RaZoR's Heroes

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RaZoR's Heroes

by RaZoR LeAf » Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:45 pm

I decided that for the new year, I would go back through the forums and find every hero I've ever made, and bring them together in one topic. I'd also update all of them to the same written standard and if I can, do new artwork for them all. I'll update the first post whenever I add a old/new hero, but I'll keep them all locked down in spoiler tags so they are easier to read.

Kingdom Rush Heroes

Hayha La'Magna the Bounty Hunter

A bounty hunter known and feared in Lineria. His name is spoken in whispers and in the darkest corners of the seediest taverns. Never failing to make his mark, he aligns to no ideals. Good or vil are just shades of the same grey to him, he's only interested in the money and the pride of success. He charges a great amount, but if you can pay then he will hunt for you.

Hayha's colour scheme changes depending on what terrain he is on. Green camo for Grassland levels, blue for Ice levels and brown/red for Wasteland levels.

Camouflage (Active)

Hayha ducks down and throws his cloak over himself, leaving just a little of his hair visible and appearing more like a rock. In this state, enemies will walk right by him as if he isn't there but he continues to attack. His attack increases by 2-3/3-4/4-5. He stays like a rock for 5 seconds before returning to normal.
(8 second cool-down) | (Level 2/4/6)

Up the Bounty (Passive)
Hayha's shot has an increased chance of causing a kill shot, if the enemy is further away. As his range encompasses the entire play field, the greater the distance the enemy is from Hayha, the better the chances of the shot being a 1HKO. The chances increase to 40/55/70% chance, but decreases by a % each time the enemy grows closer using a mathematical calculation I wont go into. Use your imagination or ask a math geek.
(Level 5/7/9)

Hayha's standard attack is a long distance sniper rifle. He has a low attack speed as he must reload after every shot. When engaged in melee, he has a short dagger that is normally hidden under the cloak.

HP_____⬛︎⬛︎⬛︎ / ⬜︎⬜︎⬜︎⬜︎⬜︎
Melee__⬛︎⬛︎⬛︎⬛︎ / ⬜︎⬜︎⬜︎⬜︎
Range__⬛︎⬛︎⬛︎⬛︎⬛︎⬛︎⬛︎ / ⬜︎
Speed__⬛︎⬛︎⬛︎ / ⬜︎⬜︎⬜︎⬜︎⬜︎


Damage listed is base, without Camouflage additions applied.

"Where mercy is shown, mercy is given."
"No bounty is worth dying for."
"I expect to be well paid, I'm in it for the money."
"Bullets rip to the sound of the beat."
"Shots fired."
"I always make my mark."
(death) "Better to die than to fear dying."
(death) "I'm out of ammo, but I'm not finished yet."

  • Hayha was designed to be a Hero version of the Muskateer Garrison
  • Hayha's name comes form two things. Simo Häyhä, is the worlds greatest sniper, with over 500 kills to his name. La Magna comes from 'Lapua Magnum' which is a type of Sniper Rifle.
  • As he's a bounty hunter, he's a paid hero and costs $4.99.
  • The origin of his quotes are as follows:
A quote from 'Dog the Bounty Hunter'
A rule from the Bounty Hunters Guild from 'Star Wars'
A quote from Han Solo in 'Star Wars Episode IV'
A line from the Queen song 'Another One Bites The Dust'
(d) A quote from Boba Fett from 'Star Wars'.
(d) Nothing

Frontiers Heroes

Razor Leafthorn the Forest Mage

A man of the forest, sworn to protect it and all those that seek sanctuary within the sea of trees. He fights against the dark creatures that seek to defile the natural beauty, calling upon the raw power of the forest itself. No forest dweller fears him, he is safe amongst even the most deadly of wildlife. Fear not traveller, so long as you do not seek to harm the forest, Leafthorn will not harm you. But betray that trust, and you are in for a world of pain!

Forests Wrath (Active)
Traps up to 2/4/6 enemies in vines for 2/3/4 seconds dealing 45 damage per second.
(10 second cool-down)

Leaf Storm (Active)
A blizzard of razor sharp leaves strike all enemies along a path for a short length, causing 5-10/12-22/25-35 damage and inflicting the Bleeding status for 3/4/5 seconds
8 second cool-down)

Dryad (Active)
Summons a Dryad to fight enemies. Dryads are effectively 'Un-Tainted Treants'

HP: 500/600/700
Atk: 20-40/30-50/40-60
Arm: Medium
(8 second cool-down to regenerate if defeated)

Wildflower (Passive)
Enemies that pass by him become poisoned for 3/4/5 seconds taking 15 damage per second

Fertiliser (Passive)
Enemies defeated close to Razor provide ample food for fresh verdure to grow. Grass, flowers and bushes sprout in the place of dead enemies that slow anything that walks through them. The flowers last for 4/6/8 seconds before vanishing.


