My favorite to least favorite basic towers and upgrades

For the King!

My favorite to least favorite basic towers and upgrades

by SealDarklight » Sun Oct 28, 2018 3:42 pm

My experience with origin was great. Origin may be my 3rd favorite Kingdom rush game but that doesnt mean i disliked it. The hero room was great and the unique and different from the two games is what makes it something new. Ill do the hero ranking on when the steam versions have released all 3 campaigns as well as doing the advanced towers ranking from favorite to least favorite. You could call it for the anticipated Kingdom rush Vengeance but i did this for ranking my favorite to least favorites are. Ill rank them how usefull they are, how unique they are from other towers, how much enjoyment i had and how good they are. Before ill do that ill rank what the KROs basic towers and spells (other than hero spells) as well as their upgrades mainly because KR and KRF have the same towers but with different upgrades.

1. KRF (What makes them higher is due to how cheap they are and the damage increase. It is still the same as KR1 but the best one with upgrades in the series.)
2. KRO (The tower deals less but fires faster. Its upgrades are what makes it in the middle since it deals bleed and deals maximum to unarmored enemies)
3. KR (It can crit and can penetrate armor but has arguably the unnoticeable upgrades other than more range. The KRF counterpart is better)

1. KRO (Barracks in Origins are far supperior than the human ones even without the upgrades. They got better armor, deal more damage and have range attack with a slight cost of health, respawn rate and cost. The upgrades makes them even better with a chance to cheat death or deal more damage. The best ones in the series)
2. KRF (I feel like KRF barracks have better upgrades than the Original ones counterpart. The only reason being that they got is because they got armor which is pretty usefull on most levels aside from the Caves and have regeneration which is slight but proven a bit usefull than spiked armor)
3. KR (Barracks are strong but isnt that usefull due to the fact that allot of enemies deal allot of damage. The only time it may be usefull is vs enemies with armor piercing abilities like rats or fire. They upgrades is only usefull for the paladins though)

1. KRO (The Mages in origins i have a mixed bag with the other two towers mainly because it doesnt hit as hard as the two but has double bolts that have more crowd control compair to the two and have somewhat of a nice balance. The upgrades on the other hand makes the tower better due to the teleport ability which proves to be extremely usefull rather than relying a level 4 tower.)
2. KR (I felt like KR mage upgrades are far better than Fronteirs simply because the mage can slow down enemies as well as costing less than the frontier one. It also breaks armor making it really usefull for dealing with armored enemies which are very common)
3. KRF ( IT kinda has similair problem with the KR archer upgrades which makes it pretty unnoticeable aside from special ability reduce cost. It also does have the Brilliance upgrades which is very unique but doesnt seem to be that usefull due to making every level having as much armored enemies as magic resistant ones compair to KR1 counterpart which has more armored enemies. Its only use is rising tides which can be usefull outside hounds and Bluegales)

1. KR (The kingdom rush Artillery is far the best upgrades it has mainly because Artillery cost less as well as having Smart Targeting which ignores splash reduction. Its mainly why Teslas are so OP and also how much enjoyment i have with Big berthas)
2. KRF (The only reason why its in the middle is because of Shock and Awe which makes Battlemecha spam stuns as well as being the best artillery level 5 upgrades in the series. It doesnt have allot of upgrades that surpass the KR1 which is why i think its in the middle)
3. KRO (Compair to the other Origins basic towers, it has the most unnoticable and feels like a downgraded version of the two same towers mainly for dealing less damage and having less range. Its only saving grace is the heavy load and shocking impact which ignores armor and slows down enemies but it isnt as cheap or powerfull as KR1 and doesnt stun like shock and awe.)

1. KRO (The best reinforcements mainly because they have more health, more armor, more damage as well as dealing more damage with their range attacks while getting range early on. The only thing that makes them somewhat different is that their respawn is 15 seconds but can be nulified by their rapid responce which makes them spawn like the human counterpart and dont last longer than 20 seconds but its unnoticable making them superior in every way.
2. KR (It was pretty hard to decide which are the strongest since there pretty much the same aside from their range attacks, i felt like the KR is in the middle mainly because reinforcement didnt die as much in KRF as here and also for the fact that the spears dealt more damage than the KRF one althrough slower. It was pretty hard to decide but it could be nostalgia or how powerfull they are.
3. KRF (I kinda dont have to speak about it since i already told you about number 2)

Rain of Fire/ Thunderbolt
1. KR (I remember in the classic KR that how powerfull it felt with the rain of fire. It was strong enough to deal with giant enemies which felt very satisfying. Its also why i like is mainly because how difficult the game was back then. Thats about it. Compair to Thunderbolt my only reason i put higher over it is mainly because i felt allot of enjoyment mainly because of the nostalgic mindset)
2. KRO (I can only say that i think Thunderbolt isnt that bad and is somewhat a nice sidegrade with rain of fire. The Thunderbolt itself is allot more accurate and is really usefull with the furious tempest which will allways hit the enemy as well as slow down all enemies making in some situations really usefull. Some say its better than rain of fire but to me its a sidegrade)
3. KRF (For some reason i felt like KRF rain of fire was weaker than the classical counterpart. It does deal the same damage as it but it kinda didnt have an impact than dealing with giants or something althrough it might be due to having not as threatening enemies like the KRC has. ON the wiki its said that it has 10 seconds of cooldown difference which is less spammable but i didnt feel about the cooldown at all. It is somewhat same but i didnt feel the same impact as Thunderbolt or the KRC rain of fire. Thats about it)


I think Origins have more better towers in some way than KRC or KRF mainly on the Mage, Barracks and Reinforcements side, KRC has better Artillery and KRF has better archers. The Rain of Fire and Thunderbolt is hard to tell since i do love these two and i may have critizism of putting KRC rain of fire in 1 and KRF in 3 since they are the same upgrades and many people think Thunderbolt is better than Rain of fire mainly for its accuracy but its usually nearly the same dps but with scorched shot replaced with slowdown. The KR and KRF reinforcements are the same but i put them last since KRO ones are better.

