HERO: Rokoa the Psychic Dragon

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HERO: Rokoa the Psychic Dragon

by Big Bad Bug » Thu May 23, 2019 8:43 pm


Psychic Dragon



Dragons have been known across the continent as immensely powerful beings capable of unleashing fatal fire, ice, and magic upon their foes. Yet in ages past, dragons existed who had power beyond imagination. They were not all restricted to elemental powers. Rather, they could bend time, space, reality, and more. One such dragon was Rokoa, who could bend minds.

Rokoa was so powerful that she had the ability to mind control other dragons. Psychic mages of this day and age yearn to be able to constantly control a single being. Rokoa could split her focus between hundreds of individuals, even with the power of other dragons. Unaware of her true potential, the elder dragons one-by-one fell to her whims, and she soon had an army of half of all dragons, ready to best the other dragons in battle.

Able to see that which all other dragons under control could see, Rokoa could organize her army better than the other dragons. She magnified their power by willing them to burn away their very souls in order to reach greater potential. Rokoa had the world in her grasp.

Were it not for the fact that she had stretched her too thin to control her armies anymore, Rokoa would not have been defeated. Rokoa would now be able to succeed, knowing her limits. Yet, the dragons knew her potential, and decided that all elder dragons possessed too much power to allow them to coexist with the rest of the world. Using their powers combined, they sealed off each dragon in another part of the world, guarded by primordial magic.

For eons Rokoa waited for a wandering traveler to come close enough for her to control, and guide him through the obstacles laid out by the elder dragons. Instead, however, Vez’nan himself came, resisted her attempt to control him, and with his magic was able to pass through the obstacles. Rokoa knew then that her powers had weakened over the centuries of disuse, and that she was dealing with a master wizard. She decided to accept his offer to unite forces, and aid him in taking over the world until she herself was strong enough to mind control him, and thus all of his subjects as well.

One of the fabled Priomordial Dragons, sealed away for eons to protect the world from unspeakable power. Rokoa is still regaining her strength, and as each second passes, she grows ever closer to mind controlling the world.


HP: 440
Regen: 66
Damage: 47 - 63 True
Attack style: a thin pink beam links Rokoa's head and an enemy's head as she gets into its mind, only to create a pink explosion that deals damage.
Armor: None
Magic Resistance: 40%
Speed: Medium
Respawn: 30s


Trauma: (Innate) Rokoa’s attacks leave unforgettable scars. Enemies can never heal back the damage caused by her.

- This applies to abilities as well as regular attcks.

Overexertion: (Passive) Allied units in a large area around Rokoa are willed to push past their limits and deal 200/350/500% damage but take double damage.

- Affected units glow with pink auras and bright green eyes. Range is equivalent to a Lvl 3 Shadow Archer.

Mindnumbing: (Passive) All enemies in a small/moderate/large area around Rokoa move and attack 20/35/50% slower.

- Range is equivalent to a lvl 1/2/3 Shadow Archer. Affected enemies have green thin electricity coursing through them.

Redirection: (Active, 20 seconds) Enemies in a small/moderate/large range around Rokoa attack themselves dealing 100/200/300% of their attack damage.

- Same range as before. Each enemy deals harm to itself, but those with an AOE attack can harm other nearby enemies as well. Animation is Rokoa raising her wings as they glow green, and enemies glow green as they perform their attack animation.

Hallucinations: (Active, 15 seconds) Rokoa forces enemies in a large range to direct their attacks towards an imaginary foe for 4/6/8 seconds, wasting spells, projectiles, and other attacks.

- The Hallucination takes the appearance of a pink orb thst your troops will know not to attack. It will spawn somewhere on the lane and enemies in range of it will prioritize it. Multiple melee enemies can attack it at once.

Corruption: (Ultimate, 30 seconds) Permanently take control of an enemy unit with up to 1/2/3/4/ minions active at a time. Use on a minion to blow them up for 100/200/300/400 true damage.

- When an enemy is selected with this spell, the player will see a box with a check mark and an X. This is to help them make sure they want to use it on this foe in case multiple enemis are stacked on each other.
- Controlled enemies will be guided with Rokoa, turning into bright pink electrical orbs (similar to Channelers in Iron Marines) and moving quickly in order to keep up with her. They stay underneath her and attack enemies in front.
- Blowing up enemies creates an AOE the size of an Eldritch Doom explosion. This does not trigger the cooldown but can only be used when the spell is charged. Minions do not automatically explode on death so be sure to use it when you know they won’t survive!


Rokoa speaks softly and mischeviously, with a mind-piercing echo in every word, similar to this voice.

Selection: “You’re not safe inside your mind.” (Spongebob scene)
Moving (includes above quote): “Think again.”
“I’ll use your brain ‘til you’re zombified.” (Song)
“Mine is the only way.”
“I’ll enslave your minds with uncomplicated rhymes.” (Song)
“Everything is not wat it seems.” (Song)
Death: “Why aren’t you hitting yourselves?”

