Kingdom Rush Card Game

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Kingdom Rush Card Game

by magicmetal03 » Fri Jan 06, 2017 11:31 pm

So, if you read Sinque's thread about creating a card game(now a MOBA, I think), you should know that I am creating a card game. It is a Hearthstone-ish type of game, but Aeris said that he might edit the CSS code for the game for me(since creating the game doesn't need code; only advance features do)and so it might be unique.

So, Here's a screenshot for the board(I was on mobile when taking the photo).

Anyways, here's a list for the things I still have to do.

Already Implemented

    -Most of Original KR Units
    -Most of Original KR Basic Towers
    -Some Protaginists(Vez'nan, The Juggernaut, J.T, Gul'Thak)

In Development

    -Fixing the skills(I am still messing up)
    -A tile system of where you place your cards matter(done by the creator of the aebsite I'm using)
    -Suggesting Skills(will be done by the community)
    -beta testing(would be happening once I have fixed the skills)
    -Reorganizing of the cards
    -Editing of the cards

In The Future In Which I am Sure would happen

    -KRF Cards
    -KRO Cards
    -Testing of the game
    -Searching and Making of Music and artworks
Last edited by magicmetal03 on Mon Jan 09, 2017 1:12 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Kingdom Rush Card Game

by Sinque Productions » Fri Jan 06, 2017 11:35 pm

Discord Channel:
Since I'm an admin of this project, I will be keeping this post and editing it :)

My Opinions and thoughts on where the game is at right now
1. Don't add everything all in at once. We need to slowly unfold content to a. keep potential players ready for new content and b. its a bad idea to make to much ambitiously all then drop the project.
2. Towers shouldn't take damage when they attack, but shouldn't deal damage when they get attacked. (Snipe)

Stuff I am working on right now:
Balance edits
Plans for more Cerberus styled characters
Small "extension" updates
More cards

Small "Extension" Updates:
Machines of War (Must come out after Iron Marines):
Update for Juggernaut with robotic units, including Bolin and Hacksaw multi protag cards
Endless Horde:
Update with protag, God King who can summon Endless bosses, all of whom someone hordes of weak units

After KRF:
Rising Tides:
Regnos or Leviathan with KR rising tides units

Update to Lord Blackburn/haunted New units and Vasile, who can switch out with Lord Blackburn as protag

After KRO:
Underground Update:
Godieth protag and Dwarven Protag, with units
Blood Orges Update:
Bram the Beheader as protag, many powerful units
Dragon Fire Extension:
All the dragons and some dragon related units, Faustus as protag
Fire and Ice Extension:
No new protag, many new legandaries.

Balance Edits:

None currently
Protagonist Notes:

Hobgoblin Chief: Make like Cerberus for Gul'Thak
Noxious Creeper: When killed summon 2 mini noxious with 1|1
Specteral Knight: Immune to magic
Cerberus: Add weak inspire power. (+1 attack to all units for one turn)
Thor: Add stun ability.

Unit Notes: Mostly programming changes I haven' t quite gotten to.

Polymorph: If unit is not flying, turn into sheep with same stats as flying

Replace Protagonist Suggest Characters:
Cerberus (already implemented) Vez'Nan
Hobgoblin Chief: Gul'Thak
The JuggernautA2: 3 Goblin Heads with scrap pile spell (consume 3 goblin heads spell, reduced mana cost) When this is destroyed, The Juggernaut doesn't come back (but has 20hp instead of 30 and possibility for multiple) The Juggernaut
Great Apprentice: Sir Gerald Lightseeker
Thor: King Denas (already implemented)

Character Weapon Ideas:
King Denas: Barrage (1 duration, 5 atk)
Sir Gerald Lightseeker: Holy Sword (3 duration 1 attack heal one hp)
Gul'Thak: Boar Attack (2 duration 2 attack)
JT: Gobble (1 duration consume character if under 4 hp, deal 4 damage if over)
Lord Blackburn: Swing (1 duration 3 attack deal damage to 2 targets)
The Juggernaut: Ball attack(?) (2 duration 1 attack reduce targets damage next turn by 1)
Vez'Nan: Magic Missiles (1 duration 2 attack to 3 targets)

