Your Go To Towers

For the King!

Your Go To Towers

by RaZoR LeAf » Sat Nov 24, 2018 9:01 am

Now that you can pick which towers you want to use ins level, many of us have settled on our favourites to use. So what are they?

Mine are;
Goblin War Zeppelin
Wicked Sisters
Shadow Archer/Bone Flingers
Dark Knights
Rotten Forest
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by SealDarklight » Sat Nov 24, 2018 9:45 am

Mine is usually

Archers: Shadow Archers/Boomerang tower
Barracks: Knights/Orcs/Elves
Mages: Infernal/Spectral/Witches/Blazing Gem
Artillery: Furnace/Zeppelin/Rocket Riders
Support: Zombie/Bone

I find most of the towers to actually be fun to use and can benefit on certain situation. The only towers i dont like are Rotten Forest or Orc Shaman since they either are expensive or have underwhelming or slow attacks that can get your defences overwhelmed and are only beneficial if you upgrade them to level 4.

Rotten forests case is mainly because its damage is pathetic and while it does attack faster, it deals less than rangers and deals physical instead of half true damage of an artillery which has an artillery/Ranger role and but it does work on faster enemies like cloackwork spiders, dogs or glacial wolves and its fog and treant ability are the only good thing about it but for the most part other towers can do a better job and is required to be in level 4.

Orc shamans case is mainly because its very slow speed and randomized damage which either hits low or high and is super expensive. Its attack can benefit against tougher enemies or enemies like Geomancers which gets stunned which proves to be effective with the barracks but most of the difficulty comes in numbers which like the Treant tower needs to be level 4 to be effective. It has good upgrade abilities like the treant and i find the thunderbolt ability to be far effective, its heal is also good but i mostly use it as a dps tower and meteors that are pretty expensive but can deal ok damage. I usually find them to be be outshadowed by other mages mainly because: Infernals are cheap and shoot decently with good damage, Spectrals are the cheapest and have really good upgrades, Witches while they do shoot the same speed has rally point which is immune to Druids freeze or Denases artillery catapults which doesnt require paying to disable as well as having either stun attack that works on tougher enemies or poison that works on magic resistant waves and finally the Blazing Gems which can do some serious damage to a single target since its damage multiplies to 3X or 4X and will target a tougher foe till its out of range or dies.

Most other towers i like since they got their own role and while 1 tower does outshine in the long run mainly in impossible but on certain levels they can shine and do their jobs as well. Shadow archers are beneficial against the Late game mainly because of Paladins but the Boomerang is also good and while it is expensive and can be situational, it shouldn't be underestimated since they are super effective against the annoying Valkyries or Diedre wannabes and has stun ability which is the cheapest and can be even more beneficial for crowd control and like i mentioned, The Difficulty to this games comes in crowds which the boomerang is good at.
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by Ninja » Sat Nov 24, 2018 10:35 am

My favorite combination is the following:

Elite Harrassers
Dark Knights (occasionally I use G. Cemetery or even Orc Warriors here instead; it’s situation dependent)
Shadow Archers/Bone Flingers
Orc Shaman
Blazing Gem

All in all, it’s a pretty expensive lineup in terms of gold, but one can rely on Shadow Archers/Bone Flingers and the barracks to do the job until higher tier mages and Harrassers get in gear. Orc Shamans are here because I find their tier 4 abilities to be very strong late game and their stun attribute makes even a level 1 Shaman worth buying on certain levels. You’ll also notice that this contains a LOT of instakills, so the huge enemies coming out in larger groups late-game become a cinch.

The only artillery that I think is exceptionally strong in this game would be the G. War Zeppelin, but even it pales in comparison to other options, so I rarely use AoE towers.
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by RaZoR LeAf » Sat Nov 24, 2018 10:44 am

SealDarklight wrote:Mine is usually

Archers: Shadow Archers/Boomerang tower
Barracks: Knights/Orcs/Elves
Mages: Infernal/Spectral/Witches/Blazing Gem
Artillery: Furnace/Zeppelin/Rocket Riders
Support: Zombie/Bone

I said your main five (with a little leeway) , that’s 14 of the 16 towers. I think you missed the point of the thread.
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by MisterX » Sat Nov 24, 2018 12:23 pm

I think he made categories and the first named tower for each category is his favourite one, the last in the line is his least favourite tower.

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Re: Your Go To Towers

by SealDarklight » Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:06 pm

RaZoR LeAf wrote:
I said your main five (with a little leeway) , that’s 14 of the 16 towers. I think you missed the point of the thread.

