Slaughter with Plot

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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by Juice Box » Sat Jul 23, 2016 8:50 am

Pete listens in on CC's thoughts. I know what you're planning, he claims telepathically.
Get out of my mind, Pete, the pale girl replies.
What you want, it isn't right,
This was never about what's right or wrong.
If it isn't, then what makes us so different from them?

CC scoffs. The difference, she says, is that in the end, they lose, and we win.

Pete looks down. He doesn't want to admit it, but he knows CC is right. The assassin refuses to cooperate. Same for the wizard and the overlord. How long before one of the three finally turns on them? And once they do... who'll die first?

I told you, Pete, CC continues telepathically. Before he wiped your memory, the assassin said his 'quarrel' was with Manijure and Juice. He doesn't want to help us.
We need to get rid of him.
All of them. Their only use is their powers. We need to steal that, and Gift it to the others.
I'm reluctant,
Pete replies. But I agree.

"There's only one way to do this," CC says to the rest of the group.

A wave of energy envelopes the Superhumans, but keeps its distance from the overlord and the wizard. The energy isn't dark and magnetic, like CC's Larceny--this is something else--motivating, empowering, bright. Pete's Gifting.

Suddenly, deep inside, all five Superhumans feel it--power. Dark power.

"We can't trust them," Pete says. "Any of them."
"But their power will be useful," CC continues for him.
"What?" the Overlord barks. "What does this--"

He falls to the ground, on his knees, gasping for air.

"MY LORD!" Gondor says. He runs to his master, only to be met by Juice's gauntlets. She grabs the Techodon, and lifts him up to the air.

"I've just given you my Gifting and CC's Larceny," Pete begins. "For the next twenty-four hours, all of you will be able to steal powers, and give it to the rest of us. Do you understand what I'm implying?"
"I get what you mean," Juice says, the Techodon gasping in her hands. "You want us to kill them, and take their power for our own. I agree."

She rips Gondor apart.

"N--no!" the Overlord yells. "You traitors! H-how... aargh!"

Repeat grabs him by the cape, sapping his powers as she does so, and pulls him up.

"Your usefulness has been voided," she says. "We no longer require your aid."

And she throws him. The Overlord is sent sprawling hundreds of meters as he collides with stone and dirt, fumbling on the ground. He knows he has broken bones. He doesn't know how much longer before his body gives out on him.

Manijure watches this all play out in front of him. And then he notices.

Pete and Jack have their eyes on him. They jump at the same time, but the wizard is quick, and manages to teleport away.

"The mage escaped," Jack says.
"And we don't know where the assassin is," Juice continues.
"I know where they are," CC replies, using her newfound precognition. She sends their exact locations telepathically to Pete.
"Ahh, of course..." Pete remarks, taunting. "I smell them now. The stench of their mortality insults me."
"You all know what to do," CC says. "Gift your current powers to the rest of us. As you Steal the mortals' powers, Gift them to us as well. Now find the weaklings. Hunt them. Then kill them."

The five Superhumans nod to each other, Gifting each other all their capabilities. Juice and Repeat decide to head for Manijure's location. Pete, Jack and CC will head for Ninja's.

"Juice," Jack says, eyeing the sunglasses on her V-neck. "Only two of you are chasing after him. Use the glasses. Call DM."
"We don't need a sixth Superhuman yet. But if things go awry, I'll get him."

Then the Superhumans split up to their respective teams, bent on finding their mortal targets.
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by Manijure » Sat Jul 23, 2016 11:09 pm

I reappear in my lair of evil operations, surprised at the betrayal by my temporary comrades.

"To think I am the worst evil there is in the realm," I muse. "But what they have done... After I have decided to put aside my killing desires and take down the real threat... Betrayal is the worst evil of all."

The Dream Eater I had placed in Juice's head so long ago pings me with a warning: she and Repeat are on their way to drain my powers. So they refuse to quit, instead of focusing on the enemy. Looks like I need to take matters in my own hands.

I pick up my cell phone (yes, even the most evil of wizards needs a cell phone in this society) and call my ally in the Dark Forge.

"Helloooooooo?" a voice says from my phone.

"Ah, hello, Veektor," I say evilly yet politely. "How has Frankie been?"

