My heroes

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My heroes

by Ook ook » Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:00 pm

Hi this is where I will share my hero and tower ideas. None of these ideas will be for a certain KR. suggestions are appreciated :)


DORNITH axe master

A dwarf wearing grey armor a gold helmet black boots and a black belt with 2 throwing axes strapped to it he holds a golden battle axe and has 2 silver axes on his back he has brown hair and a short beard his eyes are glowing orange.

Damage: 50-70 attacks with his axe the same way barbarians do
Health: 475
Armor: medium
Magic resistance: none
Attack speed: once every second
Movement speed: medium
Respawn: 20 seconds
Regain: 50 per second

:hero: baruk khazad khazad ai-menu (the axes of the dwarves the dwarves are upon you)
Flames and Steel
Bring it on
Death to you all
For flornieth
:skull: avenge me

Throwing axes (cost 2/2/2)
Throws 1 axe every 3/2/1 seconds (when not in Melee combat) dealing 30/40/50 damage Dornith can throw axes even when he is moving

Whirlwind (cost 3/3/3)(cooldown 10 seconds)
Special attack were Dornith spins around in a circle dealing 90/130/160 area damage

Chop chop (cost 2/2/2)(cooldown 14 seconds)
Special attack were Dornith poles two axes off his back and chops 5/7/9 times each one dealing 30/40/50 damage in he kills his target he will move to a different target and keep chopping

Blessing of Flornieth (cost 3/3/3)
All of Dorniths attacks deal 3/5/7 burn damage over 2 seconds

Iron fist (cost 1/1/1)(cooldown 5 seconds)
When in Melee combat Dornith punches his opponent 1/2/3 times dealing 50 damage each and stunning his opponent for 2/3/5 seconds

FINOOTH sniper

A dwarf wearing brown leather clothes with iron shoulder pads and no helmet he has black boots and a black belt with a short sword strapped to it there's a rifle and crossbow on his back his brown hair is in a single tight braid down his back he has a beard that does not go off his face and glowing yellow eyes.

Melee damage: 10-20 slashes with his sword
Rang damage: 90-100 fires crossbow (can target any enemy on the screen)
Health: 400
Armor: low
Magic resistance: none
Melee attack speed: once every half second
Rang attack speed: once every 2 seconds
Movement speed: medium
Respawn: 20 seconds
Regain: 40 per second

:hero: locked and loaded
Take em down
Targets acquired
Boom! Boom! Boom!
They won't know what hit em
:skull: nooooooo!

Sniper shot(cost 4/4/4)(cooldown 94/74/54 seconds)
Fires his rifle 1/2/3 times each shot instantly killing its target (targets the closest enemy to the exit)

Bullet volley(cost 3/3/3)(cooldown 15 seconds)
Finooth fires his rifle 10/15/20 times at close targets each shot dealing 10/15/20 damage

Explosive shot(cost 2/2/2)(cooldown 9 seconds)
Shoots an explosive bolt from is crossbow dealing 35/50/75 area damage

Flaming shot(cost 1/1/1)(cooldown 8 seconds)
Shoots a flaming bolt that deals 55/70/85 burn damage to a single target

Punching shot(2/2/2)(cooldown 6 seconds)
Takes a shot with his crossbow that hits it's target with such force that the enemy troop go's flying back down the path getting stunned for 3/5/6 seconds

BOOTHER warier

A dwarf wearing grey armor, a blue cape, black boots, and a black belt with a grey sheath on it, there is a grey axe on his back his brown hair is in a braid that go's a little past his shoulders, he has a beard that doesn't go past his chin, he holds a sword in his right hand and a shield in his left hand, his eyes are blazing blue.

Damage: 30-40
Health: 450
Armor: medium
Magic resistance: none
Attack speed: ones every 0.75 seconds
Movement speed: medium
Respawn: 25
Regain: 40 per second

:hero: to arms!
Beware the balrog
Death to the webspitters
Save the gold!
:skull: I'll be back

Pommel smash(cost 1/1/1)(cooldown 6 seconds)
Boother pommel smashes his opponent dealing 10/15/20 damage and stuns his opponent for 2/3/4 seconds

Roll(cost 2/2/2)
When an opponent attacks Boother he has a 20/30/40 percent chance of rolling and dodging the attack taking no damage

Blessing of Thunerth (cost 2/2/2)
Boother's base damage deals 10/13/17 electric damage over 3 seconds

Overcharged(cost 2/2/2)(cooldown 8 seconds)
Boother slams his axe down sending out an electric wave dealing 50 damage to all nearby enemies

Overpowered(cost 3/3/3)
Whenever Boother is overpowered by 3 or more enemies a blue aura will appear around him and he will draw his axe. up to 5 nearby enemies not in Melee combat will all attack Boother. Boother's damage will be increased by 15/30/40 percent and his attack speed will be increased to ones every 0.5 second


PUIKEE penguoney shield master

A penguin with a shield on each flipper and glowing blue eyes

Damage: 20-30
Health: 450
Armor: medium
Magic resistance: low
Attack speed: ones per half second
Movement speed: fast (toboggans)
Respawn: 20
Regain: 45 per second

