapid Spin.

Looks like the poll has stalled, and the only stand out winner is the genie. So I'm going to suggest that we leave the final desert slot empty for now and move on to a different area. We can come back to the empty slot later when we may get some different ideas having left the area for a while.

For the genie, some combination of Dark/Psychic/Ghost/Fairy? I've realised that Hoopa is a genie, but as a hidden secret Pokemon not many people will have experienced it. Hoopa us Psychic/Dark so I'd personally go for Dark/Fairy or even throw a different type in like Ice or Grass, to really mix things up.
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by AerisDraco » Fri Dec 30, 2016 12:35 am

I personally would like the genie to be Dark/Fairy.

As well, on the topic of new moves, I was thinking of a unique move for a Ghost type.

Spirit Shield
PP 10
Priority: +2
Shields the targeted Pokémon from attacks and status moves for one turn.

Basically, it's a "castable" Protect, but with lowered priority because it is still a castable Protect.
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Re: Ironhide CAP Project

by RaZoR LeAf » Fri Dec 30, 2016 10:25 am

AerisDraco wrote:I personally would like the genie to be Dark/Fairy.

As well, on the topic of new moves, I was thinking of a unique move for a Ghost type.

Spirit Shield
PP 10
Priority: +2
Shields the targeted Pokémon from attacks and status moves for one turn.

Basically, it's a "castable" Protect, but with lowered priority because it is still a castable Protect.

That would br great for the genie if we made it a "white mage" so to speak. Healing, protection and stat changes.
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