"Quiiiite good, Manijuuuuuure. Heee just killed theee first Abominaaaaaation by himself. His Jaxx v2 arrrrrrrms are quuuuuite the weapon."

Chuckling, I say, "That is certainly good to hear. Anyways, I have a small request for you, from one evil man to another."

"Dooooooo telllll."

"Chlorr has risen again, and she has sent her lackey Aminizil to wreak havoc on the realm. One of my comrades, the nublet British Filipino coward that she is, decided to use me as a human shield to temporarily subdue her."


"Well, fortuitously enough, one of her metal talons broke off, and it contains a sample of her DNA. I was wondering if you could take a look at it and forge a mighty weapon that can slay Aminizil once and for all."

"Certainlyyyyyy. It will be doneeeeeee."

Smiling, I say, "Excellent. I appreciate your help. I will send you the sample right now. Let me know when the weapon has been created. Ciao!"

Hanging up while teleporting the talon to the Dark Forge, I pick up my poisonous staff blades as I hear the front doors to my base smash open. Just in time...

"It is a shame we have to do this to him," I hear Juice talk to Repeat. "He will never know this, but he is one HOT Chinese wizard."

".... You're weird, you know that?" Repeat replies, grossed out.

"It's not my fault Chinese people are so handsome."

As they approach the main room of operations, I teleport behind Repeat and behead her with my left blade while stabbing Juice in the stomach with my right blade.

I walk away with my blades as Repeat's head and body topple to the ground and Juice slumps over moaning.

"A pity... You will never witness my true sorcery."

I stroll out of my base, planning on searching for more info on Chlorr and the rest of her minions.
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by FastAndBlast » Sun Jul 24, 2016 2:51 am

As I fall I assess the situation.
I can't get up or they will kill me, so the only option is to lie, not moving

Those super-humans think they are so smart, when in fact that is by far their weakness.
As i lie face down I use an old method from Kahzin to stop my breathing and pulse, shutting my mind from mind control.

The only thing I do is press the red button on my suit.
Just 1 minute
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by Ninja » Sun Jul 24, 2016 8:12 pm

It appears I have been betrayed, if I can call it that. I do, after all, want to kill some of their "team" members. I suppose I can't blame them for this, but they must die regardless. Insulting it is that they would not send Juice Box after me, when all I want is to kill her and Manijure. Utterly disrespectful. She will have an even more spectacular demise than I had previously devised. Now, back to business. I'll find JB and kill her. Then comes Manijure. Then the rest. Simple.

Cloak of Shadows.

~With this power, the ninja's presence --- physically, psychically, and magically --- is masked. This is the power he used earlier in the Superhuman's discussion.~


Using Farsight, I will find Juice and Manijure. This should be interesting.
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by Juice Box » Mon Jul 25, 2016 12:05 pm

Ninja stops in his tracks. His mind goes blank and he becomes completely visible. He doesn't understand what's happening, when suddenly he starts feeling the very same pain he felt when CC sapped his powers.

"Fool," Pete says, walking up to him. "Did you honestly think your powers could save you?"
"Waste no time, Gifter," CC replies. "He needn't poison the air with his mortal breath any longer."

Ninja pockets his amulet with a single, swift motion. So long as they can't grab hold of it, he'll have a chance.

Right behind him, Jack creates four replicants. They each appear in four separate corners nearby Ninja, trapping him. They all charge.

With blinding speed, he throws shurikens that immediately impale two of the replicants, then dashes towards another. His blade goes completely through it, leaving no harm. This one is a holo-replicant, the specialty of the one named Jack, he thinks to himself. Pete joins him in the assault. He brings out his two rings, and his skin turns completely golden--an ability Gifted to him by the one named Repeat.

Ninja tries desperately to turn himself invisible again, but it does not work--they've taken it already. One by one, his abilities drift away. He was a fool--he should have saved more of his powers. The more he uses a single ability, the easier the Superhumans can steal it. He realizes that just as he just barely dodges Pete's blade.

He creates three shadow clones and sends them in battle with Jack. Thankfully, the clones are superior to their replicants, but they won't last long. Soon, his opponents will be able to create their own twisted versions, and will likely use them in favor of the replicants. He thinks them as cowards for stealing his capabilities, but there's nothing he can do about it now. He charges towards Pete, slamming his katana against his dual blades, knocking the golden man back. He tries to stab him but his blade just bounces off. Pete, in retaliation, swings his arm for a punch, but the assassin dodges it easily.

