Campaign: Song of the Fae

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Campaign: Song of the Fae

by RaZoR LeAf » Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:33 pm

I created the 'Song of the Fae' campaign for the Campaign Contest. I always intended to expand it properly, but the Space Opera took over. Now I'm having a bit of writers block for the Space Opera, I've gone back to Fae and started to work on that a little more. So here goes:

We start off in Silveroak Forest. Levels are unlocked once 'The Citadel' is completed, and a path splits off from the Silveroak Forest level. A level icon appears, but once you click on it you move to a new map screen within the forest. There aren't many details on the screen, but more of the area is revealed each time a level is completed. For the moment, the levels are just like a regular forest, but as they go deeper, the plant life starts to get a little more colourful. Our first four levels are part of a mini-campaign called Big Bug Battle.

Big Bug Battle

Level One - The Deep Forest


"Reuel Silveroak, Lord of the Sylvan Elves has made a personal request to the King. Skirmishes with strange beings on the border of the hidden Elven City have led to a heightened security amongst the already secretive elves, but there is a fear that it could spread out of the forest if left unchecked. Lord Silveroak has sent some of his own troops to investigate, but he has not heard back from them...

General, it falls it you to further investigate these goings on."

Waves 12
Recurring Enemies: Gargoyle, Goblin, Orc, Ogre, Giant Spider, Spider Matriarch
New Enemies: Grub Larva, Grub Gnat
1 Entrance
1 Exit
2 Sylvan Elf Hall

Grub Larva
[Ugly Bug]
"Baby Bugs that dig into the ground and only pop up to feed."
HP: 100
Damage: 5-10
Armour rating: None
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Medium
Gold: 10
Lives taken: 1
- Hatches from Grub Egg
- Burrows

Grub Larva hatch from Grub Eggs, but will also spawn as regular enemies. Grub Larva burrow underground and will only pop up to fight soldiers. Until they pop up, they cannot be damaged by any means.

Grub Gnat
[Ugly Bug]
"Flying bug babies, they hatch from eggs and set out to find food."
HP: 100
Damage: 5-10
Armour rating: None
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Medium
Gold: 10
Lives taken: 1
- Hatches from Grub Egg
- Flying

Grub Larva hatch from Grub Eggs, but will also spawn as regular enemies. They are flying enemies and travel at the same speed as their Larval brothers.

The Deep Forest features a very basic winding path through the level. Two Sylvan Elf Halls, one near the top and one near the bottom of the path provide ample support. It's a pretty basic introduction level, designed to be pretty simple to beat as it doesn't have too many surprises. There are few regular forest enemies here, including Gargoyles which weren't present in Silveroak Forest.

Level Two - Silveroak Edge


"Our Elf companions tell us we are nearing the edge of their territories, and edging closer to the unexplored regions of the forest. Beyond the last Elf Outpost is very dense forest that provides heavy cover for whatever is living here. It looks like there is a heavy population of insects here, and we should be extra careful not to upset the natural balance. That said, we must pass through here to reach our destination."

Waves 15
R.Enemies: Goblin, Orc, Ogre, Giant Spider, Spider Matriarch, Grub Larva, Grub Gnat
N.Enemies: Grub Queen, Skwirm
2 Entrances
1 Exit
1 Sylvan Elf Hall

Grub Queen
[Ugly Bug]
"A Big Bug Queen, she keeps eggs in her pouch to lay at a later date."
HP: 350
Damage: 12-24
Armour rating: None
Magic resistance: Low
Speed: Slow
Gold: 45
Lives taken: 2
- Lays Grub Eggs

The Grub Queen is a big fat worm, that crawls along the path. She's slow, but eats up damage. When she finally pops, she leaves behind Grub Eggs. How many she leaves depends on how long she's been on the map for. 5-10 seconds for 1 egg, 11-20 for 2 eggs, any longer for three eggs. Each egg hatches two Grub Larva and two Grub Gnat.

[Ugly Bug]
"Slimy worms that split in two when hurt"
HP: 300
Damage: None
Armour rating: None
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Fast
Gold: 20
Lives taken: 1
- Duplicates
- Unblockable

Skwirms are blue-green coloured worms that move very quickly across the path. They cannot be blocked by soldiers or heroes, and when they reach 50% health, they split in two. Two smaller Skwirms with 150 HP then head towards the exit.

At the Silveroak Edge two entrances make balancing towers difficult as the enemies spawn from both paths simultaneously. We still have some non-bug back-up, but with the denser forest there are no gargoyles to deal with. This is the edge of the Elf border, so there's only one Hall to help out. It's only on one side of the path, so it's not as helpful as it could be.

Level Three - Heavy Heavy Hive


"The path we walk on is littered with shed carcasses, empty shells and masses of sticky goo. There is a very unsettling feeling that we are being watched by thousands of eyes. There is a massive structure nearby, too big to be anything but dangerous. We were warned that this area of woodland was unexplored, and we're about to find out why. Still.. there is something else unsettling about this forest.