New Unit Card Ideas:
Apprentice: 1|2 (1 cost)
Knights Barracks: 0|10 Summon Knight at end of each turn (5 cost)
Wizard : 5:1 Big Blast (2 cost): Splash to 2 lanes with attack (4 cost)
Footmen: 2|3 (2 cost)
Barbarian: 5|4 (4 cost)
Bodyguard: 1|5 While alive, Denas cannot be attacked

New Spells:
Wealth: Denas only, 0 cost
Gain 3 mana

Reinforcements: (2 cost)
Summon 2 1|1 Villagers

Spider Goddess protag, mix between dark elves and spiders, two weaker abilities,
Can morph into one spider goddess, with one ability and in between units (like Arachnomancer or Drider)

Strongest protag but weaker units and spells, has a few twilight elf units

I just got an idea: card skins.
If this ever gets added it will be forever from now. I am just writing it here to remember it.
A card skin makes the art on a card look different. They function exactly the same as the normal card.
They have 20+ rarity though.
Just an idea.
Last edited by Sinque Productions on Sun Jan 15, 2017 10:05 pm, edited 44 times in total.
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Re: Kingdom Rush Card Game

by magicmetal03 » Fri Jan 06, 2017 11:41 pm

Sinque Productions wrote:Since I'm an admin of this project, I will be keeping this post and editing it :)

Here's an idea I have been trying to implement, but have had trouble with:
Cerberus 12 Cost?
He becomes the protagonist until he is killed, when Vez'Nan becomes the protagonist again with the same stats as before.

Stuff I am working on right now:

The max mana is 10; And I think it's too complex for me to even plan.... Here's an example draft game the author of this website is nice to give us an example of. You could look at the card's code, and learn how it is made.

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Re: Kingdom Rush Card Game

by Manijure » Sat Jan 07, 2017 3:24 am

The ideas I came up with:

Frenzy: Attack again if it destroys a character.
Strikethrough: Attack all cards in its lane and the enemy player.
Team-Up: You can place another card in the same lane.
Deadly: If it damages a card, destroy it.
Tri-Attack: Also attacks in neighboring lanes.
Splash Damage: Any cards next to its target also gets damaged by the same amount (if neighboring lanes are empty, enemy player is not damaged).
Anti-Player: If no enemy cards are in the lane, card gains extra damage.
Freeze: If it damages a card, the card is not able to attack for one turn.
Rotted: If card is destroyed, enemy summons a 1/4 Husk. If the card is an elemental, enemy summons a 5/5 Swamp Thing instead.
Health Regen: Card gains 1/2/3 health at the start of each turn (cannot go above max health, # of health restored depends on card).

Battle Cards
Troll Pathfinder: 4 mana 3/3: If on ice, can attack enemy player directly even if there is an enemy card in the lane. Health Regen 1.
Quincon: 10 mana 9/9: At the start of each turn, deals 2 damage to each enemy card and gains 1 health.
Umbra: 16 mana 8/12: If card's health reaches zero, it splits into four 2/3 Shreds of Darkness in four random lanes (number is reduced if there is less than four empty lanes). At the end of the next turn, any remaining Shreds of Darkness form back into Umbra, whose health is determined by the combined health of the surviving Shreds of Darkness.
Lord Blackburn: 15 mana 7/15: Once every other turn, all enemy cards are stunned and unable to attack.
Saurian Nightscale: 4 mana 5/5: When attacked, enters stealth for the next turn, unable to be attacked then.
Saurian Darter: 4 mana 4/4: When attacked, directly attacks enemy player instead of enemy card.
Nazeru: 8 mana 8/8: Each turn, select any enemy card and turn it into a sand castle for the next turn. Sand castles cannot attack but also cannot be attacked.
Twilight Scourger: 6 mana 4/4: At the start of each turn, any of your cards above 2 health loses 2 health but gains 4 damage for the next turn.
Twilight Evoker: 5 mana 3/6: At the start of each turn, it and any neighboring cards gains 3 health.
Twilight Golem: 7 mana 10/10: Splash Damage. If at 5 health or below, only attacks once very other turn.
Juggernaut, 10 mana 8/12: At the start of each turn, deals 4 damage to a random enemy card or player and summons a 2/2 Golem Head into a random empty lane.

