Speculation and Wishlist Thread

A new Sci-Fi adventure! Mechas included.

Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by Big Bad Bug » Tue Nov 24, 2015 10:26 pm

(First thread in the new subforum! :yey: )

Here's where we can post speculation in terms of story and gameplay for Iron Marines. There's not much yet, but hopefully that will soon change. :D


  • Heroes! Mr. T, as I will call him for short, is an anagram of Agustin, Father of Dragons and one of the earliest members of Ironhide. This hero seems much stronger compared to the enemies he faces. Perhaps he was given huge stat damage numbers just to test if he could do the things Ironhide wanted him to do, and will be rebalanced to a more reasonable state afterward. Perhaps this is already his final state, and the enemies are just significant weaker compared to heroes. We see that he has a shield. This could be a recharging shield that protects a certain amount of damage, similar to Arivan's rocks. Alternatively, it could be a skill that gives him super defence, or blocks specific damage types. It could also block some damage types as a passive. Either way, it definitely looks unique to him and not like a spell or item used on him that can apply to other units.

  • As a "casual" RTS made by the developers of Kingdom Rush, I suspect that there will be some Tower Defence relation in this game. This is a tenuous assumption, since the team is so much larger and won't have full influence from the guys handling KR, but games of this genre tend to have defensive methods anyways, as that's part of the core gameplay. Offensive towers could be included amongst normal unit-training buildings, and I bet those would be excellent, especially if they took inspiration from KR.
  • There are different and variated troop types, for instance the blue people seem to have some snipers. I hope this means we have troops that fall into pre-designated categories, with set ranges and speeds each work best at. Because of a presumed lack of melee what I remember from being pretty good at Rome (1) Total War won't help me, but I still love those good ol' hammer and anvil days.
  • There are buildings to use. I would assume that these are made in the usual RTS way of specific units to act as builders, however I actually think I would also like the Edain Mod's building technique. It is presumable that there will be multiple buildings, one or possibly more for resources, several for training different units, and perhaps one or more to upgrade troops and buildings. A defensive tower of some kind will probably exist also.
  • Turrets confirmed. AOE confirmed. Enemies grant numbers in the hundreds, making me assume that if it is a resource, then it comes in large quantities like this to avoid decimals or just look better. If merely a score,it could also be for those reasons. They fall quickly, meaning that there is a large gap in the power of some things in the game. Turrets could be very strong, and some enemies could be very weak. Maybe it's one of the two or both, or maybe a third option, like altered stats for testing.

  • From this picture below, I presume that the close-up art will be as intricate and refined as always, but even more than before. Also, unique and original science-fiction guns could play big roles for special units, most likely heroes.


  • Based on the blue dotted line, movement of units is executed by tapping the desired troop and directing it to a location by tapping the ground. Dragging seemed to occur as well, so that hopefully plays a role in specifying movement types, such as tapping to move and dragging to patrol.


  • Objectives regarding reactivation of energy from a still-unknown source called the COMSAT (communications satellite) and likely more types of missions exist, with layers, as shown in "2/3." I loathe that hero portrait for its blandness, but further confirmation of heroes is assuredly a positive thing. :)


  • Based on the below image, we get to see th most of the environment, which is a very snowy mountainous region with holes in the firing and has brown, grotesque blobs, likely to be alien egg sacs or some time of infection.


  • A possible final boss or ultimate hero?