Waves 15
Recurring Enemies: Giant Spider, Spider Matriarch, Grub Larva, Grub Gnat, Skwirm
New Enemies: Snailow, Wigtic
2 Entrances
1 Exits
2 Canopies
1 Goo Patch

[Ugly Bug]
HP: 400
Damage: 15-30
Armour rating: High
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Slow
Gold: 25
Lives taken: 2
- Invulnerability

Snailows are huge Snails, with a rainbow coloured shell. They are slow and stupid, but have excellent defence. When they loose 75% of their HP, they retreat into their shell and stay there for 5 seconds, as they restore 25% of their HP. Once back at 50% health, they emerge and carry on as before.

[Ugly Bug]
HP: 400
Damage: 20-40
Armour rating: None
Magic resistance: High
Speed: Medium
Gold: 25
Lives taken: 2
- Poisonous attack

Wigtics are somewhere between and earwig and a tic, and are bright colours. They are similar to Snailows, but are better at engaging soldiers, as their bite is poisonous.

The Heavy Heavy Hive level is a little like Hushwood. It has two paths, that crossover near the exit, and a canopy on each path that provides cover for the enemies. The level has a large beehive/ants nest look to one of the paths, whilst the other is still forest. There is also a new feature called a Goo Patch. It is a pale green patch of liquid that spreads over the hive side path. Soldiers cannot be placed on it, and bugs that move over it move 50% faster. This level also sees the introduction of Snailows, with high defence act as a foil to your Artillery spamming and their ability to restore HP during a moment of invulnerability (Thank you Blacksurges) and Wigtics, which are very similar to the Giant Scorpion from Frontiers but have high magic resistance instead.

Level Four - Queen of the Hill


"The massive bug hive lies between us and the rest of the forest. The bugs here are growing too big and building armies that could prove to be problematic if they move beyond the forest. Our attempts at making a peaceful agreement have been met with hostility, and it is with deep regret that we are forced to take action against the bugs."

Waves 20
Recurring Enemies: Giant Spider, Spider Matriarch, Grub Larva, Grub Gnat, Skwirm, Snailow, Wigtic
New Enemies: Termitch, Vermight
Boss: Isoptera II
1 Entrance
2 Exits
5 Goo Patches

[Ugly Bug]
HP: 900
Damage: 30-50
Armour rating: High
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Slow
Gold: 60
Lives taken: 1

Termitch are the lower caste workers of the Bug Hive. They look like regular termites, but are a deep red in colour. They move in very dense groups which makes stopping them hard as they will resist area damage. They don't have any extra features.

[Ugly Bug]
HP: 2200
Damage: 100-150
Armour rating: Medium
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Fast
Gold: 125
Lives taken: 2
- Excellent regeneration

Vermight are bug soldiers, brutish orange-red cockroaches with huge carapaces, stubby wings and big fists. They inflict huge damage, regenerate their HP but tend not to come in very large groups until the last few waves.

Isoptera II
[Ugly Bug]
HP: 8000
Damage: 100-150
Armour rating: Medium
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Slow
Gold: 350
Lives taken: 5
- Wide area attack
- Spawns younglings
- Boss

Isoptera is the big queen of the hive. She is a Termite Queen, a small body (crowned of course, and carrying a sceptre) with a huge egg sac dragging behind her. Though relatively slow. she causes massive area damage when she curls her egg sac up and pounds it against the ground. She can also spawn Termitch and Vermight which will add to the enemies that are still being spawned anyway. When she is finally beaten, her egg sac will explode.

Here we are, the Queen of the Hill. We are inside the hive where a long winding path goes around the level like a spiral, starting in the centre where enemies spawn from a raised mound, and quickly enter a tunnel where they cannot be harmed. Several enemies will also spawn randomly through the level, such as Termitch and Skwirm burrowing up. There are several small Goo Patches providing boosts for the enemies, plus a boss to deal with. Isoptera III is the only enemy on this level that exists through the south-west exit, as it is normally blocked by a mound of honey. When she approaches it, she will smash it out of the way and reveal a closer exit.

As this is a boss level, playing it on either Iron or Heroic shows the bugs have built a statue of Isoptera out of honey and goo, and stuck her crown and spectre on it, but it's a really bad state and makes her look way fatter and uglier than she was.

This is the last of the Big Bad Bug levels, but the bugs themselves may continue to make some appearances in future Fae levels.

