KRV - Fanmade Challenges!

For the King!

KRV - Fanmade Challenges!

by Ninja » Thu Nov 22, 2018 6:22 am

I’m making a new challenges thread here because the old one in FanFic doesn’t really get much traffic. Also, the “fanfiction” part of that isn’t even accurate in this case. :ugeek:

Anyways, in order to prevent people posting impossible troll challenges, PM me your challenge in the format detailed by the challenge below after you’ve beaten it and then I’ll try and beat the three main boss levels. If I can, then I’ll post it (maybe I’ll show it to BBB too and post it if he can beat the challenge just in case I’m not good enough) here in the OP with credit to the creator. If you can’t beat your own challenge, then just post it in the thread so strategies can be discussed and to see whether or not it’s possible. TLDR: Only Challenges that have been beaten will be posted to the OP or are specifically for the purpose of seeing how far they can be taken will be posted in the OP, including the one below.


:skull: :skull: :skull:

The Green Horde (Ninja)


  • Goblinoids ONLY (except Reinforcements; they’re allowed)
    - Orc Warriors
    - Rocket Riders
    - Goblirangs
    - Orc Shaman
    - Goblin War Zeppelin
    - Veruk
    - Tramin
  • Impossible Difficulty
  • Beat Main Campaign
  • No Lives Lost
  • No Item Shop
  • Hardcore Mode (Optional Additional Requirements)
    - Same but can’t use G. War Zeppelin
    - ONLY Veruk

:veznan: :veznan: :veznan:

Spooky Scary Skeletons (BBB)


  • Bone Flinger ONLY
  • ANY hero
  • Impossible Difficulty
  • Beat Main Campaign
  • No Lives Lost
  • No Item Shop
  • Hardcore Mode
    - See how weak of a hero you can still beat this with. :lol:
    - Beat the campaign solely by using any one tower (for instance, ONLY Blazing Gem).

:sheep: :sheep: :sheep:

Join The Army Of Darkness (BBB)


  • Grim Cemetery ONLY
  • Mortemis ONLY
  • Impossible Difficulty
  • See how far you can get because this is almost certainly impossible. :lol:
  • No Item Shop
  • Hardcore Mode
    - No Lives Lost

:skull: :skull: :skull:

No Souls Challenge (Ninja, but it’s really general, so not really)


  • ALL towers are allowed.
  • ALL heroes are allowed.
  • Impossible Difficulty
  • Beat Main Campaign
  • No Lives Lost
  • No Item Shop
  • No upgrades are allowed (I’m calling them “souls”).
  • Hardcore Mode
    - No premium towers are allowed.

:veznan: :veznan: :veznan:

Metal Mettle (BBB)


  • Elite Harrassers, Dark Knights, and Orc Warriors ONLY
  • ALL heroes are allowed.
  • Impossible Difficulty
  • Beat Main Campaign
  • No Lives Lost
  • No Item Shop

:sheep: :sheep: :sheep:

Unholy Grail (Ninja)


  • Dark Knights and Elite Harassers ONLY
  • ALL heroes are allowed (I don't think it's possible with anyone but Beresad and maybe Asra, though).
  • Impossible Difficulty
  • Beat Denas' Castle Heroic
  • No Item Shop

:skull: :skull: :skull:

Random Challenge (Shakhtar)

  • Create a random tower setup using Use this for the rest of the game.
  • Choose a hero randomly in the same fashion as the above.
  • Impossible Difficulty
  • Beat Main Campaign
  • Beat Heroic Campaign
  • No Lives Lost
  • No Item Shop
  • Hardcore Mode
    -Randomize towers for every level.
    -Randomize Heroes for every level.
Last edited by Ninja on Tue Dec 25, 2018 11:28 am, edited 19 times in total.
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Re: KRV - Fanmade Challenges!

by Big Bad Bug » Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:04 pm

Oh this is fun. I have a couple already, myself:

Join the Army of Darkness

Using Grim Cemetery and Mortemis only (rip non-beta testers) try to beat as many levels as you can on Impossible Mode. I believe Manijure made it to the Clockwork Factory.


Beat every level on Impossible using only Bone Flingers. I've done this for the entire game. :lol:

In fact, as a secondary challenge, how many towers can be used to beat the entire game?
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Re: KRV - Fanmade Challenges!

by Ninja » Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:25 pm

I’m working on the No Star challenge for this game with NLL on Impossible, but it is BRUTAL, so I may not post it for a while. Just throwing that out there in case people want to contribute strategies or try it.

I’m just going to take your word for it and put Spooky Scary Skeletons in the OP. Same for the other one although I’ll make sure to say it’s probably impossible for the whole game.
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Re: KRV - Fanmade Challenges!

by AerisDraco » Thu Nov 22, 2018 3:27 pm

Mani made it to Frozen Rapids iirc.
KRA is now complete.
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Re: KRV - Fanmade Challenges!

by Big Bad Bug » Sun Nov 25, 2018 6:30 am

Metal Mettle

Beat every level on Impossible Mode using only barracks... preferably, Dark Knights and Twilight Harassers only, but Orcs are fine I guess. They just aren't as edgy as I like. :P
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Re: KRV - Fanmade Challenges!

by Ninja » Mon Nov 26, 2018 10:33 am

Time to try Metal Mettle!

That was surprisingly easy, as in easy enough that this is actually a viable strategy. I think the presence of damage-dealing barracks and the new-found diversity in Vengeance is what makes this possible. The only noticeably difficult levels were Lightseeker Camp and City of Lozagon. The second boss battle was also tricky due to Jokull’s freeze and spike-rain abilities.

This challenge did however make for some interesting planning in that it is vastly superior to stop enemies at the front of their paths before they can be funneled together on levels with chokepoints. If they get to the chokepoints, their numbers overwhelm you. My usual setup was one Dark Knight tower slightly ahead of an Orc Den (in order to tank ranged enemies for the unarmored Orcs) with one or two groups of Harrassers behind, always upgrading Harrassers first, then Orcs, and then Knights. The only time I needed to deviate from that was on the final two levels, because you need Dark Knights with Brutal Strike to eliminate High Sorcerers effectively, so Orcs become less useful. I don’t think Orcs are necessary on the other levels, but they make it easier to deal with crowds.
Last edited by Ninja on Tue Dec 25, 2018 10:54 am, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: KRV - Fanmade Challenges!

by Ninja » Wed Nov 28, 2018 10:34 am

Aaaaand I just realized that I apparently edited my post talking about beating the No Souls (No Star) Challenge with my new post, effectively deleting the old one. Oops. :lol:
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Re: KRV - Fanmade Challenges!

by Ninja » Mon Dec 10, 2018 3:24 pm

New challenge (Unholy Grail)! This one is the hardest yet. :twisted:

Edit: Shoot, I meant beat Denas’ Castle Heroic challenge. I’ll fix that.
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Re: KRV - Fanmade Challenges!

by Shakhtar » Tue Dec 25, 2018 10:14 am

Random challenge

This one is among easiest, but quirky one and can be fun if luck will be on your side (also a chance to see how really powerful some your unused towers really are, and to finish some free towers achievements).
Go to, select 1-16, or 1-11 (or whatever the number of towers you own). And let roll for first 5 different numbers. That would your tower stack for the rest of the game. Then take a roll for a hero.

Ofcource, Impossible, No shop, No lives lost and all that jazz. Main campaign AND Heroic (good luck with Denas).
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Re: KRV - Fanmade Challenges!

by Ninja » Tue Dec 25, 2018 10:52 am

Ooh, that's actually cool. I think it could be even better if every level had a randomized setup, though.

put it in the OP ASAP.
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