Faustus: 3/30 Hero Power 4 mana: Breathes blue fire into enemy field. At the start of each turn for the next four turns, all enemy cards in the field take 2 magic damage.
Mirage: 3/30 Hero Power 5 mana: Deals 7 physical damage to an enemy card, with a 20% chance of instakilling it.
Deirdre: 1/30 Hero Power 7 mana: Heals herself and cards by 4 and provides medium armor for two turns.

If anyone has ever played Plants vs Zombies: Heroes, you can tell a lot of the properties were taken from that game.
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Re: Kingdom Rush Card Game

by Juice Box » Sat Jan 07, 2017 8:07 am

Adding onto what Mani posted, a bunch of my own ideas:

Frenzy: Attack again if it destroys a character.
Strikethrough: Attack all cards in its lane and the enemy player.
Team-Up: You can place another card in the same lane.
Deadly: If it damages a card, destroy it.
Tri-Attack: Also attacks in neighboring lanes.
Splash Damage: Any cards next to its target also gets damaged by the same amount (if neighboring lanes are empty, enemy player is not damaged).
Anti-Player: If no enemy cards are in the lane, card gains extra damage.
Freeze: If it damages a card, the card is not able to attack for one turn.
Rotted: If card is destroyed, enemy summons a 1/4 Husk. If the card is an elemental, enemy summons a 5/5 Swamp Thing instead.
Health Regen: Card gains 1/2/3 health at the start of each turn (cannot go above max health, # of health restored depends on card).

Mania: This minion can attack twice per turn.
Vengeance: Whenever this minion takes damage, it deals that much damage to its attacker.
Fury: This minion deals double damage when not at full health.

Backstab: Whenever this minion attacks the enemy directly in front of it, it deals double damage and takes no strikeback damage.
Quickstep: This minion always attacks first. If its attack deals lethal damage, it takes no strikeback damage.
Ranged: This minion may attack any enemy from any position and never takes strikeback damage.
Concealed: This minion cannot be attacked until it itself has attacked. Takes no strikeback damage on the attack that drops Concealed.

Tainted: This minion takes 1 damage at the end of every turn and summons an enemy 3/1 Shadowspawn upon death.
Blood Leech: Whenever this minion damages an enemy, restore health to itself equal to the damage it dealt. If the enemy survives, transform it into a 5/3 Vampire with Blood Leech.
Moonlight Howl: At the start of your turn, transform this minion into a 7/5 Lycan.

Battle Cards
Troll Pathfinder: 4 mana 3/3: If on ice, can attack enemy player directly even if there is an enemy card in the lane. Health Regen 1.
Quincon: 10 mana 9/9: At the start of each turn, deals 2 damage to each enemy card and gains 1 health.
Umbra: 16 mana 8/12: If card's health reaches zero, it splits into four 2/3 Shreds of Darkness in four random lanes (number is reduced if there is less than four empty lanes). At the end of the next turn, any remaining Shreds of Darkness form back into Umbra, whose health is determined by the combined health of the surviving Shreds of Darkness.
Lord Blackburn: 15 mana 7/15: Once every other turn, all enemy cards are stunned and unable to attack.
Saurian Nightscale: 4 mana 5/5: When attacked, enters stealth for the next turn, unable to be attacked then.
Saurian Darter: 4 mana 4/4: When attacked, directly attacks enemy player instead of enemy card.
Nazeru: 8 mana 8/8: Each turn, select any enemy card and turn it into a sand castle for the next turn. Sand castles cannot attack but also cannot be attacked.
Twilight Scourger: 6 mana 4/4: At the start of each turn, any of your cards above 2 health loses 2 health but gains 4 damage for the next turn.
Twilight Evoker: 5 mana 3/6: At the start of each turn, it and any neighboring cards gains 3 health.
Twilight Golem: 7 mana 10/10: Splash Damage. If at 5 health or below, only attacks once very other turn.
Juggernaut, 10 mana 8/12: At the start of each turn, deals 4 damage to a random enemy card or player and summons a 2/2 Golem Head into a random empty lane.