Related Achievements

THE ONLY GOOD BUG IS A DEAD BUG! - Squish 2000 bugs

QUEEN SLUG-FOR-A-BUTT - Defeat Isoptera II

Ancient Woodland

Level Five - The Woodland Tribe


"We have ventured further into the forest than ever before. We should have reached he edge by now, but somehow we are still surrounded by trees on every side. There are still bugs around, but our scouts have encountered a new threat. This isn't just woodland now, but part of a larger Kingdom. The Woodland Tribe is extremely secretive and does not like our presence, "

Waves 20
Recurring Enemies: All [Ugly Bug]
New Enemies: Seedling, Leafman, Belladon
2 Entrances
1 Hidden entrance
2 Exits

[Woodland Folk]
"Younglings float out of reach, but drop explosives down below."
HP: 350
Damage: 20-40
Armour rating: None
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Fast
Gold: 15
Lives taken: 1
- Flying
- Throw bombs

Seedlings are young woodland folk. They are various sized and shaped seeds, that hang on to rotating sycamore seeds which keep them aloft in the air. Seedlings are flying enemies that drop smaller seeds like bombs on troops below. Seedlings will often float into battle from random points on the map, outside the regular waves.

[Woodland Folk]
"Woodland soldiers who defend their lands to the death."
HP: 300
Damage: 12-28
Armour rating: Medium
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Medium
Gold: 20
Lives taken: 2

The Leafman is a Woodland Soldier, armed with a basic sword and shield, they march into battle in formation as a basic armoured troop. They have no extra abilities.

[Woodland Folk]


HP: 500
Damage: 12-18
Armour rating: None
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Medium
Gold: 20
Lives taken:
- Ranged poison attack
- Paralytic Spores

Belladon are ninja-like flowers with dark eyes, purple petals and a bright yellow face. They wield bola type weapons with black orbs on them that they throw at targets. The bolas explode into clouds of poison when they strike. In addition, when they are defeated, they release a spore that stuns nearby soldier units.

We are now further into the woodland than anyone has ever ventured. We are encountering the Woodland Folk, beings who are quite literally living plants who do not like outsiders. They appear to live in harmony with the forest and its other inhabitants, as they appear in waves with Ugly Bugs without issue (despite the Termitch and Vermight's appetites for wood). This level features two entrances and exits, plus one extra entrance that doesn't appear until Wave 8, where enemies begin to emerge from a stray patch of forest. We are introduced to the Woodland Folk, who though not varied in skill, appear in great number, more than any kind of enemy has ever appeared before (40-50 to a wave, and increasing).

Related Achievements

Smokey Bear is hidden in 'The Woodland Tribe', keep an eye on the edge of the forest for signs of smoke and fire. Click on it and Smokey will jump out and help put out the flames before they start.

Level Six - City of Balanos


"The great Wooden City of Balanos has been written about in Linirean legends, but we never thought we would lay eyes on it in person. It is said that the walls of the city guard a great treasure that grants eternal life. Such a treasure would be powerful in the right hands, but even worse in the wrong. For this reason we are avoiding the city altogether, but the Woodland Folk are still intent on driving us out of the forest altogether."

Waves 22
Recurring Enemies: All [Ugly Bug], Seedling, Leafman, Belladon
New Enemies: Treefid
3 Entrances
2 Exits

[Woodland Folk]
HP: 1100
Damage: 20-40
Armour rating: High
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Slow
Gold: 60
Lives taken: 1

Treefids are untainted Treants. Like their tainted variety, they are living trees, but these are a much more colourful variant, and still in possession of a full 'head of hair' so to speak. They are effectively the same as Tainted Treants, save a little more HP.

The City of Balanos is set up similar to Dusk Chateau, with the walls of the city at the top and exits at the bottom. The enemies come from the main gates of the City, plus from two paths that lead behind it at either side, and follow a more rigid path like that seen in The Royal Gardens. As this is where the Woodland Folk come from, there is an increased amount of Leafman Soldiers, at some points 100 or so in a single wave (making Artillery and Upgraded Rangers a necessity). Though only one new enemy is introduced, it's an enemy we are all mostly-familiar with, an 'Untainted' Treant.

Level Seven - Cottingley Forest


"General be on your highest guard, the mages inform us that we stand at the edge of a barrier between realms. The forest we see here and the forest we see before us are not the same place. There is a feeling of something not-right in the air, an uneasiness that has the men spooked. Fear and panic are starting to set in, but we have no other option but to pass through into the other world."

Waves 22
Recurring Enemies: Seedling, Leafman, Belladon, Treefid
New Enemies: Mandrake, Dryad, Dionaea
2 Entrances
2 Exits

[Woodland Folk]


HP: 1200
Damage: 25-35
Armour rating: High
Magic resistance: Low
Speed: Medium
Gold: 75
Lives taken: 5
- Insta-kill soldiers
- Defence Aura

The Mandrake is a powerful woodland mage, Wide built, with a cloak of leaves, horns like branches and a long green beard. He emits an aura of strength, that boosts the physical defence of any enemies walking beside him. On top of this, he possesses an ear splitting screech that will insta-kill all but the strongest of soldiers (i.e. anything that hasn't had its armour or life upgraded).