  • Sounds: Sound effects as well as music are crucial to building atmosphere. Compare Origins to the first 2 KR's to see how much music can make a difference.
  • Factions. See JB's post. I really want factions as well, preferably with drastically unique play styles. BFME2's factions are well-balanced (for the most part), but they're all so similar. Only heroes and spells really separate them from each other, and even then, some heroes are quite similar to each other as well as spells overlapping. Have armies that are focused on certain tactics but still have a little bit of everything else, to keep long games interesting and varied.
  • Multiplayer. If I can interact with other players in matches, either against or with them, the game will have infinite play time as well as infinite fun.
  • Spells. Besides strategy, some tactical bonuses would also help tremendously to keep combat varied. Spell trees, or at least multiple options from the start in any other form would be the best for an RTS. One faction could even have a heavy focus on spells compared to others as a defining trait, which would be amazing.
  • Detailed Micro. Pretty much Kevin's suggestion. Options to change the amount of hostility that units have towards enemies, their goals in a mission (defend a unit/structure/area, attack, etc.), and set multiple movements at once. It might make for quite a full menu when a unit is selected, but fullness means options, which strategy games need to be interesting.
  • Detailed Maps. See Kevin's suggestion. Large maps, or at least on the verge of big, aren't always best, but some should be present. Small maps with narrow spaces can also be fun to take advantage of, especially when they limit unit types and army sizes. Environmental additions, neutral/always hostile units guarding treasure, and neutral buildings for capture (possibly guarded by neutral units) to add bonuses should not only be present, but also optional.
  • Customizable Matches. Being able to set up a Skirmish match is a must. Starting resources, unit availability, hero availability, spell usage, neutral enemies, neutral buildings, and whatever else you can think of. Make as many things optional for the most variety, player adaptability, and replay value.
  • Skins. This is a stretch, but if I could unlock different skins or other visual, non-gameplay bonuses by using a certain unit effectively multiple times, I might love this game more than the KR series. Better skins should take more to earn, but still be within reason. Even if I do play this game enough to kill 1,000 units with a hero, I would like to kill at least 300 of them with a brand new skin.
  • Target-Locking: Force units to shoot at a specific unit and not waste abilities/resources.
  • Patrolling: Make units move between any amount of selected spots until ordered otherwise.
  • Unit Upgrades: Self-explanatory. The game needs this because customisation of one's army should be as in-depth as possible, adding more strategic possibilities and length to games. Plus, it gives more things to spend Etherium on.
  • Unit Abilities: Beyond just heroes, units should have special powers that they can use. Not all need one, but there should still be plenty of units who do have powers. They should all have cooldowns, as well as a low Etherium cost to use.

Unit/Enemy Suggestions:

Burrower - A swiftly-traveling unit that moves underground, hidden from damage. It would be moderately easy to destroy once above ground, but able to deal heavy damage specifically to enemy structures.

Manifold Raider - A slowly moving unit that, when destroyed, breaks into a few smaller but faster units. The damage of the larger one would be moderate, while the damage of the smaller ones would be less so.

Reconstitutor - A non-damaging unit that would scavenge for destroyed ally and enemy units, turning their scrap back into resources. It would be relatively easy to destroy it.

Shadow Stalker - A unit that can become invisible when out of combat. While weak in terms of armor, it would be able to deal relatively heavy damage in sneak attacks.

Gargantuan - A massive, slowly moving unit that would act as a heavy front line to soak damage from incoming enemy attacks. The unit would either deal minimal damage or no damage at all to compensate for its great defensive prowess.

Lync - A weak, low-cost unit that deals little damage to enemies. However, when combined (or "linked") with others of its kind, its power grows exponentially and each can deal significantly more damage.

Saboteur- A very fast unit with average health and average damage. It has a skill that can disable enemy skills in a large AoE. (This would have a lengthy cooldown.) It gains a massive stat boost when battling mechas and/or attacking structures. It would be moderately

Smart-bomb- A low cost, low health, & fast speed unit. It naturally homes in on the largest nearby group of enemies & then explodes for high damage with a good-sized AoE.

Bomber unit- an aircraft/mecha that drops a bomb dealing massive area damage. Balanced by slow-movement, weak armor and several resources to build.

Earth Piercer- A slow, heavy mecha with a very high cost, average life but high armor. It has no main guns, but an extremely powerful ability that can take some time to recharge. It launches 2 rockets, one per arm, that deal incredibly heavy damage, instantly killing most units and small structures in a large AOE. The explosions leave a wide hole in the ground that prevent the movement of infantry, but the holes disappear eventually.

Deathbringer- A Melee infantry unit with high speed, given by rocket shoes or a rocket pack. He wields dual blades made of concentrated Etherium that can slice through the thickest metal or energy shield. He deals high damage to units but is easily killed by ranged attacks.

Warden- A slow-moving mecha with dual turrets that can lock down in a location, gaining increased firing speed, damage, and armor. It takes significant time to alternate between each mode. Alternatively, it must stay locked down once it does so, but gains an even more powerful stat boost compared to the 1st concept.

Etherium Guardian- A flat platform, surrounded by metal shields on all sides, and moving on tank wheels. In the middle of the platform is a large spire, conducting power. Infantry units around it gain energy shields that recharge after not being attacked for awhile.

Sentry- A flying unit, in the form of a small, light mecha with an infinite jet pack. It has a slow attack compared to machine guns, but not that slow, perhaps a mere bullet per second. The bolts would be of pure blue energy, exploding for a small AOE and dealing bonus damage to enemy machinery, be it structures, mechas, or vehicles of some other kind. It is quick, powerful, expensive, and vulnerable to damage.