Some few feet away, a shadow clone falls to the ground, impaled by Jack's armblade. Ninja ignores it and reverts his attention back to Pete. He infuses his katana with pure energy, and dashes his way to the golden man's back. His opponent notices him and dodges away, but he still isn't fast enough. Golden barriers rise from the ground--who gifted him that?--and block his path. He uses his katana to slice through them.

"Jack!" Pete says. "Jack, hurry up! This guy's too fast!"
"I'm a little busy, bro--" the replicant Jack used to reply disintegrates, impaled by a katana.
"Damn it," Pete creates three replicants and sends them away. He's in danger, he knows this, but so long as even a single replicant survives, he'll live another day.

Pete's replicants wrap themselves in their own Cloak of Shadows--stolen from Ninja--but the assassin was still able to compute for their positions. He throws a shuriken at one. It disintegrates. He dashes to another and slices its head off. He runs for the last but is blocked by a golden barrier. He slices it off, but more keep rising, until he eventually loses sight of the replicant.

The cowards! he thinks to himself. Some few feet away, Pete wraps himself with his own Cloak of Shadows, but Ninja can still sense him. Pete teleports away just to be sure, but Ninja can feel his landing a few feet away. He dashes to him, and his hand is stopped by the Superhuman's golden fist. He can't see his opponent, but he's still faster than him. He slices the hand off.

"Aaarrrrgh!" Pete yells, losing form of the Cloak. "You fucking--"
Ninja kicks him in the head, knocking him back somewhat. He tries to stab him but is met once again by Pete's remaining fist. He slices that off, too.
Pete shouts yet again, now with both his arms lost. He is dazed, and Ninja uses this opportunity. He stabs the golden man through the chest.

Pete gasps, his skin reverting to normal, his face full of shock. Two replicants start developing beside him, but Ninja slices them away, their forms melting from his katana's pure energy. He stabs Pete through the neck. Blood spurts from his mouth, and he falls to the ground.

Then he notices the shadowy hands wrapped around his feet.

Pete gives off one weak smile as he starts evaporating. He looks up at the assassin, intrigued that he fell for the same trick twice. Ninja slices at the shadow yet again, but to no avail. He trice to use brute force to get off the shadow hands' grip, and it slowly works until--


The shadowy hands envelop Ninja's right leg completely, and in one, quick movement, crush it.

Ninja yells as his entire right leg is completely destroyed.

He falls to the ground, blood gushing in every place his leg should be in. CC rises up from the ground and unleashes the magnetism from her Larceny, enveloping the assassin in it as his powers are stolen once again, then slowly, grabs his amulet.

"N-n... yurrrgh..." He cannot even muster words as he lays on the ground. The pain from CC's Larceny competes with the pain from his leg.

Jack, bleeding and bruised in a few areas, walks up to CC. He had just finished off the last of the shadow clones, and is starting to use Juice's healing energies to bring himself back into shape.

"We'll have to find Pete," Jack says as a gaping cut in his arm slowly closes itself.
"It'll only take a few minutes," CC replies, and gropes the amulet. "Anyways, I... I don't want to kill this one."
"What? Why not?"
"Most of his powers he showed us are in this amulet. To be honest, there's not much in here that's of use, but atleast he'll be off our backs, right? Besides, I want to watch him as he squirms."

Ninja is slowly blacking out from the sheer pain, his own blood soaking his clothing. "Oh, no, no, no, little guy..." CC says, then gives Ninja a fraction of healing energy, just enough to stop him from losing consciousness.
"Your arrogance amuses me, little one," CC continues. "Before we kill you--which we will--we will first leave you in pain. You shall be a lesson to any who dare challenge us."

CC explains something to Jack telepathically, and the tall boy acknowledges. He approaches the assassin, rids him of all his weapons, then grabs both his arms and, slowly, breaks both of them. Ninja yells even louder than he did before. CC eyes him, amused.

"You are lucky we are merciful enough to spare you," CC fumbles with the amulet. "But if we ever cross paths again... you will find that there are fates much worse than death."

