VOTING: Level 5 Tower

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Level 5 Tower Contest

Poll ended at Fri Jan 20, 2017 9:02 pm

Entry One: Walloweep and Flambranché
Entry Two: Fire Ascendant of the Highborne and Elven Archivist
Entry Three: Razer and Assimilator
Total votes : 15

VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by RaZoR LeAf » Mon Jan 16, 2017 7:38 pm


You are required to make two 'Level Five' towers.

You take an existing level four tower (such as the Ranchers Outpost) and create two new towers that that one tower would upgrade further into. You are only allowed to use an existing level four tower, but it can be one from any of the three games. Your two Level five towers must stem from the same level four tower. You cannot use any special towers.

Voting will run until January 20th. You can change your vote.


Tower Basis Weirdwood

Tower Name Walloweep
Description A tree partially submerged into the ground, with only it's eyes and half a gaping mouth visible above ground (with the mouth almost looking like a door). It's eyes are screwed up with waterfalls of tears flowing from it. The tree bark is dark, and there is a moat of water running beneath it. Two fists made of branches float close to the tree when idle.
About Never happy, always mad at something, the Walloweep bawls so much it floods the forest. Other treelings do their best to avoid it.

Fire Rate Average
Damage 85-190
Range Small


Tempered Fist (200/200)
The hands clench into fists and pound the ground in a pattern (left, right, left, right, both) dealing 60-90/80-110 area damage per hit.

Big Bawling (300/150/150)
The Walloweep bursts out crying, spraying the path with tears. The tears cause the path to turn to mud which slows enemies by 20/40/60%. Enemies with HP under 500 will be swallowed by the mud and insta-killed.

Secondary Skill Each hand has an individual relay point (the blue flag has L or R for Left and Right) allowing them to be independently placed on the path.

Quote "Everything is so bad right now *sniffle*"

Tower Name Flambranché
Description A light coloured tree with no leaves, instead flames dance along its branches. It's face is half joyful, have chaotic much like a mad jack o'lantern. It has four, arms the normal size of a Weirdwoods. On the floor around it are piles of hardened seeds. It picks up seeds with each hand where they instantly catch fire, and throws them into the path.
About There's something not quite right with a tree that loves to be on fire. Its waxy bark keeps it safe, but not the targets of its mirth.

Fire Rate Very Fast
Damage 30-60
Range Average


Fire Juggle (250/200/200)
The Flambranché begins actively juggling 1/3/5 flaming seeds, until they burn up into just flames. It then catches them all in one hand making a bigger flame that it throws onto the path. Each fireball deals 75 fire damage (true damage).

Radiance (500)
Any units (barrack soldiers, reinforcements or heroes) or Towers placed within range of the Flambranché gain a 30% boost in attack, whilst enemies suffer the same percentage but as a drop in attack.

Secondary Skill All of the Flambranché's attacks will burn an enemy for 10 damage every four seconds.

Quote "Looking for some hot stuff?"


Tower Basis: High Elven Mage

Upgrade #1: First Ascendant of the Highborne
Description: An elf slightly resembling the one from the HEM floats in between three light blue translucent crystal spires, he wears a fancy helmet and shoulder pads that make him look more imposing. When attacking he raises his hands into the air, channeling beams of energy from the spires into a converging point right above him, before firing 5 shots out in 5 different, equally spread apart, directions. While raising his hands his cloak behind him spreads out and waves as if in the wind.
About: The most powerful of all Elven wizards, they tear their foes apart with simply a glance.

Build Cost: 450
Fire Rate: Slow
Damage: (Magic) 13-22 (65-110 for all five shots, 115-210 total if all shots bounce.)
Range: Great (No change)

Skill 1: Supernova (350/250/250)
Creates a field (starting at a very close distance of about 2 gnolls in diameter) of blue arcane energy with a floating crystal core that rapidly expands to be 8 times as large over 2 seconds. Enemies inside take 30 true damage per second. The effect lasts 4/6/8 seconds, with a cooldown of 16.

Skill 2: Tracer Sentry (400/350/300)
Creates a being made of a pristine crystal that rests upon one of the spires, like the Arcane Sentinels it engages enemies at a longer range, triple the range of the Ascendant instead of doubled. It attacks once every second for 20-40 damage, dealing damage in a line positioned to strike an optimal amount of enemies, flying around to reposition itself while still remaining fixed on its targets. Additional upgrades add one additional sentry each. Sentries can attack for 15s before having to return to the spires to recharge for 5s.

