If juicebox doesnt like pixelly graphics so be it, each to their own, personally i love those types of games (games that go for the 8-bit look that is).
As for realm of the mad god...
screw you lava! 
hard as hell and frustrating when you lose everything once you die (unless you store your stuff in a chest) but really fun, the bosses give a real challenge so its quite like dark souls in a few ways.
Seriously though i think ive died by accidentally walking into lava more than any enemy. I swear to god there is nothing on this earth more frustrating than dodging bullets left and right, having a good amount of decent equipment, racking up a kill count to be proud of and then finding yourself in the middle of a pool of lava you didnt see what with focusing on dodging attacks...
Its a real shame i only have an ipad now, not played it in years.