The still gasping Ninja eyes them both, sweating furiously and bleeding intensely. The Superhumans decide that they've finally had enough, and leave him there, broken and shattered.
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by Sinque Productions » Mon Jul 25, 2016 1:17 pm

Vez'Nan smiles. He can feel the havoc. Superhumans are fighting, sadly of course. After all, most of them are humans. Sad sad creatures. He is at home, in hell of course, the most beautiful place to exist.

He calls for his assistant, Sinque. "I shall go into the battle if the others like it or not. Their world shall burn, oh yes. And I shall give them a chance. 3 lives I shall have. I will play easy of course." he says.

"So no blowing up the universe then, my lord?"
"Nope. Too easy."
"Do you plan to join anybody?"
"Yes but who, I wonder. They will beg for my assistance, the Lord of Hell. I will join the beggar, or perhaps not. If nobody wants me, I shall slaughter them all. Not one at a time, too easy. All at once. Good fun."
"Of course, my lord."
"Mouth of Vez'Nan! Tell the puny humans of my coming on the thread. Do it now. And then you shall join me in battle."
"Yes my lord."

Sinque opens up a portal to the hell database. He writes a bunch of information down. He adds a warning that telepathy on Vez'Nan will result in death, Vez'Nan's mind exist in the 666th world, where only he can resist from being disintegrated, same with any attempts to stop Vez'Nan's powers (sapping for e.g.). Furthermore, he writes that Vez'Nan cannot be killed by any blade, not matter how powerful. Same with any weak (basically every) spell. He then closes the portal, and walks to Vez'Nan, standing on his castle overlook.

They teleport to the mortal world, fire forming around them, scorching the nearby ground.

Vez'Nan can feel the world tremble with fear and he laughes. "Let the invasion begin!" he cries and watches as demons burn the sky and the ground until the world is a fiery place. Some of the demons disappear, leaving a ball of fire behind.

He strides forward, his mouth, Sinque, right behind, and they wait for a puny mortal to respond to the thread.
Last edited by Sinque Productions on Tue Jul 26, 2016 12:14 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by Ninja » Mon Jul 25, 2016 4:57 pm

Pain has always been an obstacle. It always will be. Like before, I can deal with the pain, even if only barely; but, with this broken body, I can do nothing. Unless ... NO, not yet. It is not yet that time.


Ah, yes! I am such a forgetful creature! My amulet has been stolen, but they are fools if they think that it only contained my powers in it. It contains the might of every being I have killed, each store of great power hidden under a separate layer of thricebound magical protection. It would take them years to unravel all of its secrets, even with CC. But, I have one fail-safe. In circumstances such as these, I can call all of that power back to me at once, amplifying my power levels up to (OVER 9000) far beyond that of my opponents, even all of them combined. For a short time. After a time has passed, the power is depleted, and will disappear permanently unless I find a phylactery powerful enough to contain the power once more, of which there are few. If I retrieve the amulet, however, then all is not lost.

This is a good plan. First, I shall destroy Pete, Jack, and CC. After that time, I must retrieve the amulet from them, lest my magical store of power be lost. Then, Juice and Manijure die.


Fire fills the skies; demonic legions swarming a nearby area. "Let the invasion begin!" I hear someone shout. What is this? A new opponent? Perhaps, if I get there first, I can make of him an ally. Perhaps I won't even need to call upon my full might yet.

With that, the ninja makes the slow and painful journey to --- unbeknownst to him --- the Dark Lord of the galaxy. His progress is excruciating, but the ninja has felt pain before of even greater amounts, and that was just in his resistance training. With immense fortitude, he presses onward with renewed vigor. Fortunately for him (or perhaps he is utterly unfortunate), however, he will reach his destination sooner than he thinks, for the Wizard of Iniquities is coming in his direction.
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by FastAndBlast » Tue Jul 26, 2016 5:50 am

I feel my strength coming back
I rise from the ground and see demonic legions and fire filling the sky. I smile.
I am coming old friend. I follow the demonic legion to it's commander. On the way there i pick up my phone.
"Greetings, my Lord!"
"Oh hey Gondor"
"I actually cannot believe their betrayal my Lord"
"They seemed a bit fishy to me"
"Well they certainly are not smart"
"Did you use your transforming abilities to reform in another place?"
"Correct my Lord, everything is ready!"
"Then send off the Alpha Beast"
"Already done my Lord!"
And with that I close my phone. The Alpha Beast is certain to finish them off, being their natural predetor. The Alpha Beast has the ability to be imposssible to be harmed by its prey, it can sap its living power, negating any of its abilities as well as the ongoing clones/regeneration. I smile. At that moment I arrive at the demonic legion.