Playstyle: Rokoa’s main power is controlling the minds of enemies with her Ultimate, building a small army of up to 4 units. Her passive to boost damage drastically while increasing damage taken makes her very good at having enemies clear each other out quickly, while also having powers to direct attention away from her minions by getting enemies to attack her hallucinations or themselves. Players with really strong knowledge of the game can plan based on wave composition to control the strongest enemies that spawn, or keep controlling weak enemies to use as suicide bimbers by blowing them up. If and when Endless Mode comes out, Rokoa will dominate!
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Re: HERO: Rokoa the Psychic Dragon

by Sirsquier » Fri May 24, 2019 2:49 am

Her innate is really op like way too op. But the rest is cool nice idea.I can tell you worked hard on it
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Re: HERO: Rokoa the Psychic Dragon

by NastyBird339 » Fri May 24, 2019 8:23 am

Sirsquier wrote:Her innate is really op like way too op. But the rest is cool nice idea.I can tell you worked hard on it

How so? There are very few enemies that can heal in KRV and KR in general so it's very niche
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Re: HERO: Rokoa the Psychic Dragon

by Sirsquier » Fri May 24, 2019 12:42 pm

But it removes the strengths of healers and those guys who's only plowed is like really fast regen
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Re: HERO: Rokoa the Psychic Dragon

by RaZoR LeAf » Fri May 24, 2019 3:39 pm

Sirsquier wrote:But it removes the strengths of healers and those guys who's only plowed is like really fast regen

Are you saying a hero shouldn’t have an ability that gives it an advantage over enemies? Say, a hero shouldn’t be immune to poison because it removes the strength of enemies that use poison? Or a hero shouldn’t be able to make more gold because it upsets the balance of the game by only providing enough gold to build certain towers? Or a hero shouldn’t be able to fly because it removes the strength of enemies than don’t have ranged attacks?
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Re: HERO: Rokoa the Psychic Dragon

by Sirsquier » Fri May 24, 2019 7:17 pm

No what I'm saying is this would make me win every level because those enemies are the ones that hurt me the most. Also she does high true damage so combined she will literally destroy all enemies. If she is gonna have that innate i think she should either do less damage or deal magic damage. I love the idea and work that went into her i just think that she is a little to OP and needs only a few changes to fix that. (My heroes need like 64 to solve every problem and have like 4 problems :lol: ) I think BBB has some great ideas and knows his stuff i just wanted to point out how OP the combination of dealing high true damage and the fact that it can't be healed in any way is. I do think BBB's hero is amazing and just has that one flaw. I do not mean to say that it is always a flaw. But IMO either she needs a different innate, she needs to deal less damage, or the damage should not be true damage.
Sorry for writing book.
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Re: HERO: Rokoa the Psychic Dragon

by RaZoR LeAf » Fri May 24, 2019 9:47 pm

But it wouldn’t be every enemy, it would only be the ones the dragon has attacked and have survived the afore mentioned high damage. It wouldn’t be every enemy that has Regen or is near a healer, because the dragon can’t be everywhere at once. A level that has more than one entrance is going to have healers and Regen co,img in where the dragon is not, and you’d still have to deal with those enemies.
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Re: HERO: Rokoa the Psychic Dragon

by Big Bad Bug » Sat May 25, 2019 1:38 am

Thanks for the feedback! I wanted to try something new with the Innate since so many ideas have been used already for passive hero traits and I thought it’d be a really cool power. Would it be less powerful if, say, damage dealt could not be healed back for the first x seconds of it being inflicted? :)

Looking past the innate, what do you like about the hero? ;)
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Re: HERO: Rokoa the Psychic Dragon

by Sirsquier » Sat May 25, 2019 3:21 am

What's the attack rate? That might even out high true damage.
Maybe have it so the damage cannot be healed back for 20s and it heals at half rate.
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Re: HERO: Rokoa the Psychic Dragon

by Sirsquier » Sat May 25, 2019 3:25 am

Love Overexertion it sounds useful for when there's that one high health enemy that you need to deal massive damage against. I also love the double edged sword idea. It evens out some of her OPnes by making you have to worry about your troops getting massacred by the one high damage dude. Love Overexertion. Would be the first thing I leveled up. (Well maybe the second)
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Re: HERO: Rokoa the Psychic Dragon

by GoddessArtemis » Mon May 27, 2019 8:06 am

I think some of the abilities are just a tad too strong, though most of the dragon heroes are much more powerful than other heroes anyway. However, the cooldown on Hallucinations is too short (I don't know if it starts after the ability ends or when it is used, but either way): enemies will be slowed by 50% and will be stopped for 8 seconds frequently.

I don't understand Redirection. Do the enemies stab themselves? If so, this might create some problems with animations, but it is a good idea nonetheless.

I also think that the spell is overcomplicated. I believe it would be fine if the enemy just stayed in one place permanently. You should definitely either remove or make the explosion automatic, having two uses for an ability would be confusing for players.
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Re: HERO: Rokoa the Psychic Dragon

by Sirsquier » Mon May 27, 2019 12:11 pm

I personally love the herospell. It is really creative and useful. The duel abilities is a thing that more advanced players could use to deal massive damage while newer players could just bring enemies to their team.
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Re: HERO: Rokoa the Psychic Dragon

by AerisDraco » Mon May 27, 2019 1:34 pm

Changing it to "If the spell has already reached its cap of minions, the minion with the least HP explodes for x damage" might be better.
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Re: HERO: Rokoa the Psychic Dragon

by Sirsquier » Tue May 28, 2019 2:00 pm

AerisDraco wrote:Changing it to "If the spell has already reached its cap of minions, the minion with the least HP explodes for x damage" might be better.

I agree with this. Even though I said I liked it fine and that good players could use the other way crazy well this is better for noobs and players like me don't like to micro manage
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Re: HERO: Rokoa the Psychic Dragon

by Uranato » Fri Jun 14, 2019 1:56 pm

Are dragons in KR supposed to be OP always or you just felt like creating an (almost) game-breaking hero?

The concept and aesthetics are awesome, plus Rokoa's skills are finely tuned to control, command and terrify huge loads on enemies. Definitely a tide-turner even in the most heated moments of battle.

I'll rate her just below Beresad in a contest of dragons throughout the KR universe. I would've placed the Psychic Dragon even above Beresad but for my craze on black dragons (plus the green breath makes him uber-cool)

BTW I'm coming up with a dragon of my own, hope it's at least close to your creation in terms of power.

P.S. Controlling a hero which is supposed to be more powerful than Vez'nan himself seems a bit weird (or it's just me).
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