Lycan: 5 mana 5/7 Whenever this destroy an enemy, summon a 4/4 Werewolf.
Demon Legion: 5 mana 3/5 At the end of every turn, summon a copy of this minion nearby.
Faustus: 3/30 Hero Power 4 mana: Breathes blue fire into enemy field. At the start of each turn for the next four turns, all enemy cards in the field take 2 magic damage.
Mirage: 3/30 Hero Power 5 mana: Deals 7 physical damage to an enemy card, with a 20% chance of instakilling it.
Deirdre: 1/30 Hero Power 7 mana: Heals herself and cards by 4 and provides medium armor for two turns.

Regson: 2/30 Hero Power: 3 mana This turn only, your hero gains +4 attack and cannot get exhausted. Cannot attack heroes in this state.
Alric: 3/35 Hero Power: 4 mana Summon 3 2/3 Sand Automatons nearby. Passive Ability: The first time your hero takes damage each turn, it deals that much damage to its attacker.
Eridan: 3/30 Hero Power: 4 mana Deal 4 damage to ALL enemies. Passive Ability: The first time your hero takes damage each turn, ignore that damage.

I'd probably add more, like the one in the Discord chat, but I'm really tired as of the moment :( . Maybe some other time.
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Re: Kingdom Rush Card Game

by Sinque Productions » Sat Jan 07, 2017 8:59 am

Great ideas, guys!
Keep them up :D
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Re: Kingdom Rush Card Game

by magicmetal03 » Sat Jan 07, 2017 12:05 pm

Manijure wrote:The ideas I came up with:

Frenzy: Attack again if it destroys a character.
Strikethrough: Attack all cards in its lane and the enemy player.
Team-Up: You can place another card in the same lane.
Deadly: If it damages a card, destroy it.
Tri-Attack: Also attacks in neighboring lanes.
Splash Damage: Any cards next to its target also gets damaged by the same amount (if neighboring lanes are empty, enemy player is not damaged).
Anti-Player: If no enemy cards are in the lane, card gains extra damage.
Freeze: If it damages a card, the card is not able to attack for one turn.
Rotted: If card is destroyed, enemy summons a 1/4 Husk. If the card is an elemental, enemy summons a 5/5 Swamp Thing instead.
Health Regen: Card gains 1/2/3 health at the start of each turn (cannot go above max health, # of health restored depends on card).

Battle Cards
Troll Pathfinder: 4 mana 3/3: If on ice, can attack enemy player directly even if there is an enemy card in the lane. Health Regen 1.
Quincon: 10 mana 9/9: At the start of each turn, deals 2 damage to each enemy card and gains 1 health.
Umbra: 16 mana 8/12: If card's health reaches zero, it splits into four 2/3 Shreds of Darkness in four random lanes (number is reduced if there is less than four empty lanes). At the end of the next turn, any remaining Shreds of Darkness form back into Umbra, whose health is determined by the combined health of the surviving Shreds of Darkness.
Lord Blackburn: 15 mana 7/15: Once every other turn, all enemy cards are stunned and unable to attack.
Saurian Nightscale: 4 mana 5/5: When attacked, enters stealth for the next turn, unable to be attacked then.
Saurian Darter: 4 mana 4/4: When attacked, directly attacks enemy player instead of enemy card.
Nazeru: 8 mana 8/8: Each turn, select any enemy card and turn it into a sand castle for the next turn. Sand castles cannot attack but also cannot be attacked.
Twilight Scourger: 6 mana 4/4: At the start of each turn, any of your cards above 2 health loses 2 health but gains 4 damage for the next turn.
Twilight Evoker: 5 mana 3/6: At the start of each turn, it and any neighboring cards gains 3 health.
Twilight Golem: 7 mana 10/10: Splash Damage. If at 5 health or below, only attacks once every other turn.
Juggernaut, 10 mana 8/12: At the start of each turn, deals 4 damage to a random enemy card or player and summons a 2/2 Golem Head into a random empty lane.