"Hello, I'd like to visit Vez'nan " I say to a corporal in the demonic legion (we meet each other from time to time)
And now i wait through the queue...
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by Sinque Productions » Tue Jul 26, 2016 12:12 pm

Vez'Nan strides forward. He sees in front of him crawling over injured the great Ninja. He is in pain, great pain.

Vez'Nan holds out his hand and with powerful dark magic, heals Ninja. He replaces Ninja's right leg with a hellish material, which he forms into a leg. He uses the same material to replace Ninja's broken arms. The material makes Ninja much much stronger, and faster too. Vez'Nan than gives Ninja replicas of his weapons, made out of hell iron.

"Your welcome." Vez'Nan says to Ninja who is now standing. He forms two chairs and a table out of fire and they cool instantly into obsidian. He sits down in one, and Ninja sits down in the other.
"It is nice of you to show up, Ninja."
"Who are you?"
"I am the Bringer of Death, the End Master, the Player of Killing Games, the Wizard of Iniquities. But perhaps I am being to vague. I am Vez'Nan, the Lord of Hell."
Sinque comes over with a tray filled with brownies and tea. He sets them on the table and says "My lord, the Lord of the Universe has come to see you."
"Tell him I am busy at the moment and will able to see him in a few minutes."
"Yes, my lord" says Sinque, who walks over to where a legion of demons are standing guard.
Ninja of course knows who this is. Perhaps it is to late to make allies with this Vez'Nan. Then again he healed me... I need to be aware anyway. He grabs a shuriken and holds it at ready. Vez'Nan knows this, but does nothing.
"What do you need me for?" he asks.
"I think it is the other way around," Vez'Nan says smiling."But then again a little fun is well... a little fun. Juice Box, curse her sad name, and the others are your enemies, of course. I can help with that. Then Chlorr and her minions."
"I see."
"The Lord of the Universe appears to need my help, or perhaps not. I shall speak to him soon. In the meantime, get some rest. Although you are healed, it will take another day before you are back to full strength. The demons shall watch over you, and believe me, no paladin can defeat them. They are powerful and strong, some of hell's finest. They cannot be killed, not by Juice Box anyway. At worst, they will be sent back to hell, and that will be very difficult to do."

Vez'Nan then got Ninja place to rest, and The Lord of the Universe comes over, led by Sinque.
"Two great lords sit down. One of the universe and one of its beauty." Vez'Nan says, smiling.
"Hello old friend."
"It appears you are in need of assistance."
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by Juice Box » Tue Jul 26, 2016 12:22 pm


FastAndBlast wrote:"Oh hey Gondor"


Juice already stole Gondor's shapeshifting when he killed him. So, nope, Gondor's dead. Thanks for the free ability, though :b .


"URRRGH," Juice says as the poison carries over her.
"Jesus Christ, Juice," Repeat says as she becomes visible. Her decapitated replicant lays on the ground, evaporating. "Didn't you make a replicant?"
"I-I'm not used t-to that power yet, damn it. I-I didn't get my whole life to p-practice it, okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, whatever, just get yourself up to speed, all right? Catch up later, I'm going after him."
"Y-yeah get y-your ugly ass out of here, e-effin' redhead."

Repeat leaves Juice on the ground and exits the base. She'll get herself back up in no time, but for now she's occupied with the task of subduing Manijure. He finds the ugly wizard once again cackling in glee at his supposed victory.

"YO, DICKWAD," Repeat yells.

The moment Manijure turns to face her, he is met (once again) by Repeat's right hook. The frail wizard's body is yet one more time sent sprawling through the air, and Repeat wastes no time getting to work--he's just a wizard, no where near the power level of that assassin CC and the others had to face, so this should be much, much easier. She bounces off, meeting the wizard's body in mid-air, and slams her gigantic sword through him.

Manijure impacts the ground bleeding and broken. The redhaired woman sizes him up, and decides to waste no time--she immediately begins sapping his powers when...

... When nothing. He doesn't have any powers.