[Woodland Folk]


HP: 1200
Damage: 25-35
Armour rating: Low
Magic resistance: High
Speed: Medium
Gold: 75
Lives taken: 5
- Disables towers
- Magical Aura

Dryads and Mandrakes often go into battle together, making them a powerful combination. Dryads are powerful female versions of the Mandrake. They can trap a tower in vines for a few seconds, disabling it and preventing any changes to its upgrades. On top of this they are constantly emitting a magical aura that boosts the Magic defence of any enemies walking alongside them.

[Woodland Folk]


HP: 2000
Damage: 50-60
Armour rating: Low
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Fast
Gold: 60
Lives taken: 3
- Cannibalises soldiers

Dionaea is one of the most feared of the woodland folk, despite her appearance. Fast moving with high attack she literally eats soldiers and adds their HP back into her own to heal.

This is the border between our world and the Fae world. There is a mechanic in place here, but it does not affect play at all, it is merely for cosmetic effect. A wavering line, like a ripple, slowly descends through the level, starting from the top and gradually moving down. The screen begins as a normal forest level, but as the line moves, it reveals a more fantastical, colourful forest in its wake. By the end of the level, the wonderful forest is all that remains. It's also a change from the normal set-up. Entrances are at the bottom of the screen, and exits are at the top. Aside from that, this level sees the addition of the strongest of the Woodland Folk, three powerful enemies that have all the most annoying abilities of enemies we've seen before.


Upon completion of Cottingley Forest, a new free hero becomes available:

Fairy Queen


The Queen of the Fae, she commands the raw power of nature and the gentle purity of fairy magic. Though the allegiances of the fae waver and change with the setting sun, Titania's peaceful and tranquil nature is dwarfed only by her determination and passion for protecting her realm from danger.

Basic stats

HP - 4/8
Melee - 1/8
Range - 8/8
Speed - 7/8

Detailed stats

Lv) HP / Magic / Melee / Armour
1) 250 / 15-40 / 1-1 / Low
2) 275 / 19-48 / 1-2 / Low
3) 300 / 23-56 / 2-2 / Low
4) 325 / 27-64 / 2-3 / Low
5) 350 / 32-74 / 3-4 / Low
6) 375 / 36-82 / 4-4 / Low
7) 400 / 40-90 / 4-5 / Med
8) 425 / 44-98 / 5-5 / Med
9) 450 / 46-106 / 5-6 / Med
10) 475 / 51-116 / 6-6 / Med


Autumn Harvest (level 3/5/7)
1 - Boosts soldier attack by 10% for 4 seconds
2 - Boosts soldier attack by 15% for 8 seconds
3 - Boosts soldier attack by 20% for 12 seconds

Fresh Verdure (level 8)
A bundle of vines burst out of the ground beneath an enemy and pull them under, instantly killing them and poisoning up to 3 enemies nearby

Titania turns into a small whirlwind of leaves and petals to move from spot to spot. She has the same travel speed as Elora but with an added second of animation to and from a whirlwind.

Titania is a very powerful magic caster, her ranged attack is on par with a KRF Archmage Tower, which makes her the most powerful magic attacker in Kingdom Rush. For this reason her abilities are designed to buff nearby soldiers (effectively forcing her to stay near them in order for it to be useful) and an insta-kill poison that she only gets when near the top level.

No description because I intend to draw her at some point. Haven't decided on the quotes yet either.

Song of the Fae v1.5
* Now including a new hero that is only available if purchased for $6.99.
* Various bugs and glitches fixed

Fire Bird


Farudax (pronounced Far-ooh-dah) is a fearsome, yet honourable creature; part bird, part human. It is said to be the amassed souls of all the great heroes to ever have lived, and its fires are fuelled by their deeds. It is said to bring great fortune to those who see it. It is honoured by many as they go into battle, and should it answer those prayers, then those it fights against will experience true fear.

Basic stats

HP - 8/8
Melee - 0/8
Range - 8/8
Speed - 5/8

Detailed stats

* Fire damage ignores armour and magic resistance. Farudax tosses fireballs at enemies beneath him.

Lv) HP / *Fire / Armour
1) 450 / 17-19 / None
2) 475 / 19-23 / None
3) 500 / 21-27 / None
4) 525 / 23-31 / None
5) 550 / 25-35 / None
6) 575 / 27-39 / None
7) 600 / 29-43 / None
8) 625 / 31-47 / None
9) 650 / 33-51 / None
10) 675 / 35-55 / None


Fire Rain (levels 3/5/7)
Level 1 - Blows a stream of embers along a path that burns enemies for 4 seconds
Level 2 - Blows a stream of embers along a path that burns enemies for 8 seconds
Level 3 - Blows a stream of embers along a path that burns enemies for 12 seconds

Destruction (levels 6/8/10)
Level 1 - Dives into the ground and explodes dealing 50 area damage to enemies caught in the blast
Level 2 - Dives into the ground and explodes dealing 100 area damage to enemies caught in the blast, restores 10% HP on reforming
Level 3 - Dives into the ground and explodes dealing 150 area damage to enemies caught in the blast, restores 20% HP on reforming

Secondary Ability
Farudax is a flying hero and is not forced to stay on a path.

