I just started playing this game on steam, called Rivals of Aether. It's like Smash, but it has a Pokemon 4 elements theme and it's way cheaper ($15).
It's in early access right now, so it doesn' t have a lot maps and the balance isn't that great. There are only 8 characters, all of who are all really unique, 2 for each element. They all have up attacks (which only metaknight has is Smash, right? I haven't played much Smash), and similar standard attacks, but totally different specials. Kragg, my favorite character pulls a rock out of the ground, which he can throw, and destroy. Zetterburn makes a fire around him.
Also there are taunts.
I can't explain all of that well, so here's a youtube video showing it (btw the video only has six of the characters instead of eight)