Oh sorry about that :roll: . I just find every tower to be so good that i love each of them and their design and i am a type of person that loves to mish mash the towers which is best suited for. I did miss the point but if ill take in TOP 5 ill go for:


But i really like most towers and i would love to make a favorite to least favorite ones. Does this count?
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by RaZoR LeAf » Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:24 pm

MisterX wrote:I think he made categories and the first named tower for each category is his favourite one, the last in the line is his least favourite tower.

/ = > (I hope everyone gets it, this is not a smiley)

Yes I guessed that, but the point of the thread was "Your five go-to towers" not "list all of the towers in order of favouritism"
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by SHlSEID0 » Sat Nov 24, 2018 2:45 pm

1. Goblin War Zeppelin (expensive)
2. Wicked Sisters (cheap)
3. Grim Cemetery (cheap)
4. Blazing Gem (expensive)
5. Bone Flingers (cheap)

1, 2 and 3 to form my favorite choking setup at almost anywhere. You can't compare such strategic value with a single tower's damage value or abilities. 4 skipped for late Northern and final Linirea. 5 always at my exits to snowball troops; it seldom gets to fire. (Just too much premium here)

Have tried to cover all towers with 1 or 2 towers as constant (my go-to set-ups if I'm bored with above):
1. Melting Furnace
2. Infernal Mage
3. Dark Knights
4. Goblirangs
5. Bone Flingers (constant)

1. Goblin Rocket Riders
2. Orc Shaman
3. Orc Warriors Den
4. Shadow Archers
5. Bone Flingers

1. Rotten Forest
2. Specters Mausoleum
3. Elite Harassers
4. Shadow Archers (repeated; Archer types are rare and yet still pimped by Ironhide)
5. Bone Flingers

Almost full free tower set-ups. Again 1, 2 and 3 to form choke points where possible. Seldom use 4.
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by AerisDraco » Sat Nov 24, 2018 3:03 pm

1. Shadow Archers
2. Dark Knights
3. Spectres Mausoleum
4. Blazing Gem
5. War Zeppelin
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by Big Bad Bug » Sat Nov 24, 2018 3:34 pm

Bone Flingers
Shadow Archers
Elite Harassers
Spectres Mausoleum
Blazing Gem (when I feel like not using any premiums I go for Orc Shaman)
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by Shakhtar » Sat Nov 24, 2018 4:23 pm

Shadow Archers
Orc Shaman
Demon Mage
Twilight Harassers
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Re: Your Go To Tower

by Ninja » Sat Nov 24, 2018 5:56 pm

Hmm, I seem to be missing out on something with Mausoleum. What do you all see in that tower? I tried it out during one playthrough, and I know it’s pretty strong, and Gargoyles are worth much more than what you pay for them, but it still seems weaker than the other mages (barring witches, which are just gimmicky).
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by Big Bad Bug » Sat Nov 24, 2018 6:57 pm

It seems you have yet to realize the ultimate potential of Possession. Wait until you take over a High Sorcerer and it walks backwards to another High Sorcerer, only for both of them to Polymorph each other at the same time. ;)
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by Saurian » Sat Nov 24, 2018 9:25 pm

1. Mausoleum (Burst, DPS, stall AND hard CC, this tower has EVERYthing literally)
2. Shadow Archers (Cheapest instakill ever)
3. War Zeppelin (Increased range is underrated)
4. Twilight Harassers (Edgy as hell)
5. Blazing Gem (Melts and instakills, really smart targeting)

I'd normally prefer Bone Flingers over Shadow Archers, especially with the War Zeppelin's increased range setup, but Bone Flingers' DPS against Gryphon Bombardiers made me rethink. Stalling is no big deal in KRV especially with mausoleum and OP barracks towers, and Shadow Archers' abilites offer so much utility compared to Bone Flingers.

One thing about Blazing Gem is, its damage amplifying is so strong that it can even melt through high Magic Resistance enemies. Park your tower near a path where enemies come seldom but big, and don't look back. Seriously, this turret can challange waves of paladins.