Secondary Skill: Fires 5 times per attack, upon striking their target they can bounce to a nearby enemy, dealing 10-20 damage.

Quote: “You have no power here.”

Upgrade #2: Elven Archivist
Description: Similar colour scheme to the HEM, except the tower segment behind him is much larger and more prominent, with the rest being smaller and less impressive to compensate. The tower constantly pulses with energy and the jewel on top instead floats above the tower, the top of the latter instead forming into a point directly below the jewel. Whenever it attacks the panels on the tower float off of it quickly, showing a bright green colour underneath, before slamming back into place as the attack is fired; a huge teal ball of energy. These were the mages that let the Elven general look into the past and relive the Twilight Invasion fight.
About: Elven mages of a specialized sect, who can experience time as a living, malleable force.

Build Cost: 375
Fire Rate: Very Slow (2s, same as an Arcane Wizard)
Damage: (Magic) 66-122
Range: Great (No change)

Skill 1: Time Flux (300/250/250)
Creates a permanent field of energy equal to the attack range of the Archivist. While enemies are inside they are slowed by 10/15/20% (teleport range is affected by this), and when they leave for the first time they are automatically teleported back as if the Archivist attacked them, at a distance 30% longer than normal.

Skill 2: Tactical Supremacy (350/300)
Whenever an enemy dies within the Archivist’s range, they study their movement and attack patterns, causing their attacks against that type of enemy to permanently deal 20% extra damage, and destroy 20/30% of their attack damage, stacking for every enemy killed up to 60%.

Secondary Skill: Each attack warps the enemy back down the path depending on their movement speed, about half the length of the level 5 mage tower upgrade for average-speed enemies, becoming longer the faster they move.

Quote: “The past is doomed to repeat itself.”


Tower Basis: Wild Magus

Tower Name: Razer
Description: The Razer stands in the middle of concentric rings of floating stone. The Razer herself is has a red dress and grey hair streaked with black. When firing, the rings spin, increasing their speed when kills are made.
About: Driven mad by the sheer power of raw magic, the Razer fights to kill.

Fire Rate: Very Fast
Damage: 10-20 (Fires a red bolt)
Range: Long


Bloodlust (Secondary)
For every kill, the Razer increases her damage output by 5%. (Off her previous damage) Dissipates after 4 seconds.
The stone rings spin faster as the killstreak increases, making it known to the player.

Absorbing Bolts (400/200/200) (30 seconds)
Effect 1: Once the ability is activated, the next 10/8/5 bolts (Which are purple) fired reduce the speed of an enemy by 10%/12.5%/20%, and if all bolts hit the same enemy, the enemy is insta-killed and absorbed into the tower, activating Effect 2.
Effect 2: The Razer's eyes flash red, before boosting the attack speed to one attack every 0.25 seconds and the Razer boosting her current damage by 50%. Lasts for 6 seconds.
The second effect procs if the enemy is killed by the bolts, and the IK does proc the passive.
If kills are obtained in the second phase, the damage is what it would normally be with that killstreak times 1.5.

Soul Surge (200/200/200) (Passive)
For every 20/15/10 kills made, the tower unleashes a red pulse across its range that deals 50-100 AoE magic damage. The damage is boosted by 50% if the last pulse was on the same killstreak (from the passive); and by an add. 50% for each further pulse.

Quote: "Burn! Burn! BURN!"

Tower Name Assimilator
Description The Assimilator stands on another floating rock, in the middle of crystalline spikes of many colors. She wears a green cloak.
About: The Assimilator will take everything from her enemies.

Fire Rate Fast
Damage 17-30 (Casts a green beam)
Range Great


If the Assimilator kills an enemy with armor or magic resist, her next hit against an enemy with that armor type will deal the other type of damage, at 2 times the percentage absorbed. (So killing a 50% Avenger will make the next hit against an armored enemy deal 100 magic damage)
Note: Only one value (either an bolt v. armor or v. magic) may stored at any time.
When an enemy is killed, a red (Armor) or blue (MR) orb is formed and hovers above the Assimilator's head.

Stat Leech (350/250/250) (20 seconds)
Note: Can only be used with enemies in combat.
The Assimilator transfers the 10%/30%/50% of the damage and armor stats of an enemy onto the soldier they're fighting. E.g, if an Elven Ranger fights an Avenger, the Ranger's atk will be boosted by 25-37 points at max level, and their armor will be boosted to 90% {Note: Armor is capped at 90%})
The boost dissipates 2/3/4 seconds after the enemy dies.