I want to know what your favorite or least favorite of the basic ones are for you.
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Re: My favorite to least favorite basic towers and upgrades

by kicorse » Thu Nov 01, 2018 5:41 pm

Since you said "basic towers", I'm ignoring the Level 4 Towers here. I play on mobile... well, kindle fire.

1. KRF
2. KRO
3. KR

I think you were spot on with this one.

1. KRO
2. KR
3. KRF

KRO is an easy choice at #1. KR and KRF are closer, but on KRF you can get by without barracks on most levels. Before Lost Jungle, the towers have enough firepower (even for Dune Terrors, which can be held up by Alric + reinforcement). After Lost Jungle, Necromancer towers are usually the better way of blocking enemies.

1. KRF
2. KR
3. KRO

KRF's Brilliancy upgrade is, well, brilliant. Magic resistance schmagic smhresistance.... On Veteran, I've 3-starred Ma'qwa Urqu, complete with Spirit Shamen, with nothing but mage towers and Bruxa Cronan. On the other hand, on KRO the basic mage towers are too nerfed. Even against armoured enemies such as Gnoll Gnawers, you're not much better off than with an archery tower.

1. KRF
2. KR
3. KRO

I agree with what you wrote, but Shock and Awe beats Smart Targeting in my view, if we are only looking at basic towers and not at Teslas, which I am.

1. KRO
2. KR
3. KRF

Yeah, like you said, KRO at #1 for sure. A toss up between the other two.

Rain of Fire/Thunderbolt
1. KR
2. KRF
3. KRO

The accuracy of Thunderbolt is nice, but for me the Scorched Earth upgrade is worth a lot more. It also increases the skill needed to use it effectively, which I like. It's pretty marginal whether Rain of Fire is more effective in KR than KRF, but I have a feeling that you may be right.
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Re: My favorite to least favorite basic towers and upgrades

by SealDarklight » Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:05 am

I liked your opinion about the Basic towers and their upgrades. I can understand how You think about but i can explain why i think of but i take it as a mix bag since You do have good point though.

The KRF barracks i kinda agree since the necromancers exists but If i look side by side KRF barracks are good stalling against deadly enemies that the KRC barracks should have since barracks have More armor. I also find the KRF to be usefull against deadly enemies as a single footman can stall pretty Well against an enemy like myrmidons or even a gorillons and knights are good against werewolves or enemies that Would other wise two or one shot skellies and thats the Basic ones. I didnt feel the Same Way as the KRC since most enemies had higher damage and health Wouldnt matter than armor which is why. Other wise the necromancers do exists that Would make the early stages much easier but on mid to end the barracks even the level 3 ones are good enough than the advanced ones since strong enemies Come in 2 or 3 and can overwhelm the defence without the good offence and thats on veteran difficulty.

The KRO chase i had a mixed bag with the Mage since on one hand the Mage didnt feel as powerfull as the previous since the level 3 tower deal 40-50 compair To 40-74 but on the other hand the Mage has double Bolt which either deal 90-90 to a single enemy or take the role as a crowd controller which the previous mages lacked. Also the teleport ability is also what makes it strong as the Mage either doubles the chance rate to a single enemy or send 1 enemy back to the path. It does have some drawbacks since the KRO has More magic resistant enemies but its teleport and crowd control makes up For it. The KRF one i felt a bit down mainly because the brilliancy While on paper sounds good, it kinda isnt mainly because mages are expensive and there are certain level that have slightly More magic resistant enemies (not as much in KRO) and it work on certain situations. A good examples are the caves (deathclaws, blazefangs and summoner), the jungle (spirit shaman, spiders, reapers and parasites) and shadowmoon (werewolves and especially lycans and vampiresas). I mostly build 2 or 3 mages since archers are far More cheap and effective and the left of the mages have a slight boost of dps but rarely can get the fullest potential which is 8 or 9. It Would work very effective with the archers since there one of the cheapest towers in the game and is effective at spam building. But other than that they can be effective and i somewhat agree but certain enemies punish For doing too much. To me KRF is the easiest of them all since Theres mostly enemies with no armor and magic resistance and they dont pose as much stress or thread as KRC which i agree with your listing.

I had a Hard time to decide If KRC artillery is effective or KRF. On one hand i felt like smart targeting makes it ignore splash reduction and there cheap like 117 instead of 125 which helped me allot For saving money and dealing with groups or the KRF with shock and awe which slows down enemies. I pretty much have a mixed bag but i felt More with KRC since mages and artillery were very effective at the time and when KRF advanced towers came out i felt it was a bit of a nerf but didnt affect too much since enemies rewarded too much with gold compair To first which didnt give allot.

I kinda liked your opinions and You had allot of good point. I certainly only explained If i didnt explained properly but i find your things often right over mine like barracks or artillery since the game was designed that Way. Its More dependable with the 3 but its pretty hard to say. :D

When KRC gets Released i can speak of My opinion and how i rank it but i Wouldnt be afraid of it.
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