"Surrender now or prepare to fight!"
"Fire to end all you've become"
"I am fire, and life incarnate! Now and forever"
"There's a fire within my soul."
"I will be reborn" (death)

Farudax is based on a combination of both a Phoenix and a Garuda. It is a powerhouse with two of Bonehart's best (IMO) abilities, but refocused towards fire rather than disease. Because of its raw power, Farudax is the most expensive of KR heroes at $6.99 (the most expensive previously being only $4.99).

Level Eight - The Sacred Grove


"We have passed beyond the border of our realm, and into a new one. Though the landscape looks different and there is a strange feeling in the air, we must stay strong and remember that lives are at risk should we fail. The path behind us will lead us back to the forest, so we must move forward. General, the time for you to lead is now, your strength will be shared with your troops and they will not falter."

Waves 15
Recurring Enemies: None
New Enemies: Shadowman, Slenderman, Rawhead, Gruff, Redcap, Tink
2 Entrances
2 Exits

This is the first proper Fae level, and the path is a bit of a confusing one. Whilst there are only two entrances, both have two sets of enemies on them. There is a looping progress in the level, that has one set of enemy go around the circle in the middle and double back on itself, whilst the other carries on ahead. This is the same for both paths, and as there is already a Level Specific tower right in the middle of that loop, and a limited number of Strategy Points, the level can get busy very quickly.

HP: 1500
Damage: 20-40
Armour rating: High
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Fast
Gold: 35
Lives taken: 3
- Invincible when moving
- Current Rider

The Shadowmmen move as pools of darkness. They cannot be touched like this, and will only emerge from the darkness to engage soliders. It's only then, can they be damaged by other towers. If you don't have any barracks, then they will go right on through.

HP: 1500
Damage: 0
Armour rating: None
Magic resistance: High
Speed: Fast
Gold: 35
Lives taken: 3
- Invincible when still

Is Slenderman a meme, or is he real? All folklore start somewhere. Slendermen are pretty smart enemies. They only take damage when they move, so they only move when they are surrounded by other enemies. Soldiers are no good, as blocking them makes them invulnerable to damage.

HP: 4000
Damage: 150-200
Armour rating: None
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Medium
Gold: 100
Lives taken: 5
- Made from dead enemies

The Rawhead is made of remains. Skeletal parts, chunks of flesh and meat that have been left on the road. For every 50 enemies that are killed, one Rawhead will be spawned from the start of the path. Rawheads are very strong and with high HP. They are almost like mini-bosses.

HP: 450
Damage: 25-35
Armour rating: Low
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Fast
Gold: 25
Lives taken: 1
- Innocent guise

Gruff are goat people, and the mortal enemies of trolls. Gruffs look just like regular goats, the kind you see grazing on the side of a path. They will walk slowly along the path, and not be targeted by any towers, at least until they are a third of the way along the path (a third of the way along their designated path, based on the exit and their starting point). Then they will stand up and start to run to the exit as fully grown Gruffs. As a secret, goats can be turned into Gruffs a lot quicker by trying to pop them like sheep. gruffs are immune to Polymorph.

Red Cap
HP: 600
Damage: 18-25
Armour rating: Medium
Magic resistance: None
Speed: Medium
Gold: 15
Lives taken: 1
- Cannibalises soldiers
- Travels in packs of 4

The Redcap is a dangerous fairy. It looks almost human from a distance, armoured like a bandit, but also wearing a bright red cap. It's only when you get up close you realise they have talons and teeth designed to shred. The Redcap will bite at melee units and steal back heir HP to replace his own. Redcaps travel in packs of four.

[Unseelie (Air)]
HP: 250
Damage: None
Armour rating: None
Magic resistance: Low
Speed: Fast
Gold: 20
Lives taken:
- Immune to Artillery
- Flying

A Tink is your run of the mill traditional fairy. It's like a little girl, with long hair, pretty wings and leaves a trail of glitter. The Tink come in many different colours, namely their hair and wings being a variation of yellow, blue, green, red, orange, purple or pink. This just cosmetic and doesn't affect the game. Tink float just above the surface of the round, but are considered a flying enemy.

Brownie House
Tower Type: Support
Range: Long

The Brownies live in a small tee trunk, and are of no use in a fight, but if treated right they will help out however they can. By giving them gold, they can exchange it for their preferred treats, and in turn reward any towers in their range.