"Fool," around her, nine different Manijure's have appeared, each as ugly and Chinese as the one next to it. "Not used to this yet, are we?"

Repeat knows this trick--only one of them is real, the rest are holograms. But it's hard to keep this in mind as each ugly Manijure simultaneously unsheathes his blade.

The real Juice Box is getting really tired, so Repeat decides to just make this quick. She gets up, and unleashes her Larceny on all eight copies. A gigantic sphere of dark energy envelopes the area they're in, and all nine Manijure's fall to the ground. She senses it--the middle one, that's the real one, it's the only one with abilities. She dashes toward him and unleashes her Negation on him. The real Manijure gasps, barking in pain, as Repeat lifts him up by the neck, still sapping his powers. Then she drops him, takes her gigantic sword, and splat.

A large, gaping hole opens up on Manijure's chest. He still breathes, so the girl wastes no time. She lifts her sword up once more, then brings it down on the wizard's head--decapitating him.

"..." Juice catches up to her. "That's it?"
"Yeah," Repeat replies, wiping the blood off her clothes. "The real Juice Box is tired right now, she doesn't really want to write another epic battle and stuff like with Ninja."
"But who's the real--"
"Oh, by the way, did you see any of those demons yet?"
"Demons? From the, uhh... the Sink guy?"
"Yeah, yeah, the dude serving Vez'Nan."
"No, not really. But it's just another Demon Overlord, we've killed hundreds of those arrogant dickwads before. Vez'nan and Sink aren't a problem. The moment they show up, we can just kill them outright."
Repeat takes off her jacket, deems it too full of ugly Chinese blood to be worth using again, then conjures up a new one. "I suppose. Though I'm honestly growing tired of ugly demons... But the real threat is still Aminizil. We should probably get back to that."
"Did you larcen Manijure's powers?"
Repeat sighs. "None of these guys are particularly interesting, Juice. I took his powers, but he doesn't have much that's of real use. He can conjure things and all, but we can do that, already. Heck, CC said that when they beat Ninja, all he had was some lame amulet."
"And what did they do with it?"
"They found out it was important to Ninja but worthless to us, so they destroyed it and sent the remains to Malfie. She's scattering it all over the earth as we speak. The only piece we're aware of is the one CC herself is keeping."
"But Ninja... he's not dead, is he?"
"No, he's not."

The two (gorgeously attractive) women look up at the sky.

"Everyone's finding loopholes, Juice," Repeat remarks. "Manijure and Ninja are no where near as powerful as us, but as long as they live, they'll just keep coming back up--even stronger than the last time we beat them."
"What do you suggest?"
Repeat looks at Juice's chest--I mean the sunglasses on her chest... yeah... "Call him."
Juice fumbles with the sunglasses, sizing them up for good measure. "Do you think it's time?"
"Everyone's getting more OP than usual. That Sink guy doesn't understand how strong we actually are. He might end up accidentally killing us in one of his story posts because he thought we were that easy to kill."
"Repeat, that doesn't make sense. And what post?--"
"Just call him," Repeat interrupts. "Besides, your bae is hot."
Juice eyes the redhaired girl suspiciously. "You do realize he's mine, right?"
"Oh, shut your face, ghurl. Just let me gawk at him already."

With that, the two women try and find their way back to their teammates. They burn Manijure's body and scatter the ashes, to ensure he doesn't respawn somewhere.

"So," Repeat says. "How long before he gets here?"
"A couple hours or so, I guess. Let's just wait it out."
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by Sinque Productions » Tue Jul 26, 2016 12:45 pm

Sinque opens up a portal and rights the following message.
Dear Puny Creatures,
Sink? Wow never seen a better nickname like ever. 8-)
First of all, Vez'Nan ain't no demon overlord. He's the f :yey: :yey: king Lord of Hell. But yes, he is playing as easy as a strong demon overlord. I will remind you your super(puny)humans sapping abilites don't work on him (nor me, Sink) as he is protected by the 666th dimension, burning any intruder to crisp infinite times over with infinite power.