:hero: ooooooooooook
Ook ook ook
Ork ork ook ork
Ooooook ork ork
Ork ooooooooooook
:skull: ooowk

Spin spin spin(cost 3/3/3)(cooldown 7 seconds)
Puikee spins in a circle with his flippers out for 2/4/6 seconds dealing 30/40/50 damage to each enemy he hits

Toboggan(cost 2/2/2)
If 5 enemy gets past Puikee he has a 50/70/90 percent chance of tobogganing after it dealing 50/75/100 damage to each enemy he hits

Try to fly(cost 2/2/2)(cooldown 8 seconds)
Puikee jumps up and down wile slowly spinning in a circle for 2/3/4 seconds dealing 10/15/20 damage and stunning each enemy he hits for 2/4/5 seconds

Snow ball volley(cost 2/2/2)(cooldown 10 seconds)
Puikee throws 20/35/50 snow balls at random enemies dealing 3/5/7 damage each

Pek pek(cost 1/1/1)(cooldown 7 seconds)
Puikee peks his opponent dealing 30/50/70 damage and 40/50/65 bleed damage over 4 seconds
Last edited by Ook ook on Mon Apr 18, 2016 4:37 pm, edited 27 times in total.
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Re: My ideas

by Ook ook » Wed Mar 23, 2016 4:03 pm

I could not think of a good name for this thread if you have any suggestions they would be appreciated thanks :D
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Re: My ideas

by Ook ook » Wed Mar 23, 2016 6:40 pm

I added a second hero I hope you like it :D
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by Ruby_Hex » Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:38 pm

Ah, lots of Dwarfs! I always thought that KR needed a very simple Dwarven, warrior character. The only ones we have now are an engineer and a gun-nut.
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by Ook ook » Wed Mar 23, 2016 7:48 pm

I've always thought that KR needed dwarves also that's why I made these heroes (I love dwarves!)
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by AerisDraco » Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:10 pm

I do want to say, however, that Sniper Shot is egregiously OP.
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by Ook ook » Wed Mar 23, 2016 8:14 pm

How should I make it less op
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by The Kingmaker » Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:05 pm

Well the cool down decreasing AND the instakill number increasing is a touch overkill, especially with the good targeting. IMO one instakill and some medium cool down would be enough, perhaps with the targeting. I get the "this guy is a good shot" but sometimes letting him kill the three largest enemies every 30 seconds in more than any other hero can do. Just a bit, sorry.
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by Ninja » Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:06 pm

But just a single instakill is boring and unoriginal. Rather, increase the CD by 24 seconds on each tier. (I'll give my full review later.)
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by Ook ook » Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:18 pm

Ninja wrote:But just a single instakill is boring and unoriginal. Rather, increase the CD by 24 seconds on each tier. (I'll give my full review later.)

Thank you I will Chang that right now
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by Ninja » Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:23 pm

Going by the Arcane Wizard's reload speed, a 95/75/55 second reload is very slightly UP. By one second, in fact. It should be: 94/74/54 second reload.
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by Ook ook » Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:27 pm

Ok fight I will Chang it again I second lol :D
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by Ook ook » Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:27 pm

*fine* not fight whoops
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by Ook ook » Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:34 pm

Any other stuff op or up
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by Ninja » Wed Mar 23, 2016 9:54 pm

Ook ook wrote:Any other stuff op or up


Dornith's stats are very UP, almost every single one needs a buff. For damage, have it be 50-70. Regarding HP, I would say to increase it by 25 points. The armor is good, and the attack speed is also; but the movement speed should be average. As for his regen, I suggest that you increase to 50 HPPS. :)

The quotes are a bit plain, and almost completely devoid of references. If you would find some better ones perhaps, then that would be appreciated.

Throwing Axes is good.

Whirlwind Attack is pretty plain, but if you want to keep it, then at least increase the damage values to something like this: 95/125/155 AoE damage.

Chop Chop is kind of fun, but if he just went around chopping random enemies while also having a small instakill chance, then it would be even more chaotically appealing. :twisted: (Also, increase the number of chops to 5/7/9.)

I like the blessing power, its a cool ability.

The final ability is one that I'd rather you just do away with altogether and replace it with something more original. Statistical passives defeat the purpose of skill slots. A chaotic chopping-related attack would fit his theme better and be more fun.

I'll give my review of Finooth either later today or tomorrow. :)
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by Ook ook » Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:09 pm

Awsome thanks for all the help ninja I really appreciate it. I was so focused on not making him op I accidentally made him up lol I will edit him right away thanks again :D
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by Ook ook » Wed Mar 23, 2016 10:31 pm

I edited dornith. I added iron fist instead of dwarven strength and increased the base stats but I'm not going to Chang the quotes thank you for all the advice :)
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by Ook ook » Thu Mar 24, 2016 12:32 am

I'm going to add more heroes soon!
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by Ninja » Thu Mar 24, 2016 1:54 am

Awesome; great new ability. Though please don't add more heroes before I give my Finooth review. One hero at a time makes it much easier to provide suggestions. :)
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Re: My ideas (heroes)

by Ook ook » Thu Mar 24, 2016 2:47 am

Ok I will wait ;)
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