Honey - Decreases cost of tower upgrades by 25 gold (cost 300)
Milk - Increases fire rate/soldier respawn by 20/40% (cost 100/100)
Oats - Increases tower range by 10/20/30% (cost 200/200/100)

When you buy one of the upgrades, the commodity itself appears outside the house. A small beehive, a few jars of milk and a few sacks of oats. You never get to see the Brownies (because they're so dinky!)

Level Nine - Valley of Jewels

"We have entered a valley where we are faced with multiple paths. Each one appears to led to a different part of the forest, but we cannot be certain of what we will encounter there. There is a powerful magical presence that is causing our not only our mages a great deal of trouble, but all of our troops are suffering from it.

General, this is may be as far as we can go. This will be our last stand.

For the King!"


Waves 25
Recurring Enemies: Shadowman, Slenderman, Rawhead, Gruff, Redcap, Tink
New Enemies: n/a
4 Entrances
1 Exit

This is a very unique level. There are four paths coming from different directions, but they all merge into one. At the top centre are four large gems stones, similar to the ones that appear throughout the levels as decorations. There are four strategy points on high cliffs, on which you can build attacking towers (not Barracks). The towers built there will have a 100% increase to their range, to compensate for them being away from the path.

In any case, you can build as many towers as you want, there is still one problem. They won't make any difference. When enemies are spawned and get attacked, a shield will appear around them. No matter what hits them, either a melee attack from a unit/hero, magic attack, arrow or bomb, they will be shielded and take no damage. Likewise, they will take no damage from a Meteor Shower, and no damage from Gnome Shop items (including Big Boy). You will lose on the first wave, as every enemy will walk to the exit without a problem.

Ending the level either by quitting or defeat will open up FOUR brand new levels, in the same positions on the map as the entrances were in the level.

Level 10 - Sapphire Creek


"Our troops walk to the north east, the valley is getting deeper and the sound of rushing water has brought us alongside a raging river. It is a welcome relief from the wilds of the forest, and its sound is a relaxing reminder of the world we have left behind. Yet something is amiss.

Beautiful glittering sapphires lie at the bottom of the river, and they are causing a powerful fixation upon the troops. Dark shadows move quickly though the water, as though they are waiting for someone to take the bait.

General, you must ensure your troops do not fall victim!"

22 Waves
R.Enemies: Shadowman, Slenderman, Rawhead, Gruff, Redcap
N.Enemies: Kelpie, Kobold, Boggart, Grindylow
3 Entrances
2 Exits
Sapphire Stones

The first of two Water themed levels sees the appearance of Water as a path, as seen in the Rising Tides campaign. Here enemies can appear either in water or on land, and as you cannot place troops on water, you risk leaking a lot of enemies throughout the one water only exit. From the northern entrance, enemies will either go onto the path and move across the bridge to the exit, or will continue down river, beneath the bridge and head right for the exit. Fortunately, this entrance doesn't appear until nearer the end of the level, so you should have enough towers in place to target them. The North-Western entrance follows the second path down, roses the first and again goes to the south east water exit. The last entrance begins as a hidden entrance, where enemies will crawl out from under the bridge and make a beeline for the land exit.

There is a new mechanic in place here. Some Strategic Points have a blue aura surrounding them. Caused by the Sapphires that stick out of the ground, they radiate a kind of energy that is focused on magic, meaning only Mage towers can be built on these points. This makes plotting the level difficult, as the primary enemies in this level are immune to magic attacks.

[Unseelie (Water)]
HP: 750
Damage: 22-35
Armour rating: None
Magic resistance: Total
Speed: Medium
Gold: 18
Lives taken: 1
- Immune to Magic
- Swimmer
- Moves fast in water

An aquatic fairy that looks like a wet horse covered in seaweed. It emerges from bodies of water to attack. It is slow on land, but in the water moves at an astonishing rate.

[Unseelie (Water)]
HP: 820
Damage: 12-25
Armour rating: Low
Magic resistance: Total
Speed: Fast
Gold: 15
Lives taken: 1
- Immune to Magic
- Swimmer
- Turns invisible

Kobolds are water ghosts, and look a little like undead Greenfins. Kobolds can be pretty difficult to deal with. They can turn invisible when they take enough damage, and become immune to targeting (but will still take splash damage). When they reach 25% of their total HP they will turn invisible for 4 seconds.

[Unseelie (Water)]
HP: 2000
Damage: 60-80
Armour rating: Medium
Magic resistance: Total
Speed: Slow
Gold: 30
Lives taken: 3
- Immune to Magic
- Swimmer
- HP Regen

Boggarts are big and heavy looking creatures, made up of riverbed reside such as slime, algae and mud. They have great armour to go with their magic resistance, and an attack that gradually drain the HP of units as if they were being burnt or poisoned. Boggarts will also regain HP as they move, regaining it faster if they are in water.