Mouth or Vez'Nan, Sinque Sink
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by Ninja » Tue Jul 26, 2016 2:40 pm


This material is extremely powerful, even stronger than my former might. And I can see that it is almost impervious as well. I will not be so easily "defeated" again. Now, how to get to my amulet? I could tell Vez'nan of it, and tell him that I need it. No, not that. I could leave this place immediately and go after it. After all, that Vez'nan guy underestimated my power; I already have regained my full strength with his help. Though, I do appreciate a rest, I know that mere demons cannot protect me from harm. I must go and inform Vez'nan that something has been stolen from me and I need it back. Yes, that is what I shall do. Not too vague, not too clear. Perfect.


Zonoro, I think you need to post again now. This thread is probably going way off track. I mean, these inner faction fights are kind of taking more precedence than your plot.
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by Juice Box » Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:38 pm


Repeat and Juice actually said, not wrote:Repeat sighs. "None of these guys are particularly interesting, Juice. I took his powers, but he doesn't have much that's of real use. He can conjure things and all, but we can do that, already. Heck, CC said that when they beat Ninja, all he had was some lame amulet."
"And what did they do with it?"
"They found out it was important to Ninja but worthless to us, so they destroyed it and sent the remains to Malfie. She's scattering it all over the earth as we speak. The only piece we're aware of is the one CC herself is keeping."

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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by Ninja » Tue Jul 26, 2016 3:52 pm


Juice Box wrote:The only piece we're aware of is the one CC herself is keeping.

Besides, Ninja doesn't know that they destroyed most of the amulet. I can't just break the 4th and read your posts. ;)
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by FastAndBlast » Tue Jul 26, 2016 10:32 pm

Juice Box wrote:"MY LORD!" Gondor says. He runs to his master, only to be met by Juice's gauntlets. She grabs the Techodon, and lifts him up to the air.

"I've just given you my Gifting and CC's Larceny," Pete begins. "For the next twenty-four hours, all of you will be able to steal powers, and give it to the rest of us. Do you understand what I'm implying?"
"I get what you mean," Juice says, the Techodon gasping in her hands. "You want us to kill them, and take their power for our own. I agree."

She rips Gondor apart.

"N--no!" the Overlord yells. "You traitors! H-how... aargh!"

Repeat grabs him by the cape, sapping his powers as she does so, and pulls him up.

Um no, you didn't say that
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by Juice Box » Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:17 am


FastAndBlast wrote:Um no, you didn't say that

Well, then forgive me. I thought it was implied already when Pete said, "I've just given all of you CC's Larceny."
Last edited by Juice Box on Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:44 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by Ninja » Wed Jul 27, 2016 4:23 am

(OOC: You guys are forgetting to use the OOC tag.)
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by FastAndBlast » Wed Jul 27, 2016 6:57 am

Peopke seem to get OP :/
eg: JB has 4 superhumans and each one can take our whole character out
eg2: Vez'nan instakills anybody
eg3: CC steals anybodys power

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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by Juice Box » Wed Jul 27, 2016 7:27 am

FastAndBlast wrote:OOC:
Peopke seem to get OP :/
eg: JB has 4 superhumans and each one can take our whole character out
eg2: Vez'nan instakills anybody
eg3: CC steals anybodys power



Repeat said, not wrote:"Everyone's finding loopholes, Juice," Repeat remarks. "Manijure and Ninja are no where near as powerful as us, but as long as they live, they'll just keep coming back up--even stronger than the last time we beat them."

I actually think I'm at an underpowered state right now. Manijure and Sinque still have their respective evil armies, spells and tricks, which is obviously far superior to a ragtag group of five Superhumans. Plus Ninja will no doubt find a way to get his power to over 9000. Even when I call in that sixth member, I'll still be underpowered .-. .

I was actually contemplating on just flat-out calling a small army of Superhumans to tip the scales, since right now I'm the weakest character, but whatevs I'll see.
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Re: Slaughter with Plot

by Sinque Productions » Wed Jul 27, 2016 8:51 am

OOC: Don't worry. The demons will be gone before Vez'Nan goes into battle. There just there for now because reasons. Vez'Nan is playing easy peasy. He will not be using insta-kills at all. He will be easily defeated.

Also, Juice Box, your superhuman are insanely powerful. At Vez'Nan's current state and without the alpha beast, your easily the most powerful currently. But if Ninja can get his power over 9000, possibly with some help from Vez'Nan :twisted: , I dunno.

Also Manijure and Juice + Repeat are all dead, right? Or can everyone just respawn as they please?
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