Faustus: 3/30 Hero Power 4 mana: Breathes blue fire into enemy field. At the start of each turn for the next four turns, all enemy cards in the field take 2 magic damage.
Mirage: 3/30 Hero Power 5 mana: Deals 7 physical damage to an enemy card, with a 20% chance of instakilling it.
Deirdre: 1/30 Hero Power 7 mana: Heals herself and cards by 4 and provides medium armor for two turns.

If anyone has ever played Plants vs Zombies: Heroes, you can tell a lot of the properties were taken from that game.

Frenzy is alreasy a keyword in the game, meaning to "attack twice".
The highest amount of mana a person can get is 10, but I could edit it to a higher quantity.
"Stealth" is hidden in the game.
I already have a "Juggernaut" card which is a Protagonist, which summons two 2/2 golem heads using 3 mana every turn... So if you insist on having that card, I could change it.
I think you could just directly attack the Protagonist without any effects(except when there's a vanguard card, where all cards can only attack that card until it's dead).
But other than that, there's just duplications of cards(like the one above) that I think we'll be able to negotiate to change the cards.

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Re: Kingdom Rush Card Game

by magicmetal03 » Sat Jan 07, 2017 12:09 pm

Juice Box wrote:Adding onto what Mani posted, a bunch of my own ideas:

Frenzy: Attack again if it destroys a character.
Strikethrough: Attack all cards in its lane and the enemy player.
Team-Up: You can place another card in the same lane.
Deadly: If it damages a card, destroy it.
Tri-Attack: Also attacks in neighboring lanes.
Splash Damage: Any cards next to its target also gets damaged by the same amount (if neighboring lanes are empty, enemy player is not damaged).
Anti-Player: If no enemy cards are in the lane, card gains extra damage.
Freeze: If it damages a card, the card is not able to attack for one turn.
Rotted: If card is destroyed, enemy summons a 1/4 Husk. If the card is an elemental, enemy summons a 5/5 Swamp Thing instead.
Health Regen: Card gains 1/2/3 health at the start of each turn (cannot go above max health, # of health restored depends on card).

Mania: This minion can attack twice per turn.
Vengeance: Whenever this minion takes damage, it deals that much damage to its attacker.
Fury: This minion deals double damage when not at full health.

Backstab: Whenever this minion attacks the enemy directly in front of it, it deals double damage and takes no strikeback damage.
Quickstep: This minion always attacks first. If its attack deals lethal damage, it takes no strikeback damage.
Ranged: This minion may attack any enemy from any position and never takes strikeback damage.
Concealed: This minion cannot be attacked until it itself has attacked. Takes no strikeback damage on the attack that drops Concealed.

Tainted: This minion takes 1 damage at the end of every turn and summons an enemy 3/1 Shadowspawn upon death.
Blood Leech: Whenever this minion damages an enemy, restore health to itself equal to the damage it dealt. If the enemy survives, transform it into a 5/3 Vampire with Blood Leech.
Moonlight Howl: At the start of your turn, transform this minion into a 7/5 Lycan.