"Nature is my religion and I am her preacher."
"You can't see the forest for the trees."
"This is my forest, these are my trees."
"Many of these trees are my friends."
"It's good to touch the green, green grass of home."
"I'll be feeding you to Seymour later."
(death) "I am plant food.."
(death) "The grass is greener on the other side."

  • Obviously, Razor Leafthorn is my heroic avatar.
  • Some of his quotes are original, it's quite hard to find good pop culture references that are related to forests. But there are a few:
    3. A rehash from Doctor Who/Forest of the Dead
    4. LotR Two Towers/Treebeard
    5. A Tom Jones song 'Green, Green Grass of Home'
    6. A reference to Little Shop of Horrors
    8. A well known parable
  • Though he's a stern defender of nature and all things forest, he's also a bit of a hippy. He's a good friend of the elves, although they quickly get irritated by how badly he smells (that's not a reflection me btw, elves hate me)
  • He is helping the elves slowly regain control of the Rotten Forest.

Fe.3V4D3 the Robot

Formerly an ordinary robotic drone its purpose was to begin terraform processes and nest construction for the alien species known locally as Reapers. Built by an unknown master race it did its programmed job for centuries until the ship it was on unexpectedly crash landed on an unknown planet. Due to multiple malfunctions in the on board computer, an artificial AI program was downloaded into the robotic body so that a detailed analysis of the ship and outer environment could be established.

Able to process a trillion bytes of information a second, the AI was able to understand the purpose of the robot and the ultimate goal of both its alien masters and the strange eggs incubating in the ships hold. It quickly determined that the creatures in the eggs would overwhelm the planet in a few years time if left unchecked. The robot searched its databanks for information on its identity and finding nothing but a numerical designation turned that into a name. Designation Fe.3V4D3 left the ship and began to reverse terraform the land in order to prevent the rapid spread of the alien species. Though it was impossible to stop their spread entirely, it was able to make the ground rich in nutrients allowing a jungle to grow around the ship.

Over many millennia, foreign species filled the jungle, while FE.3V4D3's casing grew old and began to decay. Using parts from the ship it was able to build a better body, supplementing itself with new additions and features until it became fully automated and a brand new weapon against the alien plague.

Plasma Cannon (Active)
Fires a charged bolt of plasma at enemies for 200 damage to a single target and 100-150 area damage to other enemies in range of the blast, with a recharge of 10/8/6 seconds.
(Variable cool-down)

Shield Deployment (Passive)
Its presence near soldiers provides them a 15/25/35% increase in defence

Retrofit Upgrade (Active)
Provides a temporary boost of attack speed by 25%, of up to three nearby Towers for 3/4/5 seconds. Towers that gain this boost become charged with energy and have a golden glow.
(8 second cool-down)

Nanobot Downgrade (Active)
Upon death nanites are blasted over 4/6/8 enemies nearby, causing their armour (physical or magical) to be reduced by 25%. In the case of an enemy having no armour at all, it gains a negative armour of -25% and therefore takes more damage. These enemies retain this malady indefinitely.

Reverse Terraform (Active)
Fe.3V4D3 performs a reverse terraform on a patch of land which is completely unsafe for the enemy, afflicting them with poisoning or bleeding for 30 damage over 4 seconds after they leave the patch, or continuous if they remain on the patch. The patch remains on the ground for 3/5/7 seconds and will affect flying enemies.
(10 second cool-down from area decaying)


"Resistance is futile"
"Transform, and roll out!"
"Biddy biddy biddy biddy biddy."
"Bite my shiny metal *beep*"
"Danger Will Robinson! Danger!"
(death) "Daisy, daisy, give me your answer do…"
(death) "Disassemble…"