Slime - Slow tanks.[/i]

[Unseelie (Water)]
HP: 1200
Damage: 15-25
Armour rating:
Magic resistance: Total
Speed: Medium
Gold: 15
Lives taken: 2
- Immune to Magic
- Swimmer

Grindylow are like long limbed people made entirely out of weeds and vines. They move almost exclusively in the water and only come onto land for short periods. Grindylow will come onto the path at any point they wish, provided there are barracks or units nearby. They will head straight for the units, grab one and pull it back towards the water. This is the only time Grindylow's will come on to land. If there are no units near the water, they will stay in the water.

Level 11 - Lake of Lost Souls


"The Lake of Lost Souls acts as a drain, drawing the raw essence of magic into an unescapable basin, where it is soaked into the sapphires that surround the area. This is the source of the energy that is preventing our mages from focusing their abilities in the Valley of Jewels.

If we have any intentions of continuing, then the source of the drain must be located and stopped. Be cautious General, there is more to this water than meets the eye."

22 Waves
R.Enemies: Shadowman, Slenderman, Rawhead, Gruff, Redcap, Kelpie, Kobold, Boggart, Grindylow
N.Enemies: Dŵr
7 Entrances
2 Exits
Sapphire Stones

This level has a similar set up to the Crystal Lake from Origins, with a waterfall in the centre that hides entrances, and a path that runs around the outside.The difference here is that enemies will not only spawn from the edges of the level, and from behind the water fall, but will also energy from the waterfall itself, move through the lake and join the path at the bottom of the lake, very close to the exits.

In the centre of the lake is the same Sapphire that was seen in the Valley of Jewels, and in the final wave we see the appearance of a mini-boss; the Water Elemental, Dŵr. Dŵr spawns from the centre of the lake, and moves through the water appearing in both the lake and the two pools to the side. It throws water onto the path which creates puddles form which Water Unseelie will spawn.

Upon completing the level, the Grand Sapphire will fade to a grey-blue, and you will be able to place Magic towers in Valley of Jewels.

[Unseelie (Water)]
HP: 4000
Damage: 60-100
Armour rating: None
Magic resistance: Total
Speed: Medium
Gold: 320
Lives taken:
- Immune to Magic
- Swimmer

Dŵr is the Sapphire Guardian, an elemental of pure water. It moves almost exclusively in the water, and can disappear and reappear in any body of water. It will throw bubbles of water onto the path to create puddles, allowing both it to appear on the path, and for other Water Unseelie to spawn. Dŵr can then use those same puddles to spawn onto the path, where it can attack units and make an attempt on the exit.
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by wailwail » Sun Jul 20, 2014 9:45 pm

I'm proud to be the first who posts : Awesome campaign ! but I feel like we need less tower places but more elf barracks , you know , to give an elven feeling to those playing the campaign .
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by RaZoR LeAf » Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:37 pm

wailwail wrote:I'm proud to be the first who posts : Awesome campaign ! but I feel like we need less tower places but more elf barracks , you know , to give an elven feeling to those playing the campaign .
Secret text : Yes , i'm talking about Finwer

Given that these two levels are the only levels to feature the elves, I don't see the need to introduce any more Elf towers. I'm not a fan of Elves, I think they're overused and kind of unoriginal, so I wont be making a big fuss of them.
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by Big Bad Bug » Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:40 pm

RaZoR LeAf wrote:
wailwail wrote:I'm proud to be the first who posts : Awesome campaign ! but I feel like we need less tower places but more elf barracks , you know , to give an elven feeling to those playing the campaign .
Secret text : Yes , i'm talking about Finwer

Given that these two levels are the only levels to feature the elves, I don't see the need to introduce any more Elf towers. I'm not a fan of Elves, I think they're overused and kind of unoriginal, so I wont be making a big fuss of them.

If you find them unoriginal, then you as a creator of such things should do something to make them original. :)

Little has been said about the Elves in the actual Kingdom Rush story. You have lots of potential to work with. I agree with Wail that Elves should have a more prominent placement in this campaign, unless it should go in a different direction in the future.
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by RaZoR LeAf » Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:44 pm

Big Bad Bug wrote:
RaZoR LeAf wrote:
wailwail wrote:I'm proud to be the first who posts : Awesome campaign ! but I feel like we need less tower places but more elf barracks , you know , to give an elven feeling to those playing the campaign .
Secret text : Yes , i'm talking about Finwer

Given that these two levels are the only levels to feature the elves, I don't see the need to introduce any more Elf towers. I'm not a fan of Elves, I think they're overused and kind of unoriginal, so I wont be making a big fuss of them.

If you find them unoriginal, then you as a creator of such things should do something to make them original. :)

Little has been said about the Elves in the actual Kingdom Rush story. You have lots of potential to work with. I agree with Wail that Elves should have a more prominent placement in this campaign, unless it should go in a different direction in the future.

It's going in a different direction.
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by Chimto » Sun Jul 20, 2014 10:56 pm

...Is there anybody else on this forum who is not a fan of elves, like myself and Razor?
About the new enemies, how much money do they give?
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by wailwail » Sun Jul 20, 2014 11:43 pm

Chimto wrote:...Is there anybody else on this forum who is not a fan of elves, like myself and Razor?
About the new enemies, how much money do they give?