Arcane Omniscient- An expensive infantry unit that sees an alternative use for Etherium: to find a greater life, a greater world. They cast devastating spells that can deal massive damage to a large army or instantly wipe out a single, elite enemy unit. Expensive and frail, they are glass cannons.

Purifier- The ultimate mecha, it has average speed and good damage, with extremely high defense. One of the most costly units in the game, it is a statistical monstrosity, either for late game assaults on a heavily guarded base or rushed out to be micro-ed to victory as it slaughters weaker units on its own.

To be updated. :)
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Re: Speculation Thread

by Juice Box » Wed Nov 25, 2015 12:25 pm

What I'm really hoping for is multiple factions--around four, 'cause that's always the most funnestest.

But yeah. If this is an RTS, then it should have lots of factions. And not just that--they need to be distinct, too, but still heavily balanced. I need to be able to tell within a glance of a single unit or a single ability that, hey, this thing belongs to this specific faction, which has this specific playstyle, etc.

Like, you guys know StarCraft II right? Think the balance between Zerg, Protoss and Terran: Terran for defense and the ability to adapt to any situation, Protoss for sheer power, and Zerg for not giving a fruit because your numbers are endless and your troops can evolve. Even though you've got these different factions, you can still immediately tell when a specific unit or a specific ability belongs to a certain race because they were designed so well. And you'll still want to try out all three factions because even though they're extremely different, they're still really well-balanced against each other. I really want to see that in this game.

Oh, and an Alric/Eridan easter egg. This is a requirement. Every game in the world is somehow amplified whenever either Eridan or Alric is in it. So there.
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by kevin32 » Wed Nov 25, 2015 2:44 pm


During a routine cargo transport out in space, a fat drunk cargo tech listening to 23rd-century country rock discovered unidentified life forms on a nearby planet. The United Federation of Solar Systems sent a small team of scientists to greet the life forms. They never returned or were heard from. Concerned, the UFSS sent a small security team to locate the scientists. Upon arrival, the security team came upon a glowing substance now labeled Etherium, which is capable of developing energy and resources with greater efficiency and durability than industry standards. This is the latest static-filled transmission between Admiral JuiceBox of the UFSS and the security team.

Admiral: "Captain, what is the status of the situation."
Captain: "Well ma'am, we haven't found the scienti....ZZSSSSS...there appears to be....ZZSSS...sort of factory...SSZZZZ...things are being manufactured."
Admiral: "What are they building!?"

The admiral listened in dread to the last transmission from the security team:

Captain: "....ZZZSSS....odies!...SSSSSZZZZZZ...Human...CCZZZZZ...odies...ZZZZSSS"

With no response from the security team, the UFSS has sent an elite military group known as the Iron Marines to find any personnel and to discover what happened on the planet.


The option to switch from manual to automatic. RTS implies lots of manual control and micro-managing. This is fun especially in the beginning when your army is small. But when you have a large number of units across the map, micro-managing everything can be a headache, so an automated process for common actions would be Greaaaat. For example, sometimes I want units to use their special skills automatically, or for a repair unit to automatically go around and repair units in its range instead of pointing him to each individual unit. As your army gets larger, you can choose between micro-managing and macro-managing.

A detailed map of your resources. Most RTS games have a general map where you can see your units and where the enemy is. I think it would be convenient to have a more detailed map about your units and their stats, especially when you have a large army with lots of buildings and can't remember where everything is. Here are some ideas for the map:
> Overview of units. Basically tells you how many units and buildings you have, and their locations color-coded on the map. But you can break it down further to view only the troops, or tanks, or fuel buildings, or repair units, etc.
> Damage indicator. Displays whether any units are low on health and where.
> Threat indicator. Displays whether any units are being attack and where (though this should probably be on the general map).

A map for strategic planning. Especially for setting waypoints and rules of engagement. If I have a large number of units and wanted to ambush a nearby enemy camp, I have to select a group of units, move them towards the camp, then select another group and move them towards the camp, and so on multiple times. I would like a map option where I can set the direction and actions of all groups ahead of time and then when I'm ready, with one click all units can move out and execute their orders at the same time. This also helps when you want to move a large number of units to a new camping location.

A cease-fire option. Units tend to fire as soon as the enemy is within range, revealing themselves. Sometimes I want to bypass and flank the enemy without them noticing. And sometimes I want units to retreat before getting killed. A cease-fire option would help with this.

Target-locking. Forces units to target a specific enemy at all costs, because nothing is worse than seeing your mecha using all its resources on a small enemy soldier, when you want it to shoot other mechas or buildings.