Possess (300/150/150) (25 seconds)
Converts an enemy to your side with 20%/40%/60% of their damage/hp. Once dead, they explode for 20% of their HP in magic damage, and grant a 20% boost of their damage to the mage for 5 seconds.

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Last edited by Big Bad Bug on Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by Zonoro13 » Mon Jan 16, 2017 8:13 pm

All of these are pretty great. The Walloweep is pretty cool and well designed. I like the hot stuff quote. From the second entry, I like the Elven Archivist and its abilities.

The Razer is a very interesting tower. It looks powerful and exciting. KR doesn't have that many snowball effects (necros maybe?) and this is a great way of incorporating that. I like how the tower is strategically situational, as you want it to attack small enemies for the killstreaks, but you also want to target a somewhat large enemy with the first ability for value. The second ability seems crazy good against hordes of small enemies, like harassers.

My vote goes to Entry Three.
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by Big Bad Bug » Mon Jan 16, 2017 9:02 pm

Edit to Razor's post: Added a poll. :)
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by RaZoR LeAf » Mon Jan 16, 2017 10:07 pm

Big Bad Bug wrote:Edit to Razor's post: Added a poll. :)

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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by Ninja » Tue Jan 17, 2017 6:29 am

All of these entries are excellent, but I like Entry 1 the most. Additionally, I would like to point out that the poll has a typo. It says "Fire" rather than "First" for the second entry's first tower.

I really like the designs of E1's towers; the puns and the appearances are really funny and cool. The towers of E1 are pretty much balanced, though the instakill condition for Big Bawling is OTT. I will point out, however, that I would like to know the cooldowns for the abilities.

E2's towers have the most aesthetic appeal IMO, and are also pretty solid. However, the Archivist is either ridiculously OP or there is just a typo in its secondary skill's description. The SS's description states "Each attack warps the enemy back ...", which is massively OP. I think that the creator of the entry wanted to say "Each attack that warps the enemy back ..." instead. ;)

I like E3 a lot, but I can't deny the fact that its towers are OP. Yes, these are Level 5 towers, but I can't just assume that the costs of the towers would sufficiently balance them if they (the costs) aren't given to me. The designs are very nice though.

Also, I think I can guess the creator of each entry pretty effectively:

-Entry 1 :arrow: RaZoR
-Entry 2 :arrow: Kingmaker BBB (?), Zonoro (?), or JB (?)
-Entry 3 :arrow: Aeris

[I'll post my entry (which I would have entered had not the electricity in my house cut out last night) in a separate thread sometime this week.]
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by Zonoro13 » Tue Jan 17, 2017 8:32 am

Ninja wrote:However, the Archivist is either ridiculously OP or there is just a typo in its secondary skill's description. The SS's description states "Each attack warps the enemy back ...", which is massively OP. I think that the creator of the entry wanted to say "Each attack that warps the enemy back ..." instead. ;)

Consider that the Archivist fires every two seconds, costs 375 to build from an HEM (which has a way better DPS, somehow), and the warp is half the distance of the star upgrade. It's only good against waves with small numbers of big enemies like Twilight Golems (and the ability gets nerfed for them anyway). Otherwise buying the tower isn't even a benefit because of the lowered DPS.

I think you are misevaluating the power level of the various towers. Entry Two has the weakest towers, because their dps is barely increased (in the second case, decreased) from the HEM. Their abilities are evidently strong, but require yet another gold investment, and are fairly costed when they should be very cheap to reward the player for building such an expensive tower.

Entry one has the strongest towers, just based on dps. I think they and Razer are the only towers in the contest that would be good in the actual game (the other towers might be good in endless mode). Their DPS is way better than the Weirdwood and the ability to wipe out every enemy with less than 500 health is a great payoff for getting a level five tower. The first tempered fist upgrade is also very strong.

Radiance is a sadly useless upgrade but the Flambranche has the best quote of any tower in the list.