  • Fe.3V4D3's name is the chemical symbol for Iron and the word Evade written in leet. Evade is another word for 'hide' making his name effectively 'Iron Hide'.
  • It's name in common tongue is Fee-Vee (like Artoo-Detoo as oppose to R2-D2)
  • Its appearance is based on that of the Ironhide mascot (which you can see on the Ironhide main site).
  • Fee-Vee first appeared in my Space Opera campaign. He was the last addition before I stopped updating it.
  • Really fun to draw, even if it took me AGES to make his legs look half decent.
  • Fee-Vee's quotes are all lines from famous TV and film robots:
      Daleks from Doctor Who
      The Borg from Star Trek
      Optimus Prime from Transformers
      Twiki from Buck Rogers in the 25th Century
      Bender from Futurama
      The Robot from Lost in Space
      (d) HAL 9000 from 2001: A Space Odyssey
      (d) Johnny 5 from Short Circuit

Origins Heroes

Winnfield the Rebel Unicorn

Everything you thought you knew about Unicorns, forget it. Peaceful, elegant, majestic and pure? Rubbish. Friendly? See for yourself. Winnfield is one bad-ass Unicorn. He smokes, he drinks, he swears like a trooper and he’s got a tattoo on his ass (just don’t ask to see it). He doesn’t care for you or your cause, he’s in it for the money. Money he intends to spend on hookers and blow.

Beer Belch (Active)
Winnfield chugs 1/2/3 beers when idle, then when faced with an enemy lets rip a massive burp leaving a cloud floating on the path. Any enemy caught in the cloud takes 20/40/60 damage over 2/3/4 seconds.
(15 second cool-down, 3 seconds between beers)

Friendship Bat (Active)
Winnfield uses his trusty baseball bat to inflict brutal damage on his foes, hitting them for a home run, causing 100/140/180 true damage and knocking them back up the path they came down.
(8 second cool-down)

Smokey Joe (Active)
Winnfield lights up a cigarette and takes a long drag, healing himself for 90/170/250 health. On the last stage he flicks the butt at a nearby enemy and burns them for 20 damage over 3 seconds.
(8 second cool-down)

Bar Brawl (Active)
Winnfield quickly downs a bottle of something (probably whiskey), then smashes the bottle over an enemies head for 90-110 damage. He then fights with the bottle for 5/7/9 seconds with increased attack of 30%.
(12 second cool-down)

HS: Rainbow Death (Active)
A rainbow forms and lands in the middle of the area, leaving a sparkling fire/cloud of rainbow on the path, that deals 220/330/440 area damage over 6/9/12 seconds.
(30 second cool-down)


"I'm sorry, did I break your concentration?"
"Act like a bitch, get slapped like a bitch!"
"Call me fluffy again!"
"The limbs you lose belong to me."
"I ain't your little anything!"
(death) "Whatever, I'm done here."
(death) "I will find you, and I will kill you."

  • This is inspired by the failure of the Unicorn to win the creature contest, and the lack of vision that some people had that a Unicorn couldn’t possibly be badass enough to be a hero.
  • Winnfield gets his name from Jules Winnfield, the character played by Samuel L Jackson in Pulp Fiction.
  • Some of his quotes are inspired by badasses:
    1. Pulp Fiction/Jules Winnfield
    2. Kick Ass 2/Hit Girl
    3. Wont Get Fooled Again/The Who (namely from CSI Miami which is where he gets his sun glasses from)
    4. A response to "it's so fluffy!" from Despicable Me
    5. A rehash of "But leave the limbs you have lost. They belong to me now" from Kill Bill
    6. A response to "My Little Pony"
    7. Unspecific
    8. the infamous phone-call from Taken
  • Although not pictured, Winnfield uses his baseball bat to attack as normal.
  • I loved drawing this guy!
  • Didn't love drawing him so much the second time, all that rainbow fur took time to edge correctly. Still awesome though.

Melinoe la'Mort the Death Dealer

Her name is never spoken but known to many. An old crone, a spinster with no love or life to call her own. Whispers in the night and cries of madness and misery call to her. Darkness and death are the only things she deals, yet somewhere beneath the haunting mask is a heart of gold. The dead call to her to help and protect the friends and family they have left behind. Some say she brings the plague, but others know that she is the one to fight back against the disease.

Mind Control (Active)
Forces an enemy to turn and fight for the side of good. The enemy gets a stat boost of 20/30/40% and will not stop until killed. She cannot cast the curse on flying enemies. Anything under control will use both melee and ranged attacks.
(12 second cool-down, from death of mind controlled unit)

Thriller (Passive)
Melinoe's attack speed is increased by 30/40/50%

Black Death - Melinoe releases a long extinct plague. It will permanently poison up to 1/2/4 enemies for 10 damage per second, until they are killed.
(10 second cool-down)

Shadowport (Passive)
Melinoe gains the ability to teleport through shadows. Teleporting leaves a shadow behind that will engage enemies. It has 20/30/40% the stats of Melinoe and lasts for 3 seconds. There can only be one shadow active at any time.