I'm a fan of everything :ugeek: :geek: I like magic , dark magic , paladin stuff , dwarves , elves , dark knights , unicorns , ice cream , I like everything ! :lol:
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by Big Bad Bug » Mon Jul 21, 2014 2:43 am

RaZoR LeAf wrote:
It's going in a different direction.


Chimto wrote:...Is there anybody else on this forum who is not a fan of elves, like myself and Razor?

I'm a fan of anything that's done creatively. If you just give something pointy ears and make it immortal, and then call it an Elf, then I really wouldn't care about it. But, add a detailed story behind them and their place in the world, and give them powers that are confined to certain rules of nature, and things start getting interesting. What I'm saying is, I won't automatically like Elves unless you do something cool with them. I hope some people can agree with that.
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by Finwer » Mon Jul 21, 2014 12:10 pm

Very cool campaign!
I won't complain because there are no more new elfish towers in this campaign.I just looks like a campaign that Ironhide would do:making a new group of enemies and place them somewhere on the map.Good job! ;)
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by mastermoo123 » Mon Jul 21, 2014 3:20 pm

Artillery would be total life-savers on these levels with the ridiculous amount of stuff being spawned its the matriarchs all over again.
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by RaZoR LeAf » Mon Jul 21, 2014 8:38 pm

Chimto wrote:About the new enemies, how much money do they give?

Good call, I totally forgot that. Added to the main post.

Finwer wrote:It is "Silveroak" not "Silvercloak" :?


mastermoo123 wrote:Artillery would be total life-savers on these levels with the ridiculous amount of stuff being spawned its the matriarchs all over again.


Added Level Three - Heavy Heavy Hive to the first post.
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by Big Bad Bug » Tue Jul 22, 2014 4:12 pm

I like this new level, and I'm glad the enemies have special Tristan to make them more than damage sponges. The names of the enemies are so weird that it makes the whole thing seem less serious, and more like it's just the developer's sense of humor showing through. I'm not sure if that was the intention, but it like it because it reminds me of the old updates they had, riddled with jokes. :)
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by RaZoR LeAf » Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:25 pm

Added Level Four - Queen of the Hill to the first post.
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by Big Bad Bug » Tue Jul 22, 2014 9:37 pm

The Termitches give an unnaturally high amount of gold considering how simplistic they are, and don't seem too difficult to defeat either, considering the conjunction of enemies can be destroyed by Paladins + Teslas + Mages. I like the names and thought into the enemies, just not the balancing.
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by RaZoR LeAf » Tue Jul 22, 2014 10:00 pm

Big Bad Bug wrote:The Termitches give an unnaturally high amount of gold considering how simplistic they are, and don't seem too difficult to defeat either, considering the conjunction of enemies can be destroyed by Paladins + Teslas + Mages. I like the names and thought into the enemies, just not the balancing.

Good catch, that's left over from when I copy-pasted a form. It's meant to be 60.
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by Ashbite » Thu Jul 24, 2014 4:01 pm

Awesome! I guess the enemies from the contest come later?
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by RaZoR LeAf » Thu Jul 24, 2014 6:13 pm

Ashbite wrote:Awesome! I guess the enemies from the contest come later?

Yep, got a couple of Woodland levels, then 8 very specific Fae levels, followed by some more general levels.
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by Big Bad Bug » Thu Jul 24, 2014 7:17 pm

RaZoR LeAf wrote:
Ashbite wrote:Awesome! I guess the enemies from the contest come later?

Yep, got a couple of Woodland levels, then 8 very specific Fae levels, followed by some more general levels.

Normally when I say 'campaign' for FanFiction, I mean something like Rise of the Bandits or Shadowmoon. But this is a full on game you're making! I wish you good luck with all of this work ahead of you.
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by RaZoR LeAf » Tue Jul 29, 2014 4:15 pm

July 29th Update

New Levels
• Level Five - The Woodland Tribe
• Level Six - City of Balanos
• Level Seven - Cottingley Forest

New Enemies
• Seedling
• Leafman
• Belladon
• Treefid
• Mandrake
• Dryad
• Dionaea

Related Achievements
• Squish 2000 bugs
• Find Smokey Bear

Coming Soon
• Fae levels
• Fae enemies
• Free Hero
• Premium Hero
• Special Towers
Last edited by RaZoR LeAf on Tue Jul 29, 2014 10:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Campaign: Song of the Fae

by Ashbite » Tue Jul 29, 2014 4:22 pm

Nice! I especially like Belladons, nice abilities and a legit name for what they do. Seedlings are also awesome. Good work!
Edit: Are Skwirms really supposed to deal NO damage?
Also, the life cost for the trees is missing.
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