Battle Cards
Troll Pathfinder: 4 mana 3/3: If on ice, can attack enemy player directly even if there is an enemy card in the lane. Health Regen 1.
Quincon: 10 mana 9/9: At the start of each turn, deals 2 damage to each enemy card and gains 1 health.
Umbra: 16 mana 8/12: If card's health reaches zero, it splits into four 2/3 Shreds of Darkness in four random lanes (number is reduced if there is less than four empty lanes). At the end of the next turn, any remaining Shreds of Darkness form back into Umbra, whose health is determined by the combined health of the surviving Shreds of Darkness.
Lord Blackburn: 15 mana 7/15: Once every other turn, all enemy cards are stunned and unable to attack.
Saurian Nightscale: 4 mana 5/5: When attacked, enters stealth for the next turn, unable to be attacked then.
Saurian Darter: 4 mana 4/4: When attacked, directly attacks enemy player instead of enemy card.
Nazeru: 8 mana 8/8: Each turn, select any enemy card and turn it into a sand castle for the next turn. Sand castles cannot attack but also cannot be attacked.
Twilight Scourger: 6 mana 4/4: At the start of each turn, any of your cards above 2 health loses 2 health but gains 4 damage for the next turn.
Twilight Evoker: 5 mana 3/6: At the start of each turn, it and any neighboring cards gains 3 health.
Twilight Golem: 7 mana 10/10: Splash Damage. If at 5 health or below, only attacks once very other turn.
Juggernaut, 10 mana 8/12: At the start of each turn, deals 4 damage to a random enemy card or player and summons a 2/2 Golem Head into a random empty lane.

Lycan: 5 mana 5/7 Whenever this destroy an enemy, summon a 4/4 Werewolf.
Demon Legion: 5 mana 3/5 At the end of every turn, summon a copy of this minion nearby.
Faustus: 3/30 Hero Power 4 mana: Breathes blue fire into enemy field. At the start of each turn for the next four turns, all enemy cards in the field take 2 magic damage.
Mirage: 3/30 Hero Power 5 mana: Deals 7 physical damage to an enemy card, with a 20% chance of instakilling it.
Deirdre: 1/30 Hero Power 7 mana: Heals herself and cards by 4 and provides medium armor for two turns.

Regson: 2/30 Hero Power: 3 mana This turn only, your hero gains +4 attack and cannot get exhausted. Cannot attack heroes in this state.
Alric: 3/35 Hero Power: 4 mana Summon 3 2/3 Sand Automatons nearby. Passive Ability: The first time your hero takes damage each turn, it deals that much damage to its attacker.
Eridan: 3/30 Hero Power: 4 mana Deal 4 damage to ALL enemies. Passive Ability: The first time your hero takes damage each turn, ignore that damage.

I'd probably add more, like the one in the Discord chat, but I'm really tired as of the moment :( . Maybe some other time.

Frenzy is already a keyword, meaning to "attack twice".
Some of the cards are hard to make, but I'll try.
I added some bosses to the Heroes/Protagonist section though...

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Re: Kingdom Rush Card Game

by Sinque Productions » Wed Jan 11, 2017 12:46 am

Since I am making a few extensions (small updates) so we can have continuous content, I wanted to post a few units and characters that will be added there and not in a big update, like KRF and KRO:

    Bolin Farslayer
    Elora Winterson
    Any endless boss
    Any dragon
    Any character exclusively featured in the shadowmoon update
    Any character exclusively in the rising tides update
    Any character exclusively featured in the blood orges update
    Any character exclusively featured in the underground Godieth update


Btw. Right now I am adding a few characters in for some of these updates on the side, so I can have them lined up. The first will probably be Machines of War, including new robot units, Wilbur, Hacksaw, and Bolin Farslayer, for Juggernaut.
Those three will be available for Denas too.

P.S. Beta testing should start soonish (right magicmetal?)
Last edited by Sinque Productions on Sat Jan 14, 2017 8:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Kingdom Rush Card Game

by magicmetal03 » Wed Jan 11, 2017 8:27 pm

Sinque Productions wrote:
P.S. Beta testing should start soonish (right magicmetal?)

After the following:
-I make sure every card is ready to test
-the lane feature is finished
-when I finally teach you guys the basic of how to make skills.

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