Target-priority. A convenient, flexible version of "Target-locking". Instead of manually pointing your units to a single target, units will automatically shoot certain enemies based on importance. Options are:

> Any enemy in range (default)
> Armored (mechas, vehicles, tanks)
> Aircraft
> Buildings
> Bosses

So if your mecha has its priority set to "Armored", then it will initially shoot any foot soldiers in range, but as soon a tank comes in range, your mecha will ignore the foot soldiers and shoot the tank. After the tank is destroyed or is out of range, your mecha will automatically switch back to shooting any enemy in range. There could also be an option where units reserve their special skills for only priority targets, and use normal fire-power on other enemies.

Bomber unit. an aircraft/mecha that drops a bomb dealing massive area damage. Balanced by slow-movement, weak armor and several resources to build.

Long soundtrack with dynamic scoring: Songs are at least 5 minutes long and have a dynamic score, meaning when no battle is occurring (such as during the build phase), the music is generally "quiet" with few instruments playing. But when you attack or being attacked, the music "picks up" and additional instruments and drums begin playing. So the music matches the action that's happening on screen. Here's an example of how this is used (not my video): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=geFpTqvaIJQ

Flexible save options: Since this is a "casual" RTS, I would like to suggest the option of saving the game at any time, and even have multiple save points for the same stage. For example, I'm always going to want to save after I've built a base of operations with a decent amount of buildings and troops, and I'm always going to want to save just before assaulting an enemy camp. If the assault fails, I can go back to the first save and expand the base with more troops/vehicles.

Challenge Modes for each campaign stage:

> Everything unlocked for earlier stages. After beating the game you can go back to the earlier stages and use all units and upgrades.

> Restricted Units challenge. Similar to KR Iron Challenge, you can't use certain troops, mechas, buildings, etc in the mission.

> No Etherium challenge. The map has no etherium that can be mined, but you start off with the just enough to build a small army, so you must carefully choose your units and then destroy the opponent.

> No Units Lost challenge. See if you can destroy all enemy units without any of your units being destroyed.

Endless modes: (I think there are some kinks that need to be worked out, but this is the general idea)

> Standard: Your base is surrounded on three sides by mountainous terrain, like a cul-de-sac. The only way in or out is a large pathway that leads to the enemy base. The enemy starts with more buildings and troops than you, and they are already sending troops to your base. You have only a few minutes to build before the first troops arrive. There is an etherium mining location in your base that contains nearly infinite etherium, but you must still mine and utilize it. The enemy's objective is to destroy all your units, and your mission is to survive for as long as possible. Every 5 minutes you earn a saved checkpoint. (An alternative to a cul-de-sac is having your base in a central location without any mountainous terrain and having the enemy approach from all directions.)

> Tower Defense: Similar to Standard but in this mode there is a specific building in your base that the enemy is trying to reach and destroy. While some enemies will target units in range, most enemies will go straight for the building at all costs. The building cannot be repaired when damaged so your mission is to defend it for as long as possible.

> Tower Offense: Similar to Tower Defense except you're on the offensive. You must send out troops and destroy a specific tower at the enemy base. The enemy will not come to your base but will remain at their base to defend. But you better hurry, as the game progresses the enemy will continue building bigger and stronger defenses.

Will be updating this post as ideas come up.
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by Big Bad Bug » Wed Nov 25, 2015 3:05 pm

I updated the OP based on these suggestions, and a little bit of my own ideas.
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by Juice Box » Wed Nov 25, 2015 3:10 pm

Dude wrote:• Setting waypoints and rules of engagement. If I have a large number of units and wanted to ambush a nearby enemy camp, I have to select a group of units, move them towards the camp, then select another group and move them towards the camp, and so on multiple times. I would like a map option where I can control the direction and actions of all groups ahead of time and then when I'm ready, with one click all units can move out and execute their orders at the same time. This also helps when you want to move a large number of units to a new camping location.

^^THISTHISTHIS. Especially if you're a heavy planner like me.

I don't know about you guys, but I go to extreme efforts to make sure my units don't die in strategy games. Like, losing even one unit isn't acceptable. So on missions where you go on the offense, I spend wayyyy to much time scouting the enemy, then formulating proper strategies to effectively eliminate those enemies with minimal damages on my side. And on defensive missions, I get scouts to enemy factions' expected pathways, put way too many defenses on choke points, and prepare for every possibility. The problem with this is that sometimes your plans still don't go as expected, because of all that heavy micromanaging you have to do be supergood at.