Finally, I don't like the T4 Twilight Harassers' tower graphic. Wish it had a similar structure comparatively, something built over the first three tiers.
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by Ninja » Sat Nov 24, 2018 11:24 pm

Big Bad Bug wrote:It seems you have yet to realize the ultimate potential of Possession. Wait until you take over a High Sorcerer and it walks backwards to another High Sorcerer, only for both of them to Polymorph each other at the same time. ;)

Oh, I’ve seen the THAT kind of thing, but I think it’s too gimmicky. One possession every like 22/21/20 seconds? That’s slower than straight up instakills, but I can guess you can kill two if it plays out perfectly (i.e.: wave 7 on Denas’s Castle). That’s a bit hopeful for my tastes. :roll:
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by Big Bad Bug » Sat Nov 24, 2018 11:39 pm

There was a time early in the beta when Mausoleums were insanely good. I believe Possession recharged so quickly that an enemy could be kept possessed constantly. Although the tower has since been nerfed, the memory of its strength keeps a lot of the early testers using it. Plus, seeing 5 spirits strike a powerful foe is more satisfying than any of the attacks the Infernal Mage and Orc Shaman can deal. ;)
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by AerisDraco » Sun Nov 25, 2018 12:15 am

Originally CD was 15/13/10 I believe.
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by Ninja » Sun Nov 25, 2018 9:29 am

Big Bad Bug wrote:There was a time early in the beta when Mausoleums were insanely good. I believe Possession recharged so quickly that an enemy could be kept possessed constantly. Although the tower has since been nerfed, the memory of its strength keeps a lot of the early testers using it. Plus, seeing 5 spirits strike a powerful foe is more satisfying than any of the attacks the Infernal Mage and Orc Shaman can deal. ;)

Well, I can definitely see how that might be useful. :lol: As for satisfying, I prefer a lightning bolt that shocks its target in place whilst draining a visible chunk of HP. ;)
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by Talukita » Sun Nov 25, 2018 12:51 pm

. Mausoleum: Explained above, Possession is a strong / fun ability that serves both as stall / distraction but also offensive by forcing the enemies attack themselves. Damage is actually quite good despite lower number due to higher firing rate, also much cheaper upgrade cost compared to other magic towers.

. Bone Flingers: Physical version of Mausoleum, especially with its iconic Walking Dead ability. The only one that can stall beyond its own area and assist through the map from my memory. With enough of these it's normal to swarm the screen with skeletons.

. Furnace: Circular slam that stuns, even more crow control. Damage is low for Artillery towers but I find it's enough to take care of the trash mobs. Nice damage boost aura, wish the range is slightly bigger though because at the moment you have to sacrifice between being able to reach the most towers for boost or being placed in position that can get the most with slam.

. Shadow Archer: Cheap, long range, good damage + speed, instant skill, has target aim, etc. No wonder it's such an obvious / popular choice.

Last slot is up in the air at the moment. I try Orc Shaman but too costly and slow firing speed with incosistent damage turns me off so I go back to Infernal Mage, also find their abilities to be better. No paid towers yet so I can't comment but I think Blazing Gem or War Zeppelin would be ideal.

And yes I don't usually like Barracks enough to build them. Reinforcement + hero feels enough to stall for early waves until Bone Flingers can summon and that's it. Maybe it's different in higher difficulty.
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Re: Your Go To Towers

by Blue Vex » Sat Dec 01, 2018 1:25 am

If I could pick only one set of towers to play through the entirety of KR:V, it would probably be these.

Shadow Archers
  • To me it's the most all-round tower for all the different waves during a stage. To such a degree I believe I could (almost) beat the entire game using nothing but Shadow Archers.

Elite Harassers
  • I typically place reinforcements (Hellion Tridents) on top of Elite Harassers, and together they hit both ground- and air-enemies for a lot of damage. During the stage I will attempt to guard Elite Harassers and reinforcements with Guardian Gargoyles from the Specters Mausoleum tower.

Specters Mausoleum
  • I favor the Specters Mausoleum for it's consistent magic damage and Guardian Gargoyles (see reasoning above). At first I thought gargoyles were flimsy and weak, but they're really strong with their high health and armor. I rarely purchase Spectral Communion, though sometimes Possession. Gargoyles is where it's at.

Melting Furnace (/Rotten Forest)
  • If one enemy breaks through my defense, artillery towers will typically shoot their projectile on that single enemy instead of the bunch of enemies still being blocked by my troops -- effectively missing out on their damage potential. Since the Melting Furnace does an AoE-blast around itself instead of shooting projectiles, it ends up being more consistent/effective.
    Believe it or not, Rotten Forest actually pairs very well with the towers on this list.

5th slot
Bone Flingers
  • In case I need some heavy-duty blocking I can swap out Shadow Archers for Bone Flingers in order to purchase Summon Golem.
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