I'm confused as to why you think the Magus towers are op. The assimilator has good dps vs armored enemies, but not anything too crazy. The possession ability is good but hit-or-miss and the stat leach ability is bad. The Razer has 2-4 more damage per hit than the Magus, but loses the passive of dealing increasing damage to one enemy. The killstreak runs out after 4 seconds, so it can be interrupted by big enemies, especially at the early stages before her damage gets high. If you manage to keep a killstreak going for a while, then you can probably get her damage up to 25 or so (and maybe make soul surge chain) but the killstreak will end as soon as there's a lull in enemies. If the enemies are big, soul surge will never happen and you won't get a killstreak. The first ability is really cool, but the enemy you want it most against (twilight golem) is immune to instakills. It's also a very expensive ability, and can get stopped by a fast enemy running past the enemy you want to instakill.
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by The Kingmaker » Tue Jan 17, 2017 11:30 am

@Ninja I didn't enter (unless time has been altered by a HEM and it's been erased)

Entry one is two stunning ideas I can immediately visualise. Their abilities are also great (although if the Passive Daze was active or was built up in three tiers I think tf work better in the context of most level)

Entry two splits the two great aspects of the HEM and really focuses and finesses them down, and it's also visually stunning, thus securing my vote.

The two wild magi are also very solid, but as its such an OP tower already I'd probably just leave it, however the passive boost is something not really seen before and could be great to use.

Thus I'm voting for entry two, but entry one is excellent.

Also I love the idea of the rally point for the arms and thus their AoE targeting, although it does mean the tower can't target on its own. I may reconsider and vote for entry one instead.
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by Sinque Productions » Wed Jan 18, 2017 12:01 am

I think all were really good, and I wasn't sure which one I liked most. So I just picked one randomly.

I would have entered but I needed to make two towers instead of one, and I couldn't think of anything.
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by Big Bad Bug » Wed Jan 18, 2017 4:15 am

Sinque Productions wrote:I think all were really good, and I wasn't sure which one I liked most. So I just picked one randomly.

I would have entered but I needed to make two towers instead of one, and I couldn't think of anything.

If you like them all just as much, you shouldn't vote. Giving any entry a vote at all automatically shows that they're not equal. ;)
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by Sinque Productions » Wed Jan 18, 2017 4:59 am

Big Bad Bug wrote:
Sinque Productions wrote:I think all were really good, and I wasn't sure which one I liked most. So I just picked one randomly.

I would have entered but I needed to make two towers instead of one, and I couldn't think of anything.

If you like them all just as much, you shouldn't vote. Giving any entry a vote at all automatically shows that they're not equal. ;)

Well, I picked the one with the lowest vote, so the total vote would be closer to what I liked. I was voting for what I wanted....

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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by Ruby_Hex » Thu Jan 19, 2017 1:40 am

I voted for the Walloweep and Flambranché.
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by Zonoro13 » Thu Jan 19, 2017 3:05 am

Guys Entry 3 is objectively the best, switch your votes
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by Big Bad Bug » Thu Jan 19, 2017 3:11 am

Zonoro13 wrote:Guys Entry 3 is objectively the best, switch your votes

Behold, as the votes for all entries but entry 3 soar!
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by Magnus0 » Thu Jan 19, 2017 4:59 pm

This was hard, but in the end I chose entry 1. I think it's the most clean and easily imaginable entry. Well done to the other entries though.
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by Sir Toddalot » Thu Jan 19, 2017 5:42 pm

I'm a big fan of entry 3.
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by AerisDraco » Fri Jan 20, 2017 12:35 am

Looks like Sinque's perfect tie has come to pass; for now at least.
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by Ninja » Fri Jan 20, 2017 1:28 am

If this ends in a 3-way tie ... :evil:
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by RaZoR LeAf » Fri Jan 20, 2017 10:40 am

This had 15 Votes yesterday and they weren't tied, which means people have changed their vote potentially to cause a tie. If this is the case, I will remove the change vote option from future polls, or even change to voting via PM. Purposely making a tie isn't fair on the people who have made an effort to enter the contest.
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by Sir Toddalot » Fri Jan 20, 2017 6:27 pm

Or maybe people just reevaluated their opinions.
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Re: VOTING: Level 5 Tower

by RaZoR LeAf » Fri Jan 20, 2017 7:04 pm

Sir Toddalot wrote:Or maybe people just reevaluated their opinions.

I'm not saying that's not the least likely option, but there are 15 votes which suggests people are going on to different platforms to vote as well. I know I could vote three times if I went between my computer, iPad and iPhone. I really don't think there are fifteen individual, unique votes. If there are, I'd like all fifteen people to reply and say they voted.
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