This problem will no doubt be amplified further on a mobile device. Micromanaging is even harder with your fingers than your mouse. It would be nice if there was an option where we could "pause" the game and issue commands to units while it's paused. A feature like that would be absolutely great, and would set Iron Marines leagues beyond most strategy games, in my opinion.
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by kevin32 » Wed Nov 25, 2015 3:12 pm

Can this be stickied? I'm curious to see what ideas the community can come up with.
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by The_TaTs » Wed Nov 25, 2015 3:31 pm

kevin32 wrote:Can this be stickied? I'm curious to see what ideas the community can come up with.

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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by kevin32 » Wed Nov 25, 2015 4:01 pm

Juice Box wrote:It would be nice if there was an option where we could "pause" the game and issue commands to units while it's paused.

I agree. The computer opponent has an advantage because it knows where everything is and can calculate the best strategy within seconds. Pausing gives the player the opportunity to think and plan in minutes, what it takes the computer to do in seconds.
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by Big Bad Bug » Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:21 pm

Since there's no multiplayer, I suppose that a pause would work, but that takes out the "Real Time" in RTS. :|

I would prefer if the RT was preserved in this game, encouraging reflexive and mental speed to win. I would like the map to be easy to navigate, such as clicking/tapping on a small map in the corner, causing it to expand so that the player can click on locations to move the screen there instantly. From there, they can select units and order them to attack or whatever else they would like to do, and quickly move to the next group on the map as many times as necessary. Being on a touchscreen, this should be even easier than on the computer. ;)
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by Anorak » Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:29 pm

I would prefer no pause. The game would be to easy that way. Without it it is more challenging and require better reactions and planning skills.
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by Ninja » Wed Nov 25, 2015 5:53 pm

Yeah, a pause option would
definitely detract from the
difficulty and strategy of the
game. ;)
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by Pencil » Wed Nov 25, 2015 6:00 pm

YES! Keep speculating! Fuel my ominous laughter in reference of my knowledge of whats to come!



Also say goodbye to the gooby faced avatar, I just need to paint the new avatar and Pencil's gonna be a fully functional dev on the forums! (Tats got back from his quest to New Zealand and got the orange from Delebru, which now blesses my uninteresting yet practical username!)
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by The_TaTs » Wed Nov 25, 2015 6:03 pm

I love this thread.

It's really fun to see all the things you are coming up with. Keep them coming! :yey:
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by The Kingmaker » Wed Nov 25, 2015 6:45 pm

From the image I take two things:

1: There are different and variated troop types, for instance the blue people seem to have some snipers. I hope this means we have troops that fall into pre-designated categories, with set ranges and speeds each work best at. Because of a presumed lack of melee what I remember from being pretty good at Rome (1) Total War won't help me, but I still love those good ol' hammer and anvil days.

2: There are buildings to use. I would assume that these are made in the usual RTS way of specific units to act as builders, however I actually think I would also like the Edain Mod's building technique. It is presumable that there will be multiple buildings, one or possibly more for resources, several for training different units, and perhaps one or more to upgrade troops and buildings. A defensive tower of some kind will probably exist also.

Many, many possibilities :D
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by Oof_Shunt » Wed Nov 25, 2015 7:40 pm

I change my mind; I actually don't want to choose a faction; I just want to dive in and squish bugs and get etherium and go; uhhhm yea.
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by Ninja » Wed Nov 25, 2015 7:44 pm

Oof_Shunt wrote:I change my mind; I actually don't want to choose a faction; I just want to dive in and squish bugs and get etherium and go; uhhhm yea.

Why? Faction choosing makes the
game more interactive and fun. :?
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by Oof_Shunt » Wed Nov 25, 2015 8:49 pm

I agree !!!!! :o :o :o Yea I change my mind I actually do want faction choosing
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by kevin32 » Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:24 am

Target-locking. Forces units to target a specific enemy at all costs, because nothing is worse than seeing your mecha using all its resources on a small enemy soldier, when you want it to shoot other mechas or buildings.
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by Ninja » Thu Nov 26, 2015 2:27 am

kevin32 wrote:Target-locking. Nothing is worse than seeing your mecha using all its resources on a small enemy soldier, when you want it to shoot other mechas or buildings. Target-locking forces units to target a specific enemy.

^YES. That is easily the
best idea here. :yey:
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Re: Speculation and Wishlist Thread

by Big Bad Bug » Thu Nov 26, 2015 3:46 am

I added Target Locking and Patrolling to the Wishlist. :)
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