HS: Hellspawn (Active)
A portal to the underworld opens beneath her foes, releasing the restless souls of the damned. 15/18/23/30 spirits escape out of the pit each one dealing 25/30/38/50 damage. The final upgrade will also burn up to 6 enemies that are over the pit when it opens, for 20d/5s
(50 seconds)


"Let all that grows recede and rot."
"Whether rich or poor, all are equal in death."
"No wealth, no land, no silver, no gold."
"Something wicked this way comes."
"The midnight hour is close at hand."
(death) "Death is but a door."
(death) "Bored now."

  • Melinoe was originally designed to be a Hero version of the Necromancer Tower. I have merged her with the Hero Nemesis contest entry of Babushka, as they shared similar traits.
  • 'Melinoe' is the daughter of Persophone from Greek mythology. She is the propitiated as a bringer of nightmares and madness. 'La Mort' is French for 'The Death'.
  • Her appearance is similar to that of a Necromancer, but the mask she wears is that worn by a 'plague doctor'. Originally she was going to be a young woman, but whilst drawing her she ended up being an old woman, with similarities to Koume/Kotake from 'Ocarina of Time'. I imagine her voice to sound like that of Yubaba from 'Spirited Away'.
  • All of her quotes relate somehow to witches or death:
    1. A quote from the 80's cartoon 'Visionaries'
    2. A line from the translation of the 'Danse Macabre'
    3. A line from the song 'O Death'
    4. A line from Shakespeare's play Macbeth
    5. The mind control curse from Harry Potter (which completes the set of all three unforgivable curses. Avada Kedavra with the Arcane Tower and Cruxio with Bruxa)
    6. A line from the song 'Thriller'
    7. A line from the film 'Ghostbusters II'
    8. A line from 'Buffy the Vampire Slayer'
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by Big Bad Bug » Sun Jan 01, 2017 4:55 pm

Wow, your avatar is extremely powerful. He has more than two and a half times as much health as Nivus, more damage, and far stronger abilities. Of course, I want this hero really bad ( :D ) but I have to acknowledge that he's incredibly OP. Are you planning on taking all of your heroes and perfecting them, or simply archiving all of them here? :)
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by RaZoR LeAf » Sun Jan 01, 2017 6:12 pm

Big Bad Bug wrote:Wow, your avatar is extremely powerful. He has more than two and a half times as much health as Nivus, more damage, and far stronger abilities. Of course, I want this hero really bad ( :D ) but I have to acknowledge that he's incredibly OP. Are you planning on taking all of your heroes and perfecting them, or simply archiving all of them here? :)

Perfecting them. When I get back on my computer I'll adjust his stats.

EDIT: OK, I've lowered his magic damage considerably (looking at it, I don't know how they got so high *shrug*) and knocked a hundred off his HP. I want him to be sturdy enough to survive but still a good magic caster. His re-spawn time is higher than average to make up for being a little OP.
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by Minuet » Mon Jan 02, 2017 1:52 am

Your art is sexy in a non-sexual way.

Also, how does Wildflower work exactly? Could one constantly move Razor to continuously reapply the poison?
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by Ruby_Hex » Mon Jan 02, 2017 11:00 pm

Winnfield seems like the kind of guy who would spend a lot of his free time at some kingdom rush-style tavern, drinking constantly and getting into fights with people who make fun of his rainbowy main. These are both good heroes! The artwork is very well done. I particularly like Razor leafthorn.
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by Big Bad Bug » Tue Jan 03, 2017 3:54 pm

Ruby_Hex wrote:Winnfield seems like the kind of guy who would spend a lot of his free time at some kingdom rush-style tavern, drinking constantly and getting into fights with people who make fun of his rainbowy main. These are both good heroes! The artwork is very well done. I particularly like Razor leafthorn.

Barbarians hang out in taverns. Maybe Winnfield os the first unicorn Barbarian! :lol:
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by SealDarklight » Tue Jan 03, 2017 7:17 pm

Razor seems like pretty nice concept but OP as hell not only By his Dryad abilitiy but Razors stats as well. Dryad is ridiculious since having 700 hp, medium armor and 40-60 damage and Razor seems more bulkier and hard hitter version of Elora Wintersong. Other stats are quite ok and pretty nice concept for a user or own hero. Windfield is also ok but like Razors except for any abilities His stats are kind of ok and also nice concept. Other than that Nice concepts and did you make those?
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by RaZoR LeAf » Wed Jan 11, 2017 11:41 am

First post updated with Hayha La'Magna the Bounty Hunter a Kingdom Rush hero.
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by ShaDowAn » Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:21 pm

Seems cool, how does camouflage work? Does he duck & attack, or just heal?
I go by Wintrytale or Wintry now.
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by RaZoR LeAf » Wed Jan 11, 2017 2:31 pm

ShaDowAn wrote:Seems cool, how does camouflage work? Does he duck & attack, or just heal?

Seeing as it doesn't state anywhere that he heals, I don't know how you jumped to that conclusion. He becomes invisible to enemies and his ranged attack increases.
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by ShaDowAn » Wed Jan 11, 2017 6:46 pm

Ah, i didn't read the whole thing, me just being stupid agian :?
I go by Wintrytale or Wintry now.
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by RaZoR LeAf » Fri Jan 27, 2017 8:35 pm

First post updated with Fe.3V4D3 the Robot, a Kingdom Rush: Frontiers hero.
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by Magnus0 » Fri Jan 27, 2017 9:16 pm

I was trying to figure out what the meaning of the name was. I got that Fe referred to iron, and I noticed the word evade too, but I didn't really understood what it all meant, until I noticed that the explanation was right there in the trivia. :roll:

Anyway, I think fee-vee is a very successful hero. Fairly simple abilities, but they're not boring or unoriginal. The only problem I have with the hero is that plasma cannon seems a bit OP. It deals a lot of damage for an ability that only has 6 seconds of cooldown.
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by RaZoR LeAf » Fri Jan 27, 2017 9:41 pm

Magnus0 wrote:I was trying to figure out what the meaning of the name was. I got that Fe referred to iron, and I noticed the word evade too, but I didn't really understood what it all meant, until I noticed that the explanation was right there in the trivia. :roll:

Anyway, I think fee-vee is a very successful hero. Fairly simple abilities, but they're not boring or unoriginal. The only problem I have with the hero is that plasma cannon seems a bit OP. It deals a lot of damage for an ability that only has 6 seconds of cooldown.

I changed the power on that last minute, so it makes sense it's unbalanced.
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by Ruby_Hex » Sat Jan 28, 2017 2:25 am

Fee-vee is very cool. I didn't realize until now that he was the mascot of Ironhide studios. I like the simplicity and his backstory, which is very interesting and cool, but I don't completely understand why he decided to rebel against his creators. Am I missing something?
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by RaZoR LeAf » Tue Jan 31, 2017 3:40 pm

First post updated with Melinoe la'Mort the Death Dealer, a Kingdom Rush: Origins hero.
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by ShaDowAn » Wed Feb 01, 2017 1:48 am

*thumbs up*
I go by Wintrytale or Wintry now.
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by Big Bad Bug » Wed Feb 01, 2017 4:54 am

They're... so... cool!!! :yey:

The robot and Melinoe both have abilities that recharge extremely fast, and based on the other heroes in this thread, I can tell that you have a preference for these relatively-low damage, reliable skills over things like Soul Burn that devastate enemies after a lengthy wait. There's nothing wrong with that; I just wanted to point out that I noticed it. :P

Both heroes seem pretty OP considering the damage that they can dish out so consistently (Hellspawn deals at least 1500 damage every 50 seconds while Lilith's Heavenly Chaos deals 1600 every 80 seconds), as well as their very good stats. Looking past mere numbers, I think Thriller is the only skill that I'm not fond of. It just makes her attack faster, which sacrifices the opportunity for another cool necromancy-themed power in exchange for a stronger base attack. If you want to maintain the theme of death, I imagine that you can something similar to Bruxa's skulls, in which enemies that die near her will give her a temporary boost to attack speed, that can stack as she attacks faster and faster, killing enemies faster and faster, thus exponentially growing in strength. :twisted:
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by Beresad Gold Hoarder » Fri Feb 21, 2020 6:42 am

Is Hayha the bounty hunter referencing Simo hayha
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Re: RaZoR's Heroes

by Beresad Gold Hoarder » Sat Feb 